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About staySICK

  • Birthday 01/05/1983

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    vidya, movies, wimmenz, anime, tech, computers

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  • Mal

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  1. well this semester is a disaster

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      It's a disaster! It's an incredible mess!

    3. TheRevanchist


      You need better inspiration. Watch Van Wilder, Animal House, Neighbors, and all of the Nerds movies. You will find no answers, but you will feel better about it.

    4. staySICK


      bad week of test results, underestimated how tired I would be by my last class of the day combined with the dry material / instructor. just blegh

  2. a bit late, but re: Spider-Man in MCU: It's appealing, but in the end I could see it being even WORSE for Sony, because despite all of it Sony still owns the rights and has creative control over Spider-Man when it comes to the movies. Having him in the MCU will just make more people long for what could be.
  3. Saw Kingsman Friday night. Mindblowingly fun, highly recommended. So is Matthew Vaughn the official Mark Millar Director now? Not that that's a bad thing.
  4. I'm more worried about the quality of the five hours over the duration of the game. Obsession over playing time leads to things like Ubisoft's open world map packed with icons. That's not always a bad thing, but linear story driven games aren't necessarily all bad either.
  5. Damn. Rest in peace, Monty Oum.

    1. Mal


      One of my childhood buddies know the dude. His face was even in his early productions. Sad times.

  6. Brand New is coming to KC. Presale starts aaaaaand they're gone.

    1. staySICK


      sold out in under 10 minutes. While I was in the car driving.


      Maybe tomorrow...

    2. TheMightyEthan


      omg it's like I'm back in high school...

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Kind of amazing they don't play bigger venues considering this happens all over the country. I guess the mysterious "we might release an album this year, we might not" thing works.

  7. yea that cross platform multi and "we support gaming" combination is a play by play repeat of Vista. Shadowrun was a fun game though. Wish it was called something else.
  8. I still need to play this. I did episode one of tales from the borderlands the other day. Want moar
  9. staySICK

    Your Rig

    I'm in love with my surface. Using it for class has been amazing. I haven't really stressed it to have any complaints about it yet.
  10. I hope not, but if it is I hope I'll at least be able to upgrade for cheap as a student again. I didn't try for 8, but I got 7 Premium for $40, I think it was.
  11. President is going to be here on campus while I struggle to stay awake during Econ.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. staySICK


      If only. The sports complex is PACKED. I know a few guys who went, one with a fancy reserved sign on his chair and everything.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      TCP that is an amazing idea, but I think I'd be too scared of the Secret Service to actually try it.

    4. staySICK


      hell I'd settle for saying it to Secret Service.

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