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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. DOOM, got the BFG, already had a rune that made it so demons dropped BFG ammo when killed... BEST GAME EVER \m/ \m/
  2. http://www.siliconera.com/2018/06/19/valkyria-chronicles-4-gets-september-25-2018-release-date-launch-editions/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter September 25! \m/ \m/
  3. FUCKING AWESOME!! HELL YEAH!!!! \m/ \m/

  5. We're obligated by law to have that discussion every time VC1 is mentioned.
  6. Glad it helped. Loved using it at night, hunting volatiles.
  7. \m/ \m/ Can't wait!
  8. http://www.siliconera.com/2018/06/13/sekiro-shadows-die-twice-classes-stats-online-communication/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter \m/ \m/
  9. That was why I just used the duplication thingy to make multiple copies of every weapon I liked, felt like it wasn't worth it using them otherwise. Also, later on the game gets easier.
  10. Smash looks awesome, and Daemon x Machina looks really cool as well. \m/ \m/
  11. Ghost of Tsushima looks cool, Death Stranding is... something. Resident Evil 2!! \m/ \m/ HELL YEAH! Not too sure their new looks though, love the updated gameplay. The rest of it was weird to say the least, they said they would let the games do the talking, but this is not what I was expecting.
  12. That already happened, it's called DOOM ETERNAL.
  13. I like the name, makes me think of a death metal album, which is pretty much what DOOM is in videogame form.
  14. DOOM ETERNAL!!!!! \m/ \m/

    1. Mal


      I'm stoked at seeing the Arch-vile.

  15. Sekiro looks fucking awesome \m/ \m/
  16. DEVIL MAY CRY V!!! \m/ \m/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      We'll hear more at Gamescom in late August then probably more at TGS in late September.

    3. TCP


      Give me a sequel to the reboot!! 

    4. toxicitizen


      @Ultra TCP I really wanted that a few years ago but at this point the ship has sailed. Going back to the original world with DMC5 is the best move if they hope to keep the series relevant.

  17. Seeing iNcontroL and Nathanias on stage was a thing. Anthem looks cool, but I learned my lesson with Destiny, so I'll be staying away from that one. It was cool how they announced Unravelled 2 with it being ready to buy/play.
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