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  1. Yeah, Kung-Foot is pretty cool. It's such a simple concept, but it works really well. I haven't managed to get 4 people around to play it, but a 2 player game can be a lot of fun too. I haven't really played many stealth games before, would Styx be a good game for beginners? I got Mark of the Ninja recently, which is supposed to be a pretty accessible stealth game, just wondering if Styx is only for hardcore stealth enthusiasts (that sounded better in my head).
  2. I've been playing Rayman Legends, and it's very good. The best thing about the game is probably how Rayman controls. He has such a good weight to him, and all the different moves you can pull off work together seamlessly. I've finished all the main story levels, so now I'm getting all the collectibles and completing the extra levels ripped from the last game (that look a bit shinier).
  3. Am I the only one that thinks it kinda looks cool? I guess you could say it looks a bit impractical, but we haven't even seen it in use yet. I'll hold off any strong opinions until the films, because they might be able to make some use out of the design.
  4. Normo

    Wii U

    Super Smash Bros. stores photos on an SD card (and supports nothing else, which is a bit annoying), but that's the only other use I can think of.
  5. Normo

    Cube World

    Oh yeah, that article was made 2 years ago There was an official blog post made in 2014 though, so it's fine.
  6. No, I went at a pretty normal pace. I guess it is a little daunting, and you do have to set aside some time to play them, but it's well worth it.
  7. I just finished the Phoenix Wright Trilogy on 3DS and it was excellent! The third game is probably the best one in the original trilogy; it has deep characters and expands on all the previous ones, ties up all loose ends and while I didn't originally like the soundtrack, I was really digging it by the last episode. I really didn't expect these games to last so long. In total, the entire trilogy took up 75 hours of my time, and I still want more. I'm glad that it ended though, because now I can finally move on to some other games!
  8. Normo

    Cube World

    I was about to make a post about how Picroma seems to have abandoned the project, and then I saw this. I'm pretty glad that they didn't run away from Cube World, because this game was one of the reasons I decided to build a gaming computer. Although, it doesn't look like the game will be even close to completion any time soon. I guess I shouldn't have put so much trust into a small indie game, especially not one with 2 people working on it who call it a "small hobby project".
  9. I guess Guardians of the Galaxy was pretty good. It was a nice departure from the standard Marvel movie due to it's sense of humour, but even with that, it still felt pretty tame. I think my viewing habits are a bit saturated with Hollywood action movies; I need to see movies from different genres.
  10. Yeah, Zelda U looks like it could be a pretty cool game. Hopefully it will have more of an emphasis on the overworld this time around, because that's what I've always really enjoyed about Zelda. At the same time though, the huge overworld is worrying. I have no idea how they would make a world that big consistently interesting, and with enough good content spread throughout it. And the fact that they're showing the game on a screen 10 feet away from the camera gives off the impression that it's not very polished yet, which is scary considering it's coming out this year.
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