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Little Pirate

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About Little Pirate

  • Birthday 07/14/1988

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  • Location
    Secretville, Antartica
  • Interests
    TF2, Drawing, Comics (Deadpool, Batman, X-Men and a few others), XBOX360, PC, Horror flicks, Comedies

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  1. On the way home from a jog I saw a family stranded on the sidewalk with a broken down car. They had kids and it was really hot out, so I figured I'd rush home and grab them some bottled water. It's a good thing I did because I had dropped my phone on the street and found it on my way back. Instant karma?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      On the way home I saw a family stranded on the sidewalk with a broken down car. They had kids and it was really hot out, so I rushed home and watched tv. It's a good thing I did because there were some good shows on. The family? Fuck 'em, I don't even know those people.

    3. Eleven


      On the way home I saw a family stranded on the sidewalk with a broken down car. They had kids and it was really hot out, so I rushed home and grabbed them some bottled water. But when I got there this girl was already there handing out bottles of water. So I just rushed back home to catch some TV but the good shows were already done! I guess this just isn't my day.

    4. Little Pirate
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