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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. mmmmm... sounds so familiar.
  2. I've actually been wondering if they would ever try to clone a mammoth. There you go. So they can move on to the sabre toothed tiger next? Those things are cool.
  3. This is basically the same as Name that Game. Somebody posts a movie quote and other people guess the name of the movie. If you guess it correctly then you post a new quote. If nobody is guessing the answer then post hints to keep the game moving. I'll start. "Bad dates"
  4. Yeah, taste is in there too. In fact, that's probably the deciding factor for the game. I really like the atmosphere. The world is very lovingly crafted and the graphics are fantastic. The effects with the spirits and shadows are really cool. I don't recall seeing anything quite like it in other games. I'm really waiting to pass judgment on taste until I complete the game.
  5. FFXII might have had a story somewhere but between the 10 hour grind sessions and monster hunting I completely forgot what was going on between cut scenes.
  6. Sorry, got called out and decided to back it up, didn't mean to derail. BACK ON TOPIC!
  7. Well, the SNES had higher quality sound, could produce more on screen colors and had a larger color palate. It had mode 7 effects and I believe it had more on screen sprites and other effects that the genesis couldn't produce. There were a ton of reasons why the SNES was "technically superior". I would also add this: "By 1994, SEGA had lost substantial ground to Nintendo in America. The two had been fairly close going into 1992, with Nintendo making strong gains against SEGA, thanks in no small part to the fact that every Super NES came with a copy of the acclaimed Super Mario World. According to market data, SEGA had a 55-percent share. But when SEGA started fracturing its audience with add-ons like the SEGA CD and 32X and Nintendo kept on producing triple-A games for its loyal fans, the battle was won. Nintendo pushed ahead of SEGA, which spent all of its 16-bit good will on the ill-fated Saturn. " http://retro.ign.com/articles/965/965032p1.html "The Genesis does have some truly beautiful games, but when you're working with a palette of 512 colors, there's only so much you can do. Oh, the SNES? 32,768 colors, and it could display 256 of those onscreen at once--compare that to the Genesis's 62." http://www.theflatness.com/2008/11/snes-vs-genesis-eternal-struggle.html Also, this picture is lawlz
  8. Crysis Warhead. I've played it for a while but finally sat down and beat it. Man this game is still so beautiful after 2 years.
  9. I liked AC1 also. I acknowledged that it had it's problems but for some reason I still loved the game. Probably because it was so novel and so pretty.
  10. I was reading this today: http://www.joystiq.com/2011/01/17/ps3-hackers-make-modern-warfare-2-unplayable-infinity-ward-ca/ Makes me really glad I have these on XBL. Hard to predict something like that. Are you guys experiencing grievers in other games?
  11. So, I keep going back to this game trying to finish it but I keep getting distracted by other games. On the one hand, you've got a genuinely creepy atmospheric game which seems to be made with a lot of care. On the other hand you've got a game where the gunplay is just a little off and the combat can be a little disjointed. Who else has played this game? What were your thoughts? Also, I'm kind of wondering if they're going to explain half of what's going on or if it's just going to be left in the realm of creepy but unexplained. I'll be much more happy if there is some explanation.
  12. Yeah, I was a big nut for the old ones when I was a kid. I tried checking out some of the new ones and the nostalgia just isn't there. There's no Ringo Starr or George Carlin. Engines just kind of move on their own. There's no railway logic or rules observed. My fiancee is right, I am turning into Sheldon Cooper. @_@ I'm exactly the same. I really liked it because it was model trains and I love model trains. Without that it's just boring CGI trains going in circles.
  13. Just remember, being healthy is just the slowest possible rate at which you can die.

    1. Battra92
    2. Commander Shepard

      Commander Shepard

      Transfer your consciousness to a powerful computer and live forever, then take over the world.

  14. It's possible that you must accept that JRPGs today are boring generic cliche fests and move on to more exciting genres.
  15. The only JRPG I've been able to really enjoy in recent history was Lost Odyssey. It has a good story and good music and it also has level building. The only drawback is there are a few major plot holes at the end but otherwise a really good game.
  16. Yeah, I'm definitely waiting a bit until they've settled some of the kinks but I'm also not going to be updating my PS3 anymore for now. If it's anything like the hacked PSP though it'll be pretty awesome.
  17. Why has this discussion been so much about art style? Is that really a chief criterion for which game is the best? I admit it's part of a game and maybe it colors the way you relate or connect to the game but it's surprising to me that the game's length, story, ingenuity or novelty isn't really getting discussed that much.
  18. I'm sad that this thread is dead now...
  19. So who's gonna jailbreak their PS3? I probably will as soon as they let me install XBMC or something similar on it. It'd also be nice to be able to backup my games onto the HDD and not have to swap discs. I wonder just how many of those games actually use the capacity of the Blu-ray anyway. I may have to upgrade my HDD.
  20. I know it had kind of been admitted that the original Crysis was poorly coded for multithreading. Is there any word on how this will run on similar systems to the old engine? Hopefully they've taken the time to optimize the engine much better than the old one.
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