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  1. Well I was hoping someone had at least an extra code since some people buy those in bulk. I don't own a credit card and buy prepaid cards when using Steam. Thanks anyway.
  2. (Made a thread about this without finding this first someone delete it please.) So uh, I hate to ask but could someone send me a code via private message? I'm a poor college student, and I'm really having to be tight with finances at the moment. You can pay a minimum of a dollar for a code. Thanks. https://www.humblebundle.com/
  3. OoT gets praised by fans because it was one of their childhood Zelda games, and by critics because it was a huge and well done leap into 3D when many franchises were making clunky transitions from 2D.
  4. M$ is backwards when it comes to online play. Playstation and PC players have been able to mingle for some time now. Just look at FFXIV there are 2 Playstation consoles and PC playing together.
  5. Ha ha the only sin missing is microtransactions. Perhaps it's DLC?
  6. I for one welcome our new overlord.
  7. Bungie truly hyped this as something never before seen, and while publisher embellishments are expected, Bungie had earned my respect by being more down to Earth. Reading around it seems it is more or less sci fi Borderlands. Way to go Bungie.
  8. No you idiot he is the planet's bravest man. Look at him kick that real tiger's ass.
  9. Easy doesn't have it, but anything higher does. Unfortunately developers are usually fixated on punishing or lenience.
  10. Should've put that wasn't a possible option heh. Always tell the truth as it is a virtue, and people will adapt to your curse. Lying all the time will leave you isolated. Would you prefer reincarnation to be real but you revive as a lesser animal each time (one day becoming a maggot born in shit), or would you prefer no afterlife? edit:After human death you would revive first as something kind of like vermin, but not terrible somehting like a raccoon.
  11. Named after a Cambrian critter (way before the dinosaurs) no one knows about because I usually love esoteric topics. Helps that opibinia is weird and stupid looking which I thought was funny.
  12. It's obnoxious to me, and it would be out of my budget to get another TV service.
  13. Would've been a decent tattoo if you ask me. Chemists and comic book fans would've liked it no?
  14. I usually prefer not to pirate. Hulu's out of the question as they show ads even when your premium.
  15. Aw no question? MaliciousH"s will do, I choose ML I get a hot babe and only fight some pathetic turtles. Here's one. You are in a pool of piss only up to your neck. Someone is going to pour a bucket of shit on your head. Do you choose the shit or dive?
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