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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I'm actually not a big zombie fan either. I'm not against them I just don't find the zombie apocalypse to be that interesting of a proposition.
  2. Yeah but in order for Fable to be overrated there must be a wealth of people who think the game is fantastic. I'm still looking for 1. The list isn't "Top 10 games I don't like". Also Mass Effect doesn't belong on this list.
  3. Opposite of the other thread. For me it's Burnout Paradise. Uncharted 1,2
  4. Ninja Gaiden is one of the best Xbox games. I call heresy. It's combat was and still is the envy of all God of War type hack and slash games. Also it's way better than God of War.
  5. did you eat the pizza? I had a little bit.
  6. It was motorstorm, Lets move on here people.
  7. It just seems like the companies know something or think they know something because there do seem to be a lot of PC games that never see their console based sequels return. The implication is that there is a marked effect on the sales of a console game when there is a piratable PC version of the game available.
  8. This is also true, I will accept either answer.
  9. something with the word "Baja" in it.
  10. Yes, it was ported to America though.
  11. I loved UN Squadron. Played it a lot. It's one of those few games that was better on the console than the arcade back then.
  12. Does Mr. Mr. Pony know about your boyfriend?
  13. I own this game. I'm not just dredging through random old crap.
  14. Winston Churchill said that using a big word when a little word would do was utterly reprehensible.
  15. Remember the Hazmat suit section in Black ops? Did you really wish the whole game was like that?
  16. I never thought about it generationally but I do remember when Crash Bandicoot came out there was a lot of hoopla about how Sony finally had a mascot. Really though, these days Mario seems to be the last true official mascot.
  17. That's why Top Gear is awesome.
  18. I agree that 1 pirated copy does not equal 1 lost sale and that was largely my point. You can't calculate actual lost revenue to piracy. All you can do is gauge the results of your anti-piracy measures and even then there are still a lot of variables. GTA IV PC seems to be pretty well supported to this day by the Rockstar staff including the DLC release so it's not like they just threw out a crappy port and then just dropped it. RDR was operating on the same engine so the omission of a PC version is glaring. I don't know if Rockstar ever gave a clear statement as to why a PC version was not released though. In the case of Crysis I think the move to consoles is a natural one to bolster sales because you're just reaching a much broader market even though I do believe that Crytech mentioned piracy as a reason for the inclusion of consoles. Indie games on the PC are pirated like crazy but thanks to their super low prices they also make money. The success of indie games is not an indication that they don't suffer severe piracy rates. Didn't the creators of World of Goo go on about the ridiculous rate of piracy? I believe that was part of what led them to their "name your price" sale.
  19. Takeaway food = takeout or carryout or togo. I've never heard it referred to as takeaway before.
  20. Usually I blame the developers more than I blame the players for playing "cheap". If a game has a move or weapon that is blatantly overpowered it should be the responsibility of teh developer to nerf said weapon. I know MW2 saw a lot of that in the early days of dual 1887 shotgun runners. There's also the typical n00b tactics that people hate but I wouldn't classify those as cheap. The n00b tube in Modern Warfare doesn't require much skill but you're also not going to get a 15 kill streak using it because it's only got two shots. It's a bit annoying but it can be defeated by a skilled player pretty easily. N00bs may spam dragon punches in Street Fighter all day but they're still gonna get whooped by somebody who's skilled unless you're playing Dead or Alive 4 and you have Ryu Hyabusa who beats everything. So TLDR: if a game is imbalanced I curse the developers and quit playing. Players themselves are going to play to win and that means exploiting whatever they can to win (super jumping in Halo 2), nothing is going to change that so don't hate the player hate the game.
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