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Everything posted by Papirus

  1. Crisis averted: Couldn't decide between CoD and BF so I bought both. There's a 7 day return policy anyway.

    1. madbassman39


      I want to buy BF on the PC but I'm waiting until I can have some extra time to actually play it. Im nervous about playing a shooter on the PC for the first time in years.

  2. I haven't been here in a while so this might seem very booty-call-esque, but I can't decide between CoD:Ghosts and BF4. See, if I had any friends playing BF4 on PS3, I'd choose that but I don't. Anyone wanna be those friends?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      The last time I played CoD online (MW2) it was definitely more lone-wolf friendly than the last time I played Battlefield online (Battlefield 2). Up-to-the-minute information, I know.

    3. Papirus


      Nah, that's generally true. But BF4 is pretty fun alone too. Maybe I should just learn how to make friends on the fly.

    4. SkyGriever


      I know I'm getting KZ:SF. Probably will get BF4 eventually.

  3. Nintendo gave me $30 to use in the 3DS eShop. Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mister Jack
    3. FMW


      However, the temptation to use that money on Fire Emblem DLC, Wario Land 3, Attack of the Friday Monsters!, and Steamworld Dig all at once is very strong.

    4. danielpholt


      Gunman Clive. Its fairly simplistic, and it's not the longest game in the world but i enjoyed my time with it.

  4. Forgot I had a blog... Until a survey for Nintendo Club points reminded me I had an opinion: http://pyrusic.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/some-thoughts-on-fire-emblem-awakening/

  5. Got a Pathfinder rule book and plan to be attending a few meetups in the near future. Gotta admit though, I'm afraid that my character will be super melodramatic and stereotypical.

    1. Nexus


      Pathfinder is great!

  6. Found a big DnD group on meetup.com. That is all.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      3 days later


      "So I was sexually abused by nerds in masks when I met up with them. I tried to run away but they rolled a 12"

    2. Papirus


      Lol. We'll see.

  7. Right. Well, I was hoping you guys would be trading friend codes for... Brawl and... I'll just go play it alone now.
  8. Added all of you. Don't have a WiiU though, so... 0447 5875 5165 is my code... ...mogami-gawa. - Papi
  9. This might be a silly question but... Anyone interested in playing some League of Legends with me? Otherwise, any recomendations on free, low-spec action/strategy games?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Chewblaha


      ^ Because people on Steam never act the same way.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      have you had a go of smite?

    4. Papirus


      Not tried smite. Chewblaha, I'll add you. FDS, Lol.

  10. Is it only in my city that no stores sell the Circle Pad Pro for XL? Or is it like this everywhere?

    1. TheRevanchist


      Shit, the GS here started minimizing their inventories of everything. PS2 equipment and games (which we all knew about), as well as DS & 3DS games. I walked in for Animal Crossing and walked out empty handed, heading to Target.

    2. TCP


      I'm like 96% sure you can ONLY get it off Nintendo's website.

    3. Papirus


      "...walked out empty handed, heading to Target." Why didn't I think of that? Guess I don't really want Animal Crossing.


      I found it on Amazon. I'd rather not wait for it to ship from Japan though. But it's on sale so I better hop on it.

  11. I just realized how beautiful Odin Sphere is. Something I couldn't see playing it on a four-foot flatscreen, I can't ignore playing on a 20inch tv.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      What? That game has always been beautiful. As repetitive as it is it needs to be.

    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Too beautiful to run at 5FPS at times!

  12. First, I get sick. Now, I get bored. Time to play Dark Souls on a 20inch screen. Playing it on an old tv gives it such a feel.

  13. I was going to speed through Pokemon Black, get it over and done with, finally. I was going to ignore everything but the strength of the pokemon, get through as quickly as possible. But then I came across a Cottonee. It's name is now Cotton-Nee.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      that sounds badass which pokemon are you speaking of lol

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      That's how flounders look . . .

    4. UnstableArk


      That'll be Stunfisk, a ground/electric type. Weirdest type combination ever.

  14. Looking for a game on 3DS that's dodge-y and action-y and shaa shaa, bashaa, jajaan. Any suggestions? Monster Hunter has already been considered.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. UnstableArk


      Yeah, the 3DS version does have Master Quest. Unlocks after completing the original game. It's more difficult, yeah, but I feel because it was a poorer design. Always feels like a mess to me. But hey, to each his own.


      Except for that thing about Majora's Mask. You're dead to me, Ethan.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      There probably wasn't as much work put into the design of the Master Quest as there was the main one since it was just a bonus for subsequent playthroughs, not really part of the game proper.

    4. TCP


      Remember when the master quest was Ura Zelda and was suppose to be brand new dungeons and stuff? I think that stuff eventually turned into Majora's Mask but at that time the idea of adding new content to my N64 games blew my mind, especially considering I loved the shit out of OoT.

  15. First time I've put a game on the shelf without first playing it. Been busy lately. Must be becoming an adult.

    1. Mal


      Welcome to the world of tomorrow!

    2. Baconrath


      Come, your destiny awaits!

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Being an adult is stupid.

  16. Really considering buying an Ouya. It's doing things I wish other consoles would do, so even if it doesn't work out... I see it as voting with my money. It's only a dollar hundred anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I'm excited for its local multiplayer which PAR seems to think it has a lot of. Stuff like Towerfall is looking awesome.

    3. Papirus


      Anyone know about the (apparent) performance issues? Only thing that's keeping me (other than being poor).

    4. deanb


      As far as I'm to understand it performs like a $99 android box would. Stuff like the S4 will perform better, but also 6 times the cost.

  17. Next games on the list: The Last of Us, Monster Hunter on 3DS, and Soul Calibur V

  18. http://www.speedtest.net/result/2788989073.png "For those with a dark sense of humour, Remember that in times when half the city is without home, Internet speeds reach record highs, feel free to torrent everything you can during the crisis." Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TCP


      Well, maybe. Hippos are suppose to be pretty dangerous....... and adorable!

    3. Vecha




      Here's my penis fellas. Gets the job done....until I really need him to work. Not so good under pressure. Thinking of talking to the doc about it.

    4. Chronixal


      The image has expired now but may fav in the past has been 104mbp.

  19. A guy in my team died from 1% crit chance. Am I allowed to restart? He was kinda useful...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Game is decently long, especially considering all the grinding I did. I'd say the game can be easily 20-30 hours if not more if you truly put in the effort.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Also you'll have plenty of characters trust me. A big part of marrying characters is to plan for their kids.

    4. Papirus


      I just realized: I was playing on casual mode. I'm the most forgetful person I know.


  20. Pfft. Started a new game on Fire Emblem, it auto-saved over my old game. No big deal, only 12 or 13 hours wasted. I'm probably going to feel bad about it later.

    1. Papirus


      Might be a buggy copy, actually. Whenever I get back to the game after shutting it down, the battle audio is in english but the story and cinematics are in japanese like I told it to be.

    2. Papirus


      Or my sleep deprived ass messed up.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      i think the last option is possible.

  21. Anyone know Metroid 2? I got lost.

    1. Pojodin


      Ya, I played through it years ago. Having trouble finding a metroid or just just don't know where to go to advance after having cleared out an area?

    2. TCP


      True TCP trivia fact: Metroid 2 was the first game I ever beat, at 8 years old. Unfortunately, I'm 26 now and my memory isn't that good, so I probably can't help.

    3. Pojodin


      It may prove to be more of a spoiler than you want, but there are some very thorough maps for that game that you could find with a quick image search.

  22. Guys, look: http://eng.supercard.sc/manual/dstwo/ Super Metroiiiid. Megaman Xxxx.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      So it's a card loader? ...so? These aren't exactly new.

    2. Papirus


      I've never had one before.

  23. Lesson learned: If you're going to use store policies for something other than their intended purpose, you shouldn't let a sales representative know. I truly believe I have some kind of mental incapacity. I'll know on Thursday.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. FMW


      I'm dealing with a Panne/Gregor/Lon'qu love triangle right now :(

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      You whore, you know Lon'Qu and Panne are made for each other.

    4. FMW


      I'm thinking that's how I'll wrap this up just because Gregor is too funny to assign him yet. Want to see ALL his supports!

  24. Inner Conflict: The only 3DS that's white on the inside... Is pink on the outside. Edit: The Pikachu edition's white on the inside too .__.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FMW


      Black 3DS owner reporting in - it does get dirty and look dirty real easy. Check on the Animal Crossing 3DS that hits this weekend though, that should be white on the inside.

    3. Papirus


      Saw that while I was at the store. Already walked a kilometre (terrible city planning) to get to best buy so I decided I didn't want to wait a few days. Also, I'm not really interested in Animal Crossing. /me ducks.

    4. FMW


      Nah, it's cool. Even most Animal Crossing fans don't understand WHY they like it. It's not for everyone.

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