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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I don't know if you can say nobody is harmed. The used market these days is different to how it was a few years ago. Gamestop undercuts publishers and developers on Day 2. When console games rely so much on front-loaded sales, they're losing profits to Gamestop and when the figures come in, those lost profits could make the difference between a greenlit sequel or an IP locked away in limbo. How do Gamestop's practices differ now from those a few years ago?
  2. @Johnny, Nobody is being harmed by the used game sales though. The only thing that has happened is that technology now allows them to banish or diminish used game sales and they reap greater profits. @TN, It doesn't matter what cut companies like Gamestop give publishers. As long as it's not 100% then publishers and developers will not be happy.
  3. ...but that's the whole farce. Used game sales don't hurt anyone.
  4. Because basically the game developers are saying that buying a used game from Gamestop makes you as bad as a pirate, something most people would disagree with.
  5. Can anyone tell me if the combat in BF3 feels similar to BC? I didn't like the shooting in BC, it felt very weak.
  6. This is a funny thought. It's why the whole "used games are as bad as piracy" is bunk.
  7. Shenmue 3 of course. Barring that Mirror's Edge 2. Oh, and I'd also like to see Quest for Glory revived.
  8. Okay, it's not going to happen any time in the near future. Sonic has been on a Nintendo console so hell hath frozen over before but as it currently stands I don't have a desire to install a DRM distribution client from every single publisher.
  9. The other problem with Origin is that it's never going to sell Activision games or Ubisoft games.
  10. Just finished Half Minute Hero on XBLA. Pretty good little game.
    1. Enervation


      Well this is awkward. For us, and the children alike.

    2. Battra92


      Hey if that crap Maya Angelou scribbles out can be considered poetry, why not Pokemon?

  11. Might help cut down on hacks and grievers.
  12. Because you'll get it for xbox? Haha, no, because I love good games enough to jump through hoops to play them.
  13. So valve has announced a new CS game: Global Offensive. I'm very curious to see if this is going to be source engine based as well. I'm 99% sure it will be considering they got pretty good graphical results on Portal 2. I played a fair bit of CS:S in my day and that game was so fickle. Somedays it seemed as though everything I did was a headshot and other days it seemed my bullets would go everywhere but their intended targets. As an XBLA game though this might be worth $15. Anybody else excited for this one?
  14. All complaining aside, Origin attachment probably isn't going to affect my decision to purchase BF3.
  15. MGS HD trilogy will include the original MSX games. Go play them. They're surprisingly good for old games.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yantelope


      I believe the subsistence versions were new translations. I enjoyed them quite a bit. I too am surprised that they are making it to the HD collection. Thanks for being awesome Konami.

    3. toxicitizen


      @Advent: Yeah, the Jap version includes a download voucher for the PSOne MGS but doesn't include Peace Walker (PW is its own separate release over there). US version has Peace Walker but no voucher, which is fine by me since I bought the PSOne version the very day it came out on PSN.

    4. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      Separate release? I MUST HAVE EXTRA BOX. No but really I think this is just fine, I still have my MGS1 copy of the essential collection, and all my friends prefer Twin Snakes for the gamecube :/

  16. http://www.destructoid.com/buy-rage-used-miss-out-on-extra-content-forever-208629.phtml Hmmmmm.... I wonder what's in these "hatches".
  17. I find it hard to believe that it's a coincidence that this news comes shortly after it was confirmed that BF3 will not be on steam.
  18. In another shocking move EA announces that BF3 requires Origin. http://www.rockpaper...require-origin/ We really are going to be running 30 DRM Distribution clients on our computers by next year. from destructoid: "This is in addition to requiring Battlelog in order to properly enjoy the game's online features. Welcome to the era of single games requiring multiple downloadable services."
  19. Man, Halo CE was a great game.
  20. I agree with Dean on the pipe wielding thing. Deus Ex had its moments like that in the beginning when wielding a pistol felt like you were Chuck Shultz the later years. I'm okay with abilities based on morality especially when they make sense. KOTOR had a good system based on morality that fit in with the lore as well. The biggest mistake I see being made in upgrades though, and I see it all the time, is when you pick the wrong sets of upgrades and you either limit or ruin you character and have to start over. KOTOR starts you out as a regular class character and after you leave the first world you class changes to Jedi. If you are a good collector you do all the quests and leave the planet around level 8. Since the game capped you at 20 levels it means that you can max out your jedi at only 12 class levels and limit yourself from getting abilities. There's no possible way of knowing this either. Oblivion also has a pretty stupid system. It's best to make your main skills the ones you use least. That way you can upgrade all your other skills without leveling up. Then you level up when you're ready and max out your level up bonuses. If you don't do it this way the enemies become far more powerful then you and you ragequit. Again, there's no way to know this ahead of time. I find it's best to give the players some option to reset their tech tree and start over. This really should be mandatory. You can limit it or make it cost a bunch of money so that players aren't constantly switching but having to restart a game 20 hours in is usually a deal killer for me.
  21. http://instantrimshot.com/
  22. I love these stories http://www.hardocp.com/news/2011/08/11/antipiracy_lawyers_accuse_blind_man_downloading_porn/
  23. I agree that more FPS should have upgrade features and I think we're seeing that more and more especially with the FPSRPG going full swing with Oblivion, Deus Ex, Fallout and Borderlands. Traditionally though FPS has focused on the guns and the weapons. Generally in Third Person games you're more dealing with jumping, interacting with objects etc. Usually you only ever have one or two guns in third person games. I mean, TPS is a relatively new genre and most third person games were just called "adventure". I don't think either should lose their identity but I think as the genres continue to blend together we'll continue to see them borrow the best parts from each other. Mass Effect 2 is a great example of this.
  24. Just had a reverse gamestop experience. I just wanted to browse but the clerk wouldn't leave me alone.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      The guys who run the local one outside of the mall where I am are pretty knowledgable about games and talk all day with customers and each other about games. They once hired a guy who was less than knowledgable, and arrogant about it, like if he didn't know something, then it must not be true. He was gone a month later.

    3. Yantelope


      Yeah, this guy was going on about impulse and downloading and asking what we were playing and on and on. It was a little bizarre.

    4. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Guess they're really interested in pimping Impulse. Not that I blame them; I'd want to get the word out as soon as I bought one of the bigger Steam competitors.

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