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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hay, just saw your message, thanks. It was quite the experience, I even watched a movie and everything! :D

  2. It's all that german sausage, I think.
  3. Say what you will, that Guns n Roses shirt is fucking kickass
  4. Ah, I liked Jedi Power Battles, but I've never gone on and on. Matter of fact, I never go on and on about anything. I'm very easygoing.
  5. Don't think I ever did... Matter of fact, I have never seen nor heard from this game until now
  6. Meanwhile in the yard Yant's kid eats sand and plays with the weedwhacker..
  7. that might be the one. Wow, that's low though.. even for a nintendo fanboy
  8. Actually screw the fish, is a new skin a possibility? I suggest something with yellow in it. Yellow's always good. Actually, I'd take plain black over this current seasonal tablecloth thing we got going on.
  9. Zelda: A Link to the Future
  10. D-K


    Yant got dropped from +15 to -someting in one day, RESETS FOR ALL!
  11. D-K


  12. As suggested before somewhere on this forum, I'd like to have 3eyed fish as a rank
  13. Wait I thought london was GTA 2... what the hell;?
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