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Everything posted by StrifeROKs

  1. It was so much better than I ever expected a Batman game to be.
  2. Is it strange that the guy named "I love Jesus and God" posted his boner online?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheForgetfulBrain


      He was just trying to get closer to god. A whole six inches or so.

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Thinking sbout Jesus gives him a boner, like any good Christian.

    4. brida


      god's love can be manifested in many ways

  3. Damnit I just realized Kanji Loves Jesus and God now. When did that happen?
  4. Nice Xbox, wanna have a physical and sexual relationship?
  5. Yes it does. I'm easy. Wait, is that not what this thread was about?
  6. I didn't even notice Batman had graphics. I was so giddy about the cast, I hardly noticed how extremely roided everyone was
  7. I'm about to install the software for my intuos 4. Yaaay
  8. I don't think every animated film counts as anime.
  9. Best 30 seconds of mah life

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ixa
    3. c hoertjes
    4. Pheermee


      well one of them had sex the other one is totes dissapointed

  10. Well I feel like a talentless hack now. Thanks guys
  11. Welcome Lurkers. We are now frins
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