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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I am now a mighty pirate YARRRRR

    1. SomTervo


      And I'm not a slightly wonky image of the Dark Knight!

    2. SomTervo
    3. Battra92


      Bulbasaur used leach seed

  2. Can't be as bad as Scott Pilgrim. BURN!
  3. I think we're quickly approaching or have already hit that stage that film hit as art. I don't think people consider Transformers 2 art but they might consider a low budget indie film art. Games have kind of gone the same direction where big budget games aren't truly art but there's plenty of college projects or flash games that might be considered art.
  4. I always operate under the assumption that if there's a console version then my computer is going to be able to handle it just fine. This is usually the case.
  5. I fully expect a Develop article about the PS4 being announced using this thread as their source.
  6. Technically it is confirmed since Nintendo said they're going to announce it at E3.
  7. Indeed. I don't doubt that there is some prototyping going on at MS but I really doubt that it's anything that could be considered a successor to the xbox.
  8. Activision begs to differ: COD4 wasn't a prime example but the Wii is also not a GC. It's got twice as much RAM and is reportedly 2x as powerful as a GC.
  9. There are differences though. Just look at the difference between GTA 3 and RDR. You could not do COD4 on the xbox (the xbox CODs sucked). You couldn't do Batman AA on the Xbox. You couldn't do Assassin's Creed on the Xbox. There are tons of games that would be impossible on an Xbox or PS2.
  10. The biggest bottleneck on the systems right now is memory. You're literally stuck with 256MB of RAM on the PS3 which is crazy to think about. It's impossible to load up the more complex PC games on today's consoles because of memory. The PS3 has 256MB of video memory and 256 MB of system memory. The Xbox 360 has 512MB of unified memory so it is more flexible. On my PC I've got 6GB of memory and 2GB of video memory. It's no contest.
  11. I still foresee a Kinect flameout if the software development doesn't pick up.
  12. Yeah, MS has said more than once that the new xbox isn't coming until 2014 so this rumor was probably false to begin with. I just really want a new xbox.
  13. You're still not married yet?
  14. MS killed the rumor. Booooooo.
  15. I'd roll my eyes too but I mostly play FPS on my Xbox.
  16. http://www.develop-online.net/news/37618/Develop-source-New-Xbox-console-on-desks-at-EA Whoa, I hope this is true. I bet Thursdaynext is the source.
  17. I got it for $5 so that was even better.
  18. As someone with zero knowledge of Green Lantern I have to say that this movie looks very strange. I'm not finding myself dying to go see it.
  19. This is a good point about X-men getting the ball rolling again. As far as distancing I would almost prefer a reboot at this point. I'd be fine if they came out and said "Okay, lets forget about X3 and do a new X3 by singer" but since that would never ever happen I'd just as soon reboot or just start new story lines that aren't connected with the past movies. I'm not that interested in a prequel when I don't like the way the series ended.
  20. It just seems like each character (other than wolverine) gets very little face time on a 90 minute film. I agree about the handing the films off and it really pisses me off that so many other hero movies are given such great care but X-Men really seems to have been shafted by Hollywood. X3 really seemed to just crap all over the first two movies. Edit: What bothers me about this is I don't think they're distancing themselves from those two bad movies enough.
  21. As a super fan of the 90's cartoon show I'm on the side that isn't too happy with the X-men movies. I agree with Staysick saying that 1 was okay 2 was getting good and 3 and 4 were terrible. X-men just has so many characters though that I feel it would be better off having a Syfy TV series than trying to cram this stuff into movies.
  22. 3 Discs means this game is huge! http://kotaku.com/#!5798996/rockstar-made-la-noire-so-big-they-could-barely-fit-it-on-one-disc-or-three Acutally, it just means there's a lot of voice acting/FMV.
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