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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. This is the only gamestop thread so I'm putting this here: http://www.joystiq.com/2011/08/24/gamestop-intentionally-removing-deus-ex-onlive-coupons-from-reta/ This is unbelievable on so many levels. I've never heard of a company deliberately removing content from a game and then pretending to sell it as new. Amazing.
  2. The other point is that wouldn't it be better to wait until after you've dethroned CoD to start imposing your will on the masses? It seems like the Origin business may potentially harm their CoD takedown bid. Not really smart business if you ask me.
  3. The difference here is that Steam is collecting data on how you use steam. It's not collecting data on your computer in general. I do find it a bit insidious that EA would want to go through what all games you have installed, maybe investigate what you're doing on steam, perhaps report back any illicit installations, who knows. It seems like you're quickly getting to the point where you're offering real genuine incentives to pirate EA games. Perhaps you'll be able to get an Origin free version of BF3. It's kind of like how if you pirate a movie you get to bypass all those 15 unskippable trailers ads and FBI warnings. Why do companies like EA like to punish paying customers so much?
  4. In the interest of keeping Revan from the only person posting here: http://trus.imageg.net/graphics/media/trus/082311_Ds_TRU_Seasonal.pdf?csm=218036266&csc=1481211&csa=209313728&csu=1487135&camp=CME:20110823_Em_TRU_Seasonal%2520Midweek $15 for 1600 MS points cards is a good deal. I like combining those MS points sales with the actual content being on sale and you end up getting some XBLA games for pretty cheap.
  5. The Lucas thing was a failed attempt at humor. Star Wars Vs. Star Trek and all that. Ha ha, it's funny... anyone? Anyway, I do think it's funny that there are loads of awesome Star Wars games out there and almost every Star Trek game is crap.
  6. Yep, I kind of wish that COD balanced teams a little better like Halo does. It's either no teams or whole clans and no middle ground. On so many occassions I'll stop and be like "where are my teammates!?" and realize that my friend and I are the only two people left taking on a clan of 6 because everyone else was getting so destroyed that they all rage quit. I used to have a few more friends and when we'd all team up we were unstoppable. I miss those days. Maybe I should get MW3 on the PC and play with some of you people.
  7. I was playing on PC last night for about an hour but didn't notice any stuttering at all. The game seems to run great. I will say that the Anti Aliasing seems to suck though. Tons of jaggies are everywhere. I hope they allow MSAA in the future. Anyone else here think it's funny that making a true sequel to a 10 year old game is so surprising? I'm actually really depressed by the fact that Deus Ex didn't start more of a revolution in gaming.
  8. I'm slowly making my way through season one of TNG for the first time. Man, some of these episodes are awful and dang this series started off preachy. I like how Picard teaches lessons to god.
  9. I wish my teammates even cared about their K/D ratio. A lot of times my friend and I will get on and realize we're the only positive people in the game let alone the only ones attempting to get the objective.
  10. I always love how you're working out of the 8th edition of Calculus because, you know it's changed so much over the last 20 years.
  11. Yeah, we had a long discussion on whether is was Deuce Ex or Day-us Ex. I was saying it wrong.
  12. Yeah, my head is spinning a bit on that one. The whole problem is made worse by the fact that text books are an artificially created demand in the first place.
  13. This is awesome. Once again you bring the Lawls HH. Update: and now that's posted on my cube wall.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yantelope


      I thought most people on this forum were agnostic.

    3. deanb


      Battra the Higgs Boson is nothing at all to do with god. And yes I know it's impossible to "disprove" god but that's mainly cos no one's yet to put forward much proof in the first place. That's what Scientists do. They have a theory and test it. Others have a theory and publish it in an overly long two part journal full of anecdotes.

    4. Johnny


      Yante: Agnosticism as a concept is a bit wider than most people seem to realize. I would count myself as an agnostic atheist. You could also be an agnostic theist of various kinds.

      I can not say to know with certainty that there is no god, but it does not seem likely that there is one.


      But in the end it's just labeling so who cares.

  14. An interesting read on first sale doctrine attacks: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/08/poking-more-holes-first-sale-doctrine
  15. Nintendo is considering a second analog stick for the 3DS. I still can't believe it wasn't included in the first place.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      It takes a healthy amount of disaster for Ninty to change its course on even the most minor of details. Japanese business philosophy emphasizes the importance of inertia, I guess.

    2. Strangelove
    3. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      If they seriously do that shit, I will go apeflip.

  16. Yeah, playing online with strangers can often be harder than playing with a team of skilled players. Every time I get online it feels like I'm the only person with a positive K/D ratio on my team.
  17. AC2 was confusing. I didn't like being stuck in one city in AC:B and Brutus' Armor wasn't nearly as awesome as Altairs. Also, every time those wolves would howl in AC:B my little one year old would howl too. It was adorable.
  18. RPS has their Do's and Don'ts which remind me a bit of this thread. http://www.rockpaper...ames-do-dont-4/ I disagree slightly with "bring back the exploration in shooters". I remember hating those days of maps in FPS games because wandering aimlessly for the blue key which opened the blue door which got you the red key for the red door was really really boring. "Don’t: tell me that you’re a game any more. You want to capture something of Brechtian estrangement, break down that fourth wall with mallets and wrecking balls, because you think it’s a fresh and original approach. It’s not. It’s been done a lot, and it’s probably a sign that you’re not confident enough in your own creation. If you feel the urge to winkingly acknowledge to the player that they’re playing a game, then you need to go back to work to create a more convincing world." QFT ROFL: "Don’t: leave diary entries by one person scattered over miles of corridors, buildings and countries. That’s not how a diary works. A diary tends to be all in one place. Most people, when journaling their lives, don’t tend to scribble it out on the nearest scrap of paper and then leave it wherever they wrote it. Because that would be utterly insane." Also QFT
  19. After being confused by the name and pronunciation of Deus Ex back in the day we looked it up and found out that it's in reference to a plot device ""god out of the machine". It's actually a bit annoying now because I see it in movies all the time. A great example was watching Avatar and the animals all come running out of nowhere to save the day and I'm thinking "Oh great, there's our Deus Ex Machina, thanks JC."
  20. Yeah, on the 360 I haven't had any of those problems. Also, I think most of us agree that Brotherhood is 2.5. The game feels more like an expansion than a full game which is probably why Ubi didn't call it AC3. Revelations will also be the same. Gotta milk that cash cow dry.
  21. That's funny because I remember the first 3 months being nothing but Javelin hacks, Akimbo 1887's, care package exploiters, and other crappyness. I still like MW2 but it just seems there was a little too much wackiness. One man army = unlimited n00b tube doesn't help either.
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