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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. ...and it's cheaper and you don't have to subscribe or pay any kind of fee and it's not run by the forces of evil.
  2. Winning points by guessing Random FPS
  3. Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Rainbow Six: Lockdown Rainbow Six 3: Red Arrow Rainbow Six: Lockdown Rainbow Six: Critical Hour
  4. Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty 3 Call of Duty Big Red One Medal of Honor Medal of Honor: Pacific Assualt Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Medal of Honor: Underground Medal of Honor: Frontline Medal of Honor: Rising Sun Medal of Honor: European Assault Medal of Honor: Vanguard
  5. Time splitters 1 Time splitters 2 Time splitters Future Perfect Time splitters 4
  6. Call of Duty Medal of Honor Timesplitters Operation Flashpoint Rainbow Six 3 Black
  7. XIII Project Snowblind The World Is Not Enough
  8. ugh, one of a millions FPSes Counter Strike?
  9. If anything Steam has breathed new life back into PC gaming. It's never been cheaper or easier just like Dean said. People like to talk about how simple and elegant Macs are but buying, installing, updating and playing games on your PC has never been simpler than steam.
  10. Oh sneaky sneaky. There does appear to be some aliasing there.
  11. Man I regret making this thread. You guys have no appreciation for the classics.
  12. dragons lair dragon's lair 2 I may be the only one here, come to me my precious points!
  13. Well you're in luck, I can't read the article. (I'm assuming it is praising Uncharted 2 though...) I think the best examples of great sequels are recent. Assassin's Creed 2 listened to the wealth of criticism about the first game and then grew and changed based on that without leaving behind what the fan base loved about the original. It's probably one of the best examples of doing a sequel right.
  14. I enjoyed the first one. I'll pick up the second one after a couple of price drops probably. Since electricity is my specialty I did spend a lot of time saying "Why is there a transformer there?".
  15. okay, gotta go look up dean's steam library. In the mean time... Settlers?
  16. Yeah, the heatsinks for the i7's are the same with the 4 pins that snap in. It's very hard to get them right. The CPU seems to be the only thing overheating right now. I have an Antec nine hundred case with 6 fans in it so airflow definitely isn't the problem.
  17. Well I ordered some Arctic Silver 5 and this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181012&Tpk=Corsair%20A50 If it works as well as people say it does I can probably OC my i7 to about 3.2GHz. Will keep you posted.
  18. Yeah, I blew the dust out. I didn't think an application could push a CPU temp beyond what the cooling was doing for the CPU. I ran Metro 2033 and the most I get is about 75C. Winrar pushes it up to about 85C. Is it possible the thermal compound has degraded? Also, is it true that if the heatsink becomes unseated you need to apply new thermal compound?
  19. Okay, time to help Yanty out. I build myself a core i7 920 computer and haven't really had many problems with it but lately I've been getting CPU overtemp errors. I took the time to make sure my heatsink was properly set and fired up real temp and some GTA IV. I'm hitting 100C on all my cores playing that game. I'm considering getting some thermal compound and resetting the heatsink but any other ideas?
  20. Well, it was kind of cool until the car part where you had to keep stopping and getting him and shooting him and then driving and so on while being shot by the helicopter. That was no fun at all.
  21. People do complain about the conversation system, mostly the farting. The morality system is pretty black and white but then again most all games with morality systems are that way. The combat was fun IMO.
  22. Trials HD seems like a game that is good for what it is but not really my cup of tea.
  23. No it's not. It's a good game with widely documented faults. It's not overrated. If a game has glaring faults *cough UNCHARTED 2 cough* that are widely ignored then you have overrated.
  24. 90% of Perfect Dark Zero's achievements. Climb to the top of the leaderboard for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. The hardest one that I did though was the stupid little gnome in HL2: Episode 2. Man that was a huge pain. Little Rocket Man 30 Send the garden gnome into space.
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