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Everything posted by D-K

  1. oh my god i'm so glad you got out of THAT phase in your life The long hair plus beads thing was when I was 9. I was rebelling the "High Top n Fade" and "spikes". When I was about 12 (highschool) coupe de soleil was the "hot" thing to do, so I went with red and blue. Sort of like this: (except less totally gay) From age 15 upwards it was the buzzcut and shorter styles. have about 7-8 different short hair styles Age 21 was my last buzzcut, I'm nearly 23 now and it as reached C-3 (cervical vertebrae) I've also been thinking about letting the fro down south grow as opposed tot the weekly shave, and braiding 2 locks and let those dangle next to my penis so it looks like a viking.. y'know.. for funsies. I still do insane stuff, I'm very much like a kid when I'm not being superintelligent and awesome.
  2. D-K


    I would like that invisibility cloak NASA's been working on, or; -nanochip lingual processor. -zero gravity chamber. -synthethic hormone gland that distributes adrenaline at will. -an actual functional tail, in the grippin sense. -a hammock -Delorean converted to hovercraft. -nanochip perception enhancer.
  3. I have various different hairstyles, sometimes a buzzcut, sometimes medium short. At the moment however, I've been letting it grow pretty long because I have something in mind that would require generally short hair with some viking braids on the side. Typed out that actually sounds lame as hell but I'll make it work. When I was younger I had hair halfway down my back with redgreenwhite beads in it. I've had bluered and white (like WHITEWHITE) hair as well. Guess I'm a bit of a loose cannon when it comes to the due.. When I get a camera I'll put up a pic in the WDYLL thread.
  4. The Dutch don't scare easily, we are a resiliant bunch.
  5. ITT: Mister Jack finally admits to his speedo fetish.
  6. If Link was gay he'd probably go "y'know.. fuck this" at about dungeon 3 or so..
  7. Upcoming songs on playlist: Alice Cooper - Poison Rancid - Maxwell Murder Sublime - What I got Nino d'angelo - La valle del eden Bocelli&Brightman - con te partiro etc. etc. Pretty much a random clutter of everything I like tossed together.
  8. Not all lemons are sour, that is prejuicedice. for shame! OMG Lemon how can you talk!? I can do lots of things.. Lemons ARE pretty good, you know..
  9. Not all lemons are sour, that is prejuicedice. for shame!
  10. There is no reason to talk much, I pretty much agree with the point he raises. Lemons are actually pretty good.
  11. Who wouldn't be excited, I mean just look at all these stars!
  12. Reicheru: I don't have a message from either you or Gappoi forums that mention this. I have 2, 1 validation-mail and 1 saying showmeyomoves requested a friendship by private conversation. Did you use my correct adress? Please resend it, I'm quite curious. You can use the mail function on my profile page, i just tested it, and it works fine.
  13. I think I should have the ability to send private messages. I think it's strange that my account lacks that ability and I'd like clarification on this.
  14. (sorry mudkip, rules is rules) (teehee)
  15. We don't own, it's a lease. Less paperwork.
  16. Hmm, some. Reiterating doesn't really get you anything, adding to the conversation does. Also, I didn't really participate in that thread other than maybe a post or two, I think it was mostly ethan, dean and you. I guess I'll let it slide though, I'm nothing if not the eternal optimist, right? Right.
  17. Even got the sig right, good stuff.
  18. That's why I like you My scathing retortquote was directed at Kanji for failing to spot what I mentioned twice, then berating me for a mistake I didn't make whilst committing said mistake himself. I don't do facepalm jpegs so this is what I came up with. Repeating myself. .. doesn't sound as scathing as it looks, but that's why I used really big letters! eh, Kanji can permit a lapse in cool every now and then, he's pretty stocked up on cred as it is.
  19. "While I could go on and on about the turningpointmergerhabbledash, I thought it'd be more interesting to ask you people what you feel is good characterization, or perhaps just what you feel is a character that speaks to you in terms of personality. Most importantly, the reason WHY this character speaks to you. Gah!x2
  20. Not on Kayce's but don't take it personal. It takes a lot of effort to be as awesome as the three that did make the cut. Besides, don't you have born2fist for all your fisting needs?
  21. Whatever, it's not official, look at the list. Komrade's official brofist-list: Kanji, Bags, D-K Do you see Strife? No? Bam! Suck it!
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