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Everything posted by WhitePawn

  1. Trying to make my way through Ni No Kuni but the grinds are starting ot get to me. First playthrough of Earthbound currently ongoing. LoZ: ALBW, enjoying it thus far. Soundtrack is nostalgic, gameplay is pretty solid on the handheld. Something bugs me about it, though. WWHD: Just another 100% run in glorious HD MegaMan Legends. Another classic I never beat as a child.
  2. Mhm. Not quite as into it most of my friends are, but I love pretty much everything about it. I can't quit you.
  3. Honestly, searched gaming forums, a Reddit thread came up, and here I am. Looking for a few more to really join into if you have some great references! Thanks! I knight thee Sir Pepperoni. It's k, you don't know you're beautiful. Hi Diddly Ho, Neighborino.
  4. Nah, it's not Dominos! I get Dominos as a first reaction all the time. Those frozen veggies just take like dung. Thanks for the welcome!
  5. There's a lot to be found in the viral campaign for the movie. A whole lot of unsanswered questions aparently popped up in it. Kinda like that whole Cloverfield thing. :\ -- Prisoners. I get a lot of flack for loving this movie, but as a fan of flicks like this (esp. Zodiac), I found myself completely drawn in and not let go until the credits had finished rolling. Deakins is a god among cinematographers.
  6. This is basically my feels. It's not often I say that about a Zelda title. Just don't feel driven to really finish it. Soundtrack is boss as fuck. People say the last dungeon is one of the best in recent Zelda memory, so. -shrug-
  7. I've actually been looking for a copy of Arkham Horror, don't really care which one. Apparently out of print and a little out of my price range atm on Amazon. May have to bite the bullet soon and pick it up anyways.
  8. Name's Jack, WhitePawn, whatever. Run a local pizza joint for a big company I'll leave unnamed. Big retro gamer, do a great deal of MMO's and watch a lot of movies. Music is an addiction. I love Noir fiction and comics. 23. That's about it.
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