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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Unity's response: https://blogs.unity3d.com/es/2019/01/10/our-response-to-improbables-blog-post-and-why-you-can-keep-working-on-your-spatialos-game/ Though they say Improbable are at fault here, the truth is that their ToS is a nightmare to go through, and there's still a ton of issues with that. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/blog/epic-games-and-improbable-working-together-for-developers Epic and Improbable are launching a 25,000,000 fund to help developers transition to "more open engines, services and ecosystems".
  2. https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/47569 Bungie parts ways with Activision.
  3. So this is a thing: https://www.mcvuk.com/development/unity-blocks-improbables-spatial-os-all-live-and-in-development-games-affected Unity has blocked Spatial OS, stemming from changes to their license, Unity has been silent for now, but as some people have pointed out, this could be the result of Unity trying to get into cloud based streaming/servers/stuff themselves. Meanwhile, Epic are not letting this opportunity go to waste:
  4. Out now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/893180/Catherine_Classic/
  5. Looks cool, though I question its portability.
  6. Most of the time yes, that one was just practice at getting certain shapes and proportions right, since I tend to mess those up quite a bit, specially the chin area.
  7. Been trying to draw faces, with varying degrees of success, this is one of my best attempts:
  8. + All DLC. Thought about picking up the character and mission DLC for the PS4 version, then checked the Steam sale just in case and it ended up being way WAY cheaper to just buy the game and all it's DLC on Steam, so yeah, yay for localised prices!
  9. Happy New Year! \m/ \m/

    1. TCP


      Happy New Year ?

  10. Went back to Dark Souls 3, tried to continue from where I left off, but having been away for a while made things hard, specially since I left off right before a rather annoying boss fight, so instead I started a new save.
  11. I didn't play many games released this year, mostly been going through some of my backlog. Still, out of the ones I did play here's my GOTY: If you are not a fan of VC already, this one won't do much to sway you, that being said, if you do enjoy the series then there's some cool stuff here. The grenadier class specially brings some interesting possibilities with them, also there's some new orders, including some that you get after reaching a certain part of the story that are really fun to use. The command feature is pretty cool too, allowing one of your units to "command" up to two others moving together on the field, this is great for when you want to set up support fire or escort weaker units to their target. Tanks using only one CP this time around is great, the Cactus APC is cool, though kinda weak, and seeing how if it gets taken out all units inside will also be retired, it's kind of a gamble to use it, that being said, it was super helpful in a couple of missions. Scout rushing is considerably less prominent, grenadiers being everywhere and being able to slow down any soldiers they hit means you're less likely to succeed if you just attempt to rush everything, it is still possible in certain missions, but much less OP than before. Story wise, it's been pretty much like VC1 in terms of tone, though I haven't made it far enough to fully comment on it and how it compares to previous entries in the series, so far it's been a pretty cool experience, outside of that one annoying character that doesn't seem to learn their lesson.
  12. Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! \m/ \m/ :P 

    1. TCP


      Happy holidays MC!!!!

    2. deanb


      Merry Christmas everyone!

    3. Pojodin


      Belated Merry Christmas and Pre-emptive Happy New Year!

  13. Metro Last Light, finally got the Redemption ending! \m/ \m/
  14. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1E4cMClmqF4Ji4aKzwzLgC
  15. https://blog.discordapp.com/why-not-90-10-3761ebef4eab Discord opening their store for self-publishing, with a 90-10 split. Something I haven't seen is whether any of these new stores are DRM free or if you're tied to their launcher/service.
  16. For anyone that's played Watch Dogs, Siege, or any other recent Ubisoft game:
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