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  • Interests
    Painting, Games, Writing, Music

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  • Gamertag
    Nacho Bobo

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  1. I spent the day looking up information on GW2 and am really leaning towards getting it. The dynamic events and the fact that class can do everything is really enticing me. The only fear I have is that I may get quickly burned out on it and feel like I was just playing WoW again. From the videos I've seen it does feel like something that may be different enough from WoW, but I was just wondering if anyone could speak of their similarites or differences.
  2. I have to agree with you on the second half of the movie saving it, but I think it helps that the film built itself up to that. It has a rather slow start, and those who stick to the 10 minute rule would probably hit the eject button.
  3. Never heard of it, but I will be sure to look it up. Thanks.
  4. That's really a pretty extensive list you put up there. I had no idea some of those were coming out for the vita. I'm hoping none of it was cancelled though.
  5. I saw TDKR and thoroughly enjoyed it, though it wasn't without its issues. But the real last good movie I saw was In Bruges.
  6. Haven't been here in a while, been doing a lot of work. Did this Bane speed painting for my website. It's on the image if you want to see some other designs I've done. It's just starting up so there isn't much though. I really like the new work that has been posted.
  7. PixelJunk Monsters and Plants VS. Zombies. They're both simple games that I can pick up and play with my wife.
  8. quick sketchwork done a couple of days ago. I printed it for the heck of it and put it right next to a serene painting of happy little trees that I painted as a result of watching a Bob Ross instructional on PBS a couple of months ago.
  9. It's been quite sometime since I've read the story so my memory of it may be quite different from the actual tale. With that said the story is a Japanese Folk tale that centers around a poor artist who is commisioned to paint a Buddha for a temple, which also happens to be haunted by a demon rat. Fortunately for the painter there is also a cat. How it happens to be there or why is forgotten to me. As a result the artist would hide cats within his paintings of Buddhas. Prior to that cats weren't placed in paintings because they were believed to be evil. At least that's how I remember it.
  10. Passion always wins out. Interesting juxtaposition you have there with the Buddhacat. There's an old tale about the origin of cats in paintings of Buddhas. Perhaps you've heard of it before?
  11. I had no idea that Dragon Force came out for the PS2. With that said I am hoping that they do release it as an archive game here in the west as well. http://andriasang.com/con1rj/dragon_force_video/

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I remember that game fondly.

    2. Kau_Kau


      There was a good reason some called it Drag-on Force but I still have good memories of it as well. It's too bad the second wasn't released here.

  12. I really liked the work I've seen in this thread so far and have decided to post my own meager sketches and drawings. My hands have always been shaky and it sometimes makes me crazy trying to do clean lines but Adobe Illustrator does help with that.
  13. Yep! I rarely hear this game brought up anymore. I used to love it. What were the first person RPGs on Saturn? There's always one where the name slips my mind. Shinig the holy ark was one of them. Don't know if there were more though.
  14. Don't forget opium and other recreational drugs.
  15. Sometimes things just come to me. Other times I freewrite. Basically I have writing process ADD. But for me writing comes from experiencing life, strange ideas that emerge from common everyday mundane activities.
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