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  1. Dong fella has got my number
  2. This is now probably considered spamming.
  3. I posted and no one responded
  4. the king lives in a king house and wears a king hat

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. diedan


      I'm blue dobba-dee dobba-dye...


      Wait, not that song?




      AW FUCK!

    3. Sindo
    4. Battra92


      did he eat a King Kone?

  5. I actually had to point him out to my boyfriend... he couldn't recognize him
  6. I like to think he was playing the part of a man who would take a role like that meta acting
  7. YES. HE IS FANTASTIC. I wish that Clash wasn't my first exposure to him, but maybe it made for a nicer surprise when you find out he is actually An Actor. In Flame & Citron, though, I just wanted to give him a hug
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