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Everything posted by StrifeROKs

  1. I remember reading that and loving it. Are any of the other post as good?
  2. YOU ARE NOT COOL ENOUGH TO BE LEGION ETHAN! You should be......Zaeed or someone else equally as lame! BURN! Also I would like to try out AC:B's new multiplayer if anyone has it for the Box of X
  3. Well I guess Choco is my new bff. Thanks Cinn and Pony....

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Showmeyomoves!
    3. Showmeyomoves!


      "Asian-American journalist"

    4. Mudkip3DS


      Bah, I'm not gonna get grouped in with those Chinese bozos! I'm VIET, man.

  4. Am I already bff's with anyone here?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. c hoertjes

      c hoertjes

      I tried to be bffs with LittlePirate but I think I scared her off. Oops.

    3. Chocobo


      Anything with the word pirate in i automatically think of butt pirates.

    4. Chewblaha
  5. I feel like my Crono is worshiping your Chocobo. The avatars go together so well!
  6. Brida youre 10 poast away from choco
  7. I do have a Sonic, trust me when I say it doesnt.
  8. Our Chocobos have been here for like 2 or 3 days. You'll get there, and God help up when you do...
  9. I really wish my town had one right now...
  10. When Chocobo becomes a Chocobo the forums will explode
  11. That plus one looks like a penis, which totally lends itself to my joke
  12. The only person that will ever "eat Chewies bar"
  13. FUCK YOU CHEWIE! Edit: sorry about the double post...
  14. Woah, at least buy me dinner first. Broke mine first
  15. StrifeROKs


    It's a multimillion dollar car, I'm sure you can request a green one
  16. StrifeROKs


    Did you see the Bugatti?
  17. Rallys was good. They make good bacon
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