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Little Pirate

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About Little Pirate

  • Birthday 07/14/1988

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  • Location
    Secretville, Antartica
  • Interests
    TF2, Drawing, Comics (Deadpool, Batman, X-Men and a few others), XBOX360, PC, Horror flicks, Comedies

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm happy to say that the reason I've been inactive lately is because I've gotten some form of recognition with local bands after doing some freebies for a starter one. I'm getting told I'm undercharging people, but I honestly have zero business knowledge and how to price my art. I've always done this as a hobby over profit so I have no idea what to charge based on my abilities. But I'm looking into maybe saving up and getting a loan to start a mini-studio so I can actually do two part time jobs rather than trying to juggle my full-time one and then doing commissions on the side. Anyways, art dump.
  2. I've tried to avoid monthly payment games, but I buckled down for this one. I really enjoy this game.
  3. Happy Birthday, Mister Jack!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SomTervo


      A belated: Mappy Jirthday, Hister Back!

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      I'm trying to make that one sound sexual, but struggling.

    4. Pojodin


      Happy Belated Birthday Mister Jack!

  4. I think all this anticipation about Season 5 of Game of Thrones is starting to have some very serious effects on me.
  5. I've been hooked on Persona 3 Portable, got it for my phone. I haven't engaged in an JRPG in a long while, so it was a nice game to get back into after so long. I had a few peeves with how a few of the fetch quests worked and the one-day-only deadlines. Otherwise, I like the balance of story and gameplay.
  6. So this is a thing. I'm not getting my hopes up too much because, well... Adam Sandler's been on a downwards slope.
  7. Been having a hard time trying to find the free time for my games lately, but I finally spent a whole day to beat Dragon Age. Finished all the side quests, killed all the dragons, and unlocked all the discoveries. My first playthrough I was a human rogue. I usually play as a mage in these games, but I really liked the rogue build, ended up going with assassin as the final tier. I liked that they offered a bit more variety in custom weapon and armor forging, too. I'm not terribly fond of how lackluster the original designs for your main character were, though. Felt like they half assed the customizations on that part. Going to go back and play through as a qunari I think.
  8. Kind of bummed Varric is not romanceable... Also, there's been a few quest glitches I've noticed. I had to go back and lose two hours because I had saved during a glitch with Solas's personal quest not activating the NPC spawn.
  9. I had a local musician who happened upon a piece of art I made for a friend and messaged me on Facebook to design her a comic book style image. I'm super excited, this is going to be hosted at their next show!
  10. I've gotten some of the most interesting response options playing as a qunari mage. "YOU GOTTA PROBLEM WITH QUNARI? >:[" ":( No, no, no! The Maker makes us all equal--sometimes, some of us are just... taller... and, gray...I like your horns."
  11. It's been a while since I've sacrificed time for sleep so I could game instead. Swear I'm going to get Dragon Age done by the end of the week if it kills me.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      im glad I was able to finish the game, what i cared about, before coming to Dubai. Took me like 70 hours

    2. TheMightyEthan


      I was trying to get Dragon Age finished by New Year's. I missed it by 4 hours.

  12. Life's short. Try to make to take a moment out of your day to find something positive. Happy new year, you guys. Looking forward to spending another with the PXOD gang.

    1. Waldorf and Statler
    2. Pojodin


      Happy New Year LP! Hope it's a good one for you!

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