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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. It's like saying that the Honda sucks because it doesn't have power windows. Well, okay, if you need power windows then buy a car with power windows. Generally though you don't need a review to tell you if it has power windows. You need a review to tell you if it's reliable, if it's comfortable if it is quiet, what kind of gas mileage it gets and so forth. Similarly I don't need a review spammer to tell me the game doesn't have dedicated servers. I do need a reviewer to tell me if the game is enjoyable, playable, buggy, long, short, balanced etc.
  2. Yeah, the problem with emulating the PS2 is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion_Engine
  3. I couldn't disagree more. The lack of dedicated servers or LAN support don't speak to the quality of the game. If you're into those features then surly go and look and see if it has those but ratings spamming it because you're mad they cut a feature you like is silly and unproductive. If you look there are people already spamming the Harry Potter 8 movie box set on Amazon because "this set doesn't include the extended editions nor all the other bouns features". That has nothing to do with the quality of the set and any rational person should look at what is or isn't included before buying it without having to read negative spam reviews. Here's another way of saying it. "The Honda LX sucks because it's not the Honda EX. 1/10"
  4. Last time I tried PCSX2 with MGS3 the results left me traumatized.
  5. Agreed. I personally plan on buying the Ico bundle and the MGS bundle but only because I don't own Ico or Peace Walker. I guess that's the part I don't mind. If you don't own the game already then an HD rerelease is good sometimes but I very rarely rebuy an old game unless it gets the Halo HE remake treatment or something similar. Throwing in the additional maps influenced me too. Oh, this will be the 3rd time that I've bought MGS 2. It's my least favorite too.
  6. Yeah, I get tired of the 1 scores on sites because they didn't release the extended editions or it has some DRM or they changed something for the original. Spamming the rating as a form of activism is stupid. Make notes of that if you're going to do a review but actually review the product.
  7. So you guys did predict this flood of HD remakes way back when Sony killed backward compatibility with the PS3 right? Backward compatibility is going to be dead soon I think.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Battra92


      I find it interesting that scientists can claim we're causing Global Warming (which I'm not convinced exists at all) when they don't even have 100 years of accurate temperature readings.

    3. SixTwoSixFour


      I find it interesting that you're suggesting we wait decades to find out if we are, in fact, destroying the globe.

    4. deanb


      Battra it's Climate Change. And handily the earth acts as a giant hard drive, storing information in layers so we can see what conditions were like in the past. Trees are like SD cards in that sense too. Can tell if it was a wet or dry year. Also helps thermometers and the concept of record keeping have been around for hundreds of years.

  8. It's the bleeding effect! but seriously, the first time I ever noticed a carryover from playing too many games to real life was after the original Rainbox Six was released on the PC. Something about that game was so well done that walking around my own house felt like I was looking for terrorists. I also have had the well documented Tetris fever and after playing long sessions of Assassin's Creed I look at buildings and think of how Ezio would climb them. So videogames get in our head. Whoopedy do. So do books and movies and other things. That doesn't mean I can't tell what's real.
  9. I got MOH for $20 from newegg and it still had a BF3 beta invite. I'm not too upset about it but I think the whole beta invite thing is stupid because it's clearly just a demo. One level, only available for like a month. I'll try it out but calling it a beta is retarded.
  10. I've heard "leg it" but not peg it. "I had to leg it to work!". It's not really common. I've also heard hoof it. More common would be "haul ass". I've never been called a murican.
  11. Someone got a high paying lawyer job?
  12. I say howdy a lot but I don't ever really hear anyone else in Texas say it. Of course Dallas isn't the same as the rural areas of Texas.
  13. So you left town or your friends left town or both?
  14. MW2 might have been a bad example too because there were definitely some OP weapons at launch but most of those (dual 1887s) got nerfed so that I don't think any one gun is better than another.
  15. ITT: People admit they have no friends?
  16. I don't think that you get better guns in MW2 though. You get different guns. You can't really say that the M16 gives you an unfair advantage over someone with an M4. The only thing it does limit you from doing is filling certain roles like shooting down helicopters if the SAMs are still locked. BFBC2 didn't seem the same though. It did seem as though more advanced weapons dealt more damage or were more accurate than starter weapons. I really hate this because if you're just picking up the game it is really frustrating learning the game while you're at a disadvantage. So for multiplayer: Unlocks, okay. More powerful unlocks or weapons that give you an advantage? Not okay.
  17. Oh good, we have official announcements for upcoming Zynga games. I weep for gaming this day.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yantelope


      that makes me weep more.

    3. Battra92


      I agree Yant. The other night I asked my fiancee when she'd get tired of clicking on cows in Farmville. She just stared at me. Zuma Blitz is fun, Bejewled is a great game and hey, there are worse things than playing Final Fantasy 13. I just don't get why she likes non-game "games."

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It makes you weep that there is more than one market for video games?

  18. You're really not being fair I think. Borderlands guns changed rate of fire, elemental type, scope, and even the actual ordinance fired whether it's burst shotgun shells, spread shells, single rockets, spread rockets, rapid fire rockets. I don't know how you could have more variety. I also don't know why having the numbers appear is a sin as opposed to the invisible numbers that drive everything in oblivion and fallout. Additionally in Borderlands you get different types of shields and upgrade drops. I'm thinking perhaps your personal tastes are overruling your objectivity in this regard.
  19. The only reasoning I'm aware of is if pirates can't get an illegitimate PC copy then they'll go buy a new Xbox copy. Not really sure at all how that can possibly actually impact sales.
  20. I don't mind being able to finish upgrading everything half way into the game. I like to be able to use the best armor for more than just the final boss. In fact I'd say that games where you can't get the best stuff until the very end (or after the end: Final Fantasy) are doing it wrong. It's also funny to me that you don't like Borderlands then if you do like Oblivion's loot system because Borderlands did everything you just talked about.
  21. http://www.rockpaper...ps-to-november/ and another PC game gets pushed back. I had put this in the DRM thread because it's almost certainly another fake delay.
  22. I guess that's where I disagree. I found 99% of the drops and loot in fallout to be worthless. I didn't care that I had found yet another assault rifle and had to meld it with my old one to keep it working. I go back to the fact that the easiest way to play Oblivion was to just remain level 2 for the whole game. NM just wrote it far better than I could have: "Here’s an actual, true story of me playing Oblivion, which I’ve recently decided to replay: my lovely level three Dark Elf is one skill away from leveling. She needs to level up two points of blunt or blade so she can get five points of strength upon leveling up, because otherwise she’ll only get three or four points of strength and will fall behind the leveling race with the rats of the world. I’m in a cave, surrounded by monsters. My relevant skills (Blade, Restoration, Conjuration, and Destruction) are all major skills and all very close to leveling, which they can’t do because then I wouldn’t get very much strength. I find a sort of boss enemy, a wizard, and, for the sake of leveling up properly, I go at him with my rusty war axe of incompetence instead of, you know, doing anything I’m actually good at. All so I can level up properly. I don’t even need to explain how shitty this is. I’m going to stop before I stab myself through the eye with a trowel. Let’s move on. Please." I think one of the better reward systems is Assassin's Creed 2. Upgrading your fort/home is fun and rewarding. I liked that part of Zelda: OOT too how you were slowly healing the world. Also in AC2 you get to buy better armor and ultimately unlock the sweetest coolest looking armor and weapons and they don't really break the game either. It's a good balance. Batman AA had a great unlock/progression system too.
  23. Well wasn't THQ basically riding Homefront really hard hoping to force it to COD/Medal of Honor/Halo status? Assassin's Creed taught us that even a first game misstep doesn't kill a franchise.
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