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  1. No game play footage? Ah well, I've not even seen one episode of Korra, need to watch it. Netflix will probably NOT have it lol
  2. Game looked interesting, guess I need to play the first three. Maybe they'll come to the PS4 or I could borrow my wife's PS3 lol
  3. Considering they realize it's going to blow the split second you hack it. They're probably aware it's hack able somehow. Makes little sense they opt to carry an explosive that could be hacked by a non name brand cell phone lol
  4. I've been playing Watch Dogs and MLB14. And when my youngest daughter wants to play, we play Knack or Mario Kart- what kid doesn't like Mario Kart! Lol
  5. Thanks Strangelove, made me want them both now lol Guess I can either flip a coin when I get at the store or just buy 'em both.
  6. Wolfenstein -mainly because FPS aren't my thing, I tend to stink at them really bad lol
  7. Not counting the PS4 and PSVita? Knack, MLB 14 (PS4 and Vita) Wolfenstien, Watch_Dogs, Persona 4, Walking Dead Vita. Can't really get into one of my PS4 games, thinking about doing the ugly trade in for either MGS or Tomb Raider. Any suggestions which one?
  8. Hello, I'm Rob I like to game and stuff and that's probably all everybody wants to hear about me
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