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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I'm bored and browsing XKCD. In honor of Origin I thought I'd post this here.
  2. Wow, Brink is $10 already. So does this constitute a full fledged flop yet? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002GDRPYI/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?tag=dealnewscom&ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  3. I watched Limitless last night. It was ok but I don't understand : bad writing ruins movies. Hollywood, get them memo already.
  4. People just hate change. No matter how good the flavor is people will be outraged. This may be a brilliant marketing ploy though. After they sell the new stuff for a few weeks they'll recant and release the classic recipe and people will rush out and buy it by the boatloads.
  5. okay, so what we need is a preorder code exchange on this forum.
  6. Do you usually end up with a ton of leftover preorder bonuses? I need to make friends with a Gamestop employee. Maybe Chewie will hook me up.
  7. That's the cycle that needs to be broken. The first step is stop going to sites like Kotaku. Joystiq's headlines are funnier anyway. I feel like such a tool. The irony of this article just hit me. In a way the article itself is nerd baiting and here we are sharing it and getting upset.
  8. Agreed. Dark Forces III: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast was way better than Dark Forces IV: Jedi Knight III: Jedi Outcast II: Jedi Academy. Jedi Academy was also a lot buggier than Jedi Knight II as I recall. Jedi Knight II > SWTFU
  9. "we nerds just can’t let things like this slide, and so our anger will continue to be used as currency." That's the real heart of the issue isn't it? Why do nerds have to correct everyone so bad? This is the same mentality that spawns grammar nazis? The point of the Forbes article is not that Gizmodo should stop doing the stories but more that nerds need to not let themselves be baited.
  10. It's hard to drug her. She keeps throwing it all up. and thanks, we're excited. If it's a boy we'll have to name him Tarin since my daughter is named Marin.
  11. Just like my wife to go and get all pregnant and be throwing up all the time so that I'm busy caring for her, taking her to the doctor and watching my daughter and caring for her so that I can't play Deus Ex. She is so selfish.
  12. Yeah, a Halo 2 CE would probably be okay. I didn't much care for the ODST model of $60 expansion campaign and a few new maps. Also, Halo 4 should be a launch game for the XBox 720.
  13. Please let this not be a trend. I don't like the minor releases. I am forgiving the Halo CE based on the $40 price point.
  14. I like the prequels. Also, nobody seems to think that anything will dethrone WoW. I'd like to point out that WoW is probably closer to a social network than a game. Myspace died practically overnight to Facebook. Maybe you could say that's what happened to Everquest with WoW but what's to say that WoW won't die quickly overnight the way that Myspace did?
  15. Amazon.com's site update has me wigging out. I can't handle change.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Battra92


      I now know Yant's first name. MUHAHAHA!

    3. Yantelope


      ha, my name's been posted on PXOD before.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Looks nice. Only looks like a looks change.

  16. The only problem with this is you can draw the same lines between PS1 and PS2. There may not have been a greater jump in graphics as there was from 16-bit to the 3D next gen systems but that isn't necessarily speaking to the age of the system. By the same logic nothing should be considered retro after the NES because it was so far ahead of Atari.
  17. I used a gamefaq for the truth puzzles. I also have high hopes that ACIII will be a Desmond centered game. I think the gameplay is just fine though.
  18. Quick! Someone tar and feather him! edit: oh well, just finished The Witcher. It's pretty good, but it could've been truly great if it wasn't so goddamned unstable. I was getting an average of 40 fps when it ran properly, but there were times I'd load a save and would get about 10 fps. Reloading the same save never did anything, so whenever that happened I was forced to load an earlier save (though I later realized than the issue could be fixed by alt-tabbing out and back in). Thankfully the game never overwrites, so there's plenty of older saves to choose from. Of course, once you reach 200+ saves, the loading menu takes a good minute to come up, so that's kind of annoying. And then there's the main area of Chapter III. It never ran at 30 FPS. Usually closer to 20. Thankfully it's mostly conversations and running around when you're there, but still, that's no excuse. From what I read online, it's because there's too many NPCs in that area. Their AI is supposedly very CPU-intensive and the game apparently isn't optimized for multicores so.... yeah Yeah, well that game had much worse issues when it was new. I kept CTDing in the swamp. I thought I wasn't going to be able to finish the game because it crashed regularly there.
  19. I thought I was the only one... http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/students.png

    1. Mal


      Ugh... those nightmares. Not great to have while still in school. You wake up questioning if it was a dream...

    2. Yantelope


      It sends such panic through me. I'm sitting there knowing I haven't been to any classes and freaking out because I know I'm screwed.

  20. Take some Gak with you. It's got so many different uses. And for you talkboy fans, you're just in because you saw Home Alone 2 a few dozen times.
  21. I finished Professor Layton and the Curious Village. I missed 4 puzzles. It was a good game but at the risk of being tarred and feathered I will say it was a little over hyped.
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