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Everything posted by xxnevmorexx

  1. are you as into hoard mode as i am? eah...
  2. it requires battlefeild bad company 2 to play. sorry to confuse ya
  3. I've always loved the tracks Bungies Marty O'Donnell makes, i loved his track in ODST best, they were so much different with the jazzy sound but had the same roots as the rest of the series. The middle purcussiony section of this song reminds me of the blue man group.
  4. nadda requires the whole game to play, it works like undead nightmare in RDR or like awakening in dragon age.
  5. I currently work for a Small wireless ISP. We cover parts of 3 counties in rural ohio and there only being 2 (me and my boss) full time employees theres always something to do. My boss trying to teach me all the parts of the business and equipment. Ive done a little bit of everything, ive climbed portions or a radio tower, ive gone in the roof of a red roof inn to install equipment, which wasnt fun in the summer since it was 100 something degrees in there and i had 3 ~75 foot cables to run, to helping a little old lady get her computer working. He really wants me to buy the business from him someday but im not really sure if thats what i want to get into. If anyone has any questions on how Wireless ISP's work or hear me rant about verizon and at&t taking wireless frequencies just ask
  6. WOO my freind bought me microsoft points to get this for christmas! happy day. ill probally ask for the week off so i can play it (though ill say its for christmas)
  7. What are some of your favorite game soundtracks of all time? one of my favorite soundtracks is 15 years old and thats from Mechwarrior 2 and its expansions. I love the rockish technoey stuff i cant describe.
  8. I've played 20 hours of the Nehrim Elder Scrolls IV mod, and im nowere near done...its deffinatly gonna hold me off till skyrim.

  9. The multiplayer was fun but not something id go out of my way to play, the single player was superb as always and gave me the same WTF ending they always give. Loved the assassins to help you in tight places.
  10. i would get it day one, but im poor and still have to buy gift(card)s. And pay verizon...and my medical bill. needless to say ill probally be on the normal un-new version for a while
  11. i was happy when i got the 7 point acheivment in marathon(bungies arcade game) then i was pissed when FIFA gave me one to even it out
  12. those freak slippers i have in my second picture are an avatar award. sadly thats the best thing i got out of playing crackdown 2.
  13. ive only recently became one and thats just cause this guy on my freindslist has been like hey im gonna pass you soon and ive had an xbox for less time. whenever he gets within 1000 points of me i go and rent a bunch of games just to keep a little ahead of him.
  14. ive been watching documentaries recently and found a few good ones. I'd highly reccomend Restrepo, its about the lives/missions ect of soldiers in afganistan. Its not a polished cut out all the bad scenes film either, there are some graphic parts to it. links yo! http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Restrepo/70129360?trkid=2429429#height1522
  15. i like either German or Amish smoked cheese and swiss cheese, but ill take almost any, though goat cheese confuses me (it wants to be mozzarella)
  16. felt depressed so i ate half a tub of ice cream. i feel better. ill probally eat cheese later. i love cheese.
  17. i watched universal soldier on netflix...i felt bad for the people who payed for it in theaters (though i think this movies from the 90's) i was even more horror struck when i saw it had ~4 sequels.
  18. thats really what i ment, that your really just enabling something to happen and not really omg im teh bad azz leader of da rezistance.
  19. oops sorry bout that, i beleive they talked about it in one of the dev diaries or videos describing your purpose in the game.
  20. Yea its really not hey look man I'm from the US watch me blow shit up. its more hey I'm sick of being pushed around so ima take my grandfathers shotgun and try to make things right. The fact that its in the suburbs is to just try to get you a connection to the game and get you immersed.
  21. i think my old avatar was uglier though. The Crackdown freak slippers really complete the look
  22. ive always tried to make mine as ugly as possible
  23. TES V been waiting forever for this ME3 of course dragon age 2 of course...yea
  24. i usually just get my hair cut really short then let it grow for 4-8 months, i always tell people im saving money that way.
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