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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Anyone else going to quakecon this year?

  2. Yet the one Bioware game I still need, Mass Effect 2, has no such ultimate edition.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RockyRan


      It's designed by the same artist, yes, but there's no reason why it can't be a bit different.


      I mean, everyone rages that Dragonforce's songs all sound the same. I get equally peeved when artists in games can't make anything other than what they're most famous for.

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      Serious. Dark mechanized alien walls in an Eastern European city? Even looks like some Striders.

    4. Yantelope


      Yeah, the car too. I mean it looks exactly like the cars the combine used.

  3. Now that it's headed to the US I signed up for the Spotify beta. Is it as great as people claim?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens
    3. Johnny


      Besides, spotify was always a service that was only good if you only listened to the mainstream of the mainstream. A lot of the bands I listen to are completely missing from there.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      mflow is my current streaming service of choice.

  4. Isn't that true of Nintendo hardware generally? First party stuff is great and uses the hardware to the max, third party struggles to make any impact because Nintendo kept the hardware under wraps until 6 months before launch. I was just thinking more about how mutliplatform games tend to follow the standard 4 buttons, 4 shoulders, dual tumbsticks model which the GC kind of threw away. It's hard to do proprietary controllers without alienating multiplatform titles.
  5. Would be funnier if it was XXVII-2 but still funny.
  6. Yeah, the games that were made for it worked great. Zelda comes to mind as well.
  7. I liked the gamecube controller too. I think its biggest problem was that mapping multi platform games onto its buttons sucked. Soul caliber 2 comes to mind.
  8. X-men cartoon and Next Generation now on Netflix. I'm preparing to nerd out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      X-Men cartoon was the shit. I still watch it on The HUB when it's on. (Don't waste time with X-Men Evolution, thought)

    3. Yantelope


      I loved that show instantly as a kid. The intro still gets me pumped.

    4. Baconrath


      So it's finally not DVD-only? Whoo!

  9. VI would be the best if the 2nd half weren't kind of weak. My preferences slowly changed over time and it took me a while to realize that I actually liked VII better.
  10. Is it just me or are the steam sales not as impressive this time around?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yantelope


      Yeah, that's probably it. The already long backlog makes it harder to invest in even more games that wont get played for months.

    3. Connorrrr


      I don't think it's been all that impressive all week. Only thing I've bought is New Vegas and a mount and blade game.

    4. Hocking


      I'm finding that I've previously bought the things going on sale in previous sales too. Although I picked up the two Just Cause games in addition to Oblivion just for the sake of not having to dig around for the discs every so often.


      Waiting until the final day to see if Portal 2 gets featured. Planning on splitting the cost of the two pack with a friend.

  11. http://www.destructoid.com/final-fantasy-vii-is-not-overrated-205170.phtml
  12. 6 year development cycle is bad news period. I'm not surprised that Rockstar feels that way. If you release a dud after 6 years then you're really screwed.
  13. Somebody else on this forum called it a battery tumor before me but I don't remember who.
  14. Yeah I really like the word enthusiast. I totally agree that all of us enthusiasts should stick together.
  15. Desktops are meant to be dumping grounds. It's like how you throw your dirty laundry in a pile before it gets washed and sorted. I drop all my garbage on the desktop until I throw it out or put it where it goes. I find that keeps my file folders clean and stuff that I don't really want to keep doesn't hide out forever. It's probably a fair statement to say that people who game regularly on a PC are more knowledgeable about PC games than people who don't.
  16. Why didn't I see this bad boy on the list?
  17. I saw Transformers 3. I thought the previous 2 were better. This one got too serious and felt like a bit of a beatdown by the end. For those of you who hated the twins and constant jokes in the last movie maybe you'll like this one better. Not a bad movie but not my favorite in the series.
  18. @dean, You're probably right that PC gamers tend to know more about the technical aspects of computers than your average console gamer but it's blanket statments like "It would be my experience that PC gamers tend to be quite knowledgeable on various technical, historical, and such matters in regards to both PC and console gaming. Whereas console gamers ... tend to be in a bubble that just has consoles." that read a little elitist. Statements like: "Frankly I'm a little tired of you playing the ignorant console-only gamer." don't help either. That's why console gamers have a perceptions of hoighty toighty PC gamers with their monocoles glaring down in disgust at console gamers. and those of you who have been around know that I'm not married to console or PC gaming. I just go where the games that I want to play are.
  19. The Duke! ...but seriously, I like the 360. I do with it had a better D-pad but the analog sticks are way better than the DS3 and the triggers are way better than the DS3. It's also long overdue for the DS3 to switch the D-pad position like the xbox did. It would be nice if they'd get rid of the battery tumor on the 360 and use a li-ion like the DS3 though. I actually think the D-pad on the DS3 is a little overrated. The SNES will always be the pinnacle of D-pads. Hasn't the patent on that run out? Why can't we have that on the xbox controllers? Why is it so hard to make a decent D-pad?
  20. Most people in Texas don't seem to understand stop signs so I think roundabouts would be far too complicated. There are a couple of roundabouts where I live but they're extremely rare and people just treat them like stop signs.
  21. For some reason I assumed Gabe = Gabe Newell so that excerpt seemed funnier to me.
  22. Apparently triple buffering and disableing v-sync is what makes the Crysis 2 DX11 work great. It's so pretty.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yantelope


      Most console games typically run around 30fps. 60 is talked about mostly because it's the limit your monitor can display for most people. Technically though the vsync shouldn't be causing the microstuttering that is happening with Crysis 2.

    3. deanb


      It buffers your frames. Yeah it'll cause stuttering.

    4. Yantelope


      Well, that assumes you're working ahead. Triple buffering helps solve the problem for some reason. It confuses me.

  23. @Excel, Yeah, there's some jealousy in there but I think the Crysis issue is more one of anger towards a sequel that is not what people wanted and it's being directed at consoles. The redirection of anger away from a developer toward a third party is what seems improper. I keep hearing from multiple people that there's console elitists but I don't really see a good example. There is fanboyism which is surely nothing more than jealousy. Clearly if you have to settle for only one console then you console yourself with thoughts that your choice is clearly the correct one. I think that's different from redirecting anger at a disappointing game onto consoles. The thought rationality proceeds to the idea that "If only consoles didn't exist then I would have gotten the Crysis 2 I always wanted." It may not be what people say outright but it's the heart of what they believe. The truth of that statement is what's in question. If it's a baseless accusation then it's a form of elitism and since it can't really be proven then to make that accusation further betrays your assumption. Had Crysis 2 merely been a bad game and the complaints levyed against it were as simple as "it doesn't have _______ features" then there'd be no discussion but the fact of the matter is that some PC gamers resent current gaming trends and as a scapegoat for their anger they blame consoles. We talk about things like sandbox, rechargeable health, quicksaves and so on. These are all design choices and regardless of whether consoles existed we'd probably still be debating what gameplay types we prefer. Consoles aren't robbing PC gamers of the games they think should exist.
  24. Also, we had a topic on matchmaking vs. custom servers but I prefer matchmaking. http://board.pressxordie.com/topic/664-matchmaking-vs-hosted-servers/page__p__31998__hl__matchmaking__fromsearch__1#entry31998
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