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  1. Hey. I got you a gift.

  2. Hey you. In case you did not notice… I PM'd yah.

  3. Nobody's on except for coke. I have played so much Eternal Sonata today I am physically ill when I play it.
  4. No More Heroes has a fantastic opening. You learn that Travis is a mildly sociopathic badass, and he chops some dudes apart. Such an awesome game.
  5. Ninja Gaiden 2 is a game I played through and did not die a single time on the normal setting. Harder setting gave me minor trouble, but nothing like getting ambushed by only 3 Black Spider Ninjas while walking the streets of Vigoor in Ninja Gaiden Black. God Hand is def. hard, as is Vanquish (try those challenge missions). Personally, I like my RPGs to kick my ass. Eternal Sonata on Encore mode is fitting the bill, as I haven't played any RPG this outright difficult since Shadow Hearts: From The New World (the only game whose battle system even comes CLOSE to Grandia XTreme's).
  6. I'm going to repost my comment from that article, with a couple of additions. I actually gained about 15 followers in the last few hours (and had a few scrubs rage on me), and I suspect it was because of this post: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheap. It's a loaded word. What does it mean, exactly? Well, the main issue is that it means many different things to many different people. Some people think that "cheap" tactics are tactics that openly show that the user lacks skill to a great degree, and that their entire strategy relies on repeatedly utilizing a particular tactic that many people have a hard time dealing with. This causes many people who view this behavior to be "cheap" to become angry that somebody of obviously lesser skill defeated them in a MP match. Examples include nonstop projectile throwing in fighting games, noob tubing, dropping into armor lock repeatedly. Some people think that "cheap" tactics are tactics whereby a player or group of players is allowed to pursue and hold an immediate advantage, without having the fairness in mind to allow adversaries to gain a foothold from which to launch a counterattack. Camping of all flavors comes to mind, here, whether it be holding a particular advantageous position or spawn camping, whether the developers encourage it or not. The thing to note is that all of the aforementioned game mechanics or play styles I mentioned are completely legitimate. If a fighting game character has a move in his/her repertoire, why shouldn't you be able to use it as much as you want? Because it doesn't fall into somebody else's definition of what constitutes fair play? If a shooter does not have randomized spawn points and one team is clearly better than the other, why shouldn't they sit at your spawn point and shoot you as you respawn? The onus is on the developers to fix that, not on the players to change the way they play the game to accommodate poor game design, especially if your spawn-campers have to wait until you respawn in order to continue playing the game. It might be a little unfair, but if you're in that position in the first place, it's doubtful luck got you into it. You were likely outclassed from the outset, and the dodgy game design simply makes it even less fun. Find a less broken game to enjoy. If one weapon is far better than the other, you can feel as righteous and magnanimous as you please when you take the weaker weapon into battle and get blown to bits by someone carrying the better weapon. Just don't cry about it. Lots of different people have their own ideas about how a game should be played, and when others do not adhere to their whims, they cry foul and become angry. This is where the concept of "cheap" comes from. "Cheap" is whatever you don't like at the moment you got killed. If it's somebody using better tactics than you, those tactics are cheap. If it's some weapon that kills you in a second flat, and you don't have that weapon, it's cheap. If someone did something to you that you either can't do, or don't know how to do, then that action is cheap. The definition of "cheap" is subject to change at a moment's notice. See, if you have an idea in your head about how a specific game should be played, and you won't accept any other variations or changes to that formula, please don't play online. Other people, far more skilled than you, have ideas as to how the game should played, and most of them involve beating you at the game you willingly went online to play. If they find that beating you online provides them with the fun that they're looking for, why should they deny their own fun just so that players looking to have their own brand of fun can run and jump around while bouncing explosives off of walls and into themselves? The word "exploit" is another word that people have taken to very liberal definitions of. Just because you find something abusable and "exploit" it, doesn't necessarily mean that you are doing something wrong. You're just doing something that some people haven't quite figured out how to deal with, yet, and they'll whine at you for doing it. Glitching, however, is definitely a poor thing to do, and should be considered cheating if intentional, but if you're not exploiting a glitch, you're not doing anything wrong.
  7. In short, the ejector is the green hazard vendor you see on the top levels of each arena that corresponds to an ejector pad on the ground floor, often in a bot lane. If you spend $50 to hit the ejector, all bots on the pad's effective area are destroyed (or knocked away if overhealed with heal aura). It can also be used to eject pros from the arena or outright kill them. The Annihilator is the padless hazard vendor that you find in the center of every map. It costs $250, and will destroy all small enemy bots on the field, hurt Jackbots substantially, and deal a minor bit of damage to pros. Annihilator control is imperative; even if your enemy has no bots worth $250, it's worth it to merely hit it so that the enemy can't. Having money for the Annihilator is a must, so only upgrade skills AS YOU NEED THEM as opposed to trying to get every skill to level 3. Always assume that somebody on the enemy team has the money for it, and will rush the Annihilator given a chance. Don't let it happen. Also, default sensitivity for the Sniper is waaaaaaaay too much. I'd go with 3 at the absolute highest. I use 2, and find it to be great for jumping in & out of scope.
  8. Weeellllllll, ya see.....they're not Final Fantasy games. They're SaGa games, whose hit-or-miss nature has been very well documented. They have their own little "best of" list, and it looks like this: 1. SaGa 3 2. Romancing SaGa 2 3. The Last Remnant (unofficially)
  9. We have played totes awesome games. This is the truth. I went 40-4 today, which could've been better had I not lost my grooooove. Also, MNC at 8:00c which you will probably not play.
  10. Gunner is used for long-distance pro harassment and turret destruction with mortars, and for laying down a curtain of murderous suppressive fire with the miniguns. Tank is used for close-quarters destruction of bots, pros, and turrets alike, and has a long-distance railgun to compensate for lack of range, but gets absolutely trashed at a perfect medium-range by basically any class.
  11. ilomilo is fun. Lara Croft is a damn good game, too, but I just can't find the motivation to buy it at full price, and I've missed all the sales for it. Games I'd recommend: Monday Night Combat (best MP experience this year) OutRun Online (port of OutRun 2, the greatest arcade racing game of all time yeah you heard me) The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (pure fighting game gold; they use the correct hardware revision, too!) Perfect Dark HD (worth every point) Hydro Thunder Hurricane (fantastic racing physics) Shadow Complex (nearly flawless Metroidesque game) There are others I like, but those are the favorites out of what I own.
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