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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I'd actually only slightly agree with this troll because I expected the game to be longer. In the wake of FFVI it seemed a bit brief.
  2. I still love how legally reselling a game is considered a "problem".
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1qbVI9iTBU
  4. KOTOR was awesome. It's the first WRPG that I've ever been able to play and it simultaneously killed my interest in JRPGs. Such a good game.
  5. http://www.destructoid.com/news-station-portal-2-is-offensive-to-orphans-201412.phtml
  6. I finally beat the single player portion of this game last night. It was pretty fun but I thought it dragged a little bit by the end. I'm in no hurry for a portal 3 right now. I also think Eurogamer peeing themselves over this game is a bit amusing.
  7. and it's Uncharted 2 that's overrated.
  8. well, don't you worry there will be GTA in the list soon methinks.
  9. Yes, and I find a lot of SM3 lovers played it first on the SNES version of All Stars which also included a save feature.
  10. I'm surprised because the way they handled it in ME2. It makes it seems as though your first love interest has moved on and written you off. Additionally I'm not sorry because Miranda >>> Ashley.
  11. SMW > SM64=SM3. SM3 loses because of the lack of a save feature. As a kid this was a huge problem because it took forever to get to some of the later levels and SM3 was a huge game. SM64 would be higher on my list if my brother and I hadn't beaten it the day we got it. I loved that game but for some reason felt that it was too short. Oh, and curse you dean for putting 3 FF games in your list and not one of them is VII.
  12. I agree that GTA IV's story has been lacking. I hear that Lost and the Damned is better but I haven't gotten that far. I'm actually working my way through GTA IV PC for the first time (glitches and all) right now and I think I'm enjoying it less because of RDR. It seems like there aren't many rewards as you progress through the game and I found the gunplay and story far more fun in RDR. It's not a bad game and it's still very impressive from a technical standpoint but I do find the core game somewhat lacking.
  13. ....Must resist urge to reiterate rants in this thread. Wind Waker sailing......
  14. We've had the half-life thread. It's fun to say things are overrated but usually the criticism is out of ignorance.
  15. early review is glowing with praise. I'm shocked.
  16. The article to the effect of dying repeatedly leads me to believe that dying just restarts you.
  17. If I'm remembering correctly, it was one of those Animus tutorial things, so it wasn't actually someone teaching Altair, it was more like the Animus teaching Desmond how Altair's powers work. It was the same kind of thing that told you about the indicators above guards' heads that told how alert they were. Ah yes, you may be right. My short term videogame memory is not what it once was.
  18. I missed the Rage showoff last weekend because my friend was in town. I am sad.
  19. Sounds kind of like GTA or RDR which is just fine by me.
  20. Hmmm.... Wasn't there a part in the first AC where someone was teaching you to use eagle vision? There was some tutorial mission where you learn to use it but I don't remember if it was someone in game teaching you to use your eagle vision or if it was just a message on the screen telling you to use it.
  21. I just remember the firefights in HL1 being extraordinary. It was the first time that I remember computers using grenades to flush you out or taking cover. They also worked as a team really well. That's why I was very sad when the HL2 AI just stood there and shot at you.
  22. Half-Life 2 was extraordinary in that the world was extremely real (for a videogame world). I just found the AI very lacking and that hurt the game for me. I prefer HL1.
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