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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. You could use it to do trauma center on your ninja gaiden victims. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-wii-u/715112 not bad but really not impressive at all.
  2. They need to do that bundle for Uncharted.
  3. Yeah, the fact that you can only give orders with the Kinect mic is ridiculous. I guarantee you that mic on a headset would provide a clearer input.
  4. Yeah, they are quickly going to need a steamplay clone. Sony and MS need to create a system where you purchase the rights to a game once and can play it across multiple platforms. We need to be building a content library and not just purchasing software over and over again. The problem is that Sony and MS like it when you buy the same games over and over.
  5. I used to just run around with the defibrillator in Battlefield and shock people and revive others. That was greatness.
  6. Well, in terms of development it just seems like most things outside of mobile are going the x86-64 route.
  7. I'm pretty surprised they went with an IBM chip still. Probably they're trying to preserve hardware compatibility with Wii.
  8. So, we hate on gaming journalists but non-gaming journalists reporting on gaming are still far worse. WSJ is calling the new Wii a tablet. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304432304576371513599611124.html?mod=WSJ_hp_MIDDLETopStories
  9. Fail. They can't sell it for more than $400 because nobody spends more than that but I bet for $400 they could get a pretty darn good console and one controller together if Nintendo goes that route if they go the $250 route this thing is going to suck.
  10. How are they going to sell WiiU to kids? They will destroy those controllers and those things are going to cost over $100 for sure.
  11. Well, for those of you who remember there was the original SOCOM which came with a headset and you talked to your squad mates and they talked back through the headset. It was pretty cool at the time as I recall. This tech has been around for about 9 years now and it hasn't caught on though... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCOM:_U.S._Navy_SEALs
  12. So, once again, cool tech demos but show us some real games. I think the tech is very neat but I'm just curious to see how this works with actual games. It has possibilities though. I'm very concerned that the hardware will be under powered. This thing needs to be at least more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PS3.
  13. Someone brought up the point that the voice stuff with Kinect is BS. They could have done any of that with the headset long ago. In fact, not enabling those features with the headset is kind of a crappy way to treat your base.
  14. Really? You only ran out when they wanted you to? I should probably give it another go, then. Yeah, there's only specific times when you run out because there's specific missions to get more meds. I don't think you can die from it unless you put off going on the medicine missions. I don't really know though. Update: Seems you can never actually die of the malaria. Some people have reported passing out and waking up in the church though.
  15. The malaria thing was weird. You only ran out of pills at certain times in the game when it was scripted to so I never worried about wandering too far away. Oh and apparently the Malaria is back for FC3.
  16. Preorders are up on amazon.com for those who are interested. http://www.amazon.com/PlayStation-Vita-WiFi-Sony-PSP/dp/B003O6EATE/ref=sr_tr_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1307456227&sr=8-1
  17. I loved Far Cry 2. It was one of the most immersive games out there. If they had changed it to where you could actually clear out the checkpoints and they would stay cleared I bet 90% of the haters would go away but if you learn to stay off the roads the game gets much easier. This is one of those games that I understand why people don't like it and I can't argue with them but just because I loved how the game was fully immersive I let all the bad things slide. I hope Far Cry 3 still has that same feeling while perhaps removing some of the annoyances. I really don't want them to remove the free roaming nature of FC2 though.
  18. Blood Money is my favorite. I didn't like the series too much until my friend told me that you have to play it to get the silent assassin rating every time. Once I learned to do that I enjoyed the series much more. I will say that I despise the idea of limiting your quick saves. I understand that it would make the game much easier if you could save anywhere but I still hate having to manage my save games.
  19. Preordered my vita this morning from amazon. Going to be singing "And I got a new vita honey" soon.
  20. That sony 3dtv bundle is pretty awesome. The only thing is that I've seen 50" 3D plasmas at frys with glasses for less than $800.
  21. This looks awesome. Woot!
  22. If there's one thing reviewers love it's more QTEs in games.
  23. yeah, I doubt they will, PSVita seems singularly targeted at gamers. You're talking about a handheld too big for your pocket on purpose so that it rocks at playing games. That reeks of hardcore to me.
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