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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Looks like she won't be there: https://ew.com/movies/2017/06/09/mary-poppins-returns-julie-andrews-wont-appear/
  2. Looks really cool, though VC4 is going to be my game for September. Would probably get it if I wasn't trying to clear some games off my backlog.
  3. I went from 287lbs to 206 which, thinking about it, is kinda insane. Took a while, but it was worth it. \m/ \m/
  4. On one hand, I think I've never been in better shape in my life, on the other hand, it is now painfully obvious that I need to renew my entire wardrobe.
  5. I've seen them a bunch of times, even thought about buying them, but they are a bit expensive and I've never seen a good offer so I stick with the traditional dumbbell.
  6. So that's why it downloaded a 76GB update.
  7. Going with a combat build made certain parts easy as a fully upgraded golden gun kills most mimics in one hit and the shotgun can easily dispatch most of the enemies you run into. Maxing out mobility was super useful, since I did not have the hacking skill and repair was stuck at level 1, being able to bypass locked doors by jumping around looking for a vent was pretty cool.
  8. Prey, did not expect that ending. Went with a combat focused build, using only human abilities and security weapons, pretty fun. Only part I didn't enjoy much was near the end when
  9. I've been thinking about playing through VC1 and 2 (maybe 3) before 4 comes out though I don't know if I'll have the time.
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