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Mr. GOH!

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Everything posted by Mr. GOH!

  1. It seems like it should be a cheap animated kids' movie that goes straight to streaming. That's what I and many others assumed when promotion fir it started a year ago. And it is a movie appropriate for kids, don't get me wrong. But it is so much more as well. It is an outright celebration of Spider-Man and a rollicking comic book story. Edit: Also saw The Favourite and it is a wonderful movie. It's probably both the most grounded Yorgos Lanthimos movie but also his best. It may look like a stuffy drama, but it is actually a very funny and at times bizarre dark comedy.
  2. Go see Into the Spider-verse. It is fantastic.

    1. deanb


      I'm going this afternoon. Hyped!

  3. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse I cannot say enough good things about this movie. It's the best Spider-Man film and is in the running for best superhero movie of all time despite that it only makes sense in the context of a culture saturated with comic book superhero media and works best if you are already pretty familiar with either Spider-Man comics or movies . It's very, very, very fun, it looks gorgeous, the performances are great, and it does not overstay its welcome. Stay through the entire credits, too.
  4. Cannot believe nobody's posted this yet:
  5. Two rankings, the first is the ones I personally like the best and if it were more of a roleplaying I would favor in my adventuring party. The second is the ranking of best-developed and interesting. Since I am in chapter 6, these lists may be slightly spoilery, particularly the second one. Arthur is my favorite RDR character overall, of course. 1. Hosea 2. Sadie 3. Lenny 4. Sean 5. Susan 6. John/Abigail/Jack 7. Karen 8. Tilly 9. Mary Beth 10. Trelawney 11. Kieran 12. Javier 13. Pearson 14. Uncle 15. Swanson 16. Dutch 17. Micah 18. Mollie 19. Bill Williamson 20. Strauss 1. Dutch - He belongs ion the pantheon of great Western characters in all media. 2. Sadie 3. Micah 4. Hosea 5. Sean 6. John/Abigail/Jack 7. Lenny 8. Susan 9. Tilly/Karen 10. Kieran 11. Charles 12. Pearson 13. Javier 14. Bill Williamson (he's so unpleasant, though) 15. Trelawney 16. Uncle 17. Swanson 18. Strauss 19. Mollie
  6. Is FO 76 the worst major release since SimCity in 2013? 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Is this the fallout where the public finally see that the emperor is not wearing clothes? Bethesda have been releasing bug riddled games for *years*.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      @Thursday Next I think people tolerated Bethesda's buggy single-player games because the bugs most often manifested as weird game behavior that didn't break the game (though of course Bethesda games have game-breaking bugs for some). But bugs that fundamentally make multiplayer games not fun are worse than SP game bizarre bugs and a company doxing its own customers is even worse.

    4. TCP


      Not to mention the game has a lot more problems than just bugs. If it was everything it promised to be and had some bugs, people would probably be more forgiving. 

  7. I wouldn't sweat the item missions, mostly because I am in chapter six and cannot complete some for my favorite camp characters. Spoiler for those who have not completed chapter 5:
  8. I'm down! Made my character for RDR2 online last night. Here's a gif:
  9. @TheMightyEthan fixed! I shouldn't post from my phone. But, just to emphasize, rdr2 looks remarkably better on pro. I don't know the technical terms, but rdr2 on the slim, and earlier rockstar games, made lots of smaller or finer character actions and animations blurry (like harvesting plants or birds flapping their wings in rdr2); that doesn't happen on the pro. Everything else just looks better. I'm glad I traded up! Edit: Also, when I traded in my ps4 for the pro, they had rdr2 editions in for the same price as regular pros. Since I already had rdr2, they opened up the box and let me trade in the rdr2 inside for an extra 32 trade in value, which was nice. I think it was the best experience I have ever had at a GameStop.
  10. Just got a ps4 pro. The difference in how some games look (rdr2, hzd) waaaay better on the pro.
  11. Brexit is so stupid. I like that it distracts me from how dumb our President is.
  12. Well, if you want to be associated with the fascist party, I guess that's your choice.
  13. Hey, @TheMightyEthan, you gonna change your registration to Dem now that Kansas appears to be backing away from absolute GOP rule?
  14. I only pre-load on PS4 games because it's so slow downloading (though I hear it's faster if you put the console to sleep). I haven't pre-loaded a Steam game in years because decrypting is so slow.
  15. I love rdr2 so much and it is so difficult to find time to play it like I would like when I have an eight-month-old at home.
  16. You all know that certain minor crimes won't earn you a bounty even if they're reported? I've been reported for disorderly conduct and not gotten a bounty. I have noticed that you get a lot of information about the goings-on in some smaller side towns, like Strawberry and Emerald Acres; does that ever play into a mission? @Atomsk88 That first back room robbery is frustrating because there isn't a way to do it without getting a significant bounty. The pistol is pretty good, but the money is not worth it. I ended up surrendering to the law after killing the goons in the back. @Ultra TCPHow are you already at chapter 5?!?!?!? I just got to 3 yesterday and there's still so much to see and do! A question about a side character to whom you turn in a certain collectible for the folks that have gotten pretty far:
  17. LOL, guess I'm getting D2 to sit in my library and never play because MP-only is for children.
  18. Play RDR2. The PC version may never come.
  19. The racist reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment is mind-blowing. Ending birthright citizenship is also antithetical to the idea of that America is not an ethnostate.
  20. An EVGA GTX 970. This should let me game in 1440p very well. 4k for some games. Right now the only games I can run in 4k are indies and a few grand strategy games. This particular model is one of the better-performing 2070s.
  21. It runs just fine and looks great on my vanilla PS4.
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