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Little Pirate

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About Little Pirate

  • Birthday 07/14/1988

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    Secretville, Antartica
  • Interests
    TF2, Drawing, Comics (Deadpool, Batman, X-Men and a few others), XBOX360, PC, Horror flicks, Comedies

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  1. It's December and I have my windows wide open to let in the sunshine and fresh, warm air inside. But global warming is a myth in my country. :|

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      There's no water going to farmers because there's no water Revan. Either we deplete the aquifers under Southern California and risk some pretty bad subsidence there (already happening), or we truck it in from elsewhere and hell, California doesn't even have the money to pretend to make their schools affordable.

    3. TheRevanchist


      True. The problem is only going to get worse, because the delta system needs a complete overhaul, along with the levee systems. Once the delta system breaks, all of CA is fucked, and trucks may be the only way to get water. The invasive specie of smelt will die anyway. CA has lots of water problems. :(

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Desalination + giant pipelines = problem solved. That's long term though, obviously.

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