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Everything posted by CorgiShinobi

  1. Any of y'all still have turnips? Timmy and Tommy on my island are selling them for 287 Bells! I'll get a code once I've finished exploring with my fiancee. JV3W3
  2. Most of what I would read never made a point of it. Even now when I actively search for it, I get a sample of sites I've never heard of or sites I never go to for gaming news (e.g. Business Insider). That's for articles older than this past week because now more sites are making recent articles about the length, possible episodes, etc. It also doesn't help that a lot of advertising for this game makes it out to be "the long awaited remake of a classic." Which in of itself totes the game as the complete adventure rather than a fraction of the first disc. I've seen the same revelation online and when talking in person with a few people, so I'm definitely not the only one. The amount of salt and defensive fanboys is crazy. So yeah, I'm gonna wait to see how this all turns out.
  3. So I've seen some discussion on FFVII Remake that greatly concerns me. Mainly... it isn't the entire game?! Also, Like, the game is 100GB, but only covers Midgar?! People are thinking it's gonna be a trilogy, but I looked into older news and while it was actually stated the game would be episodic (How was this so unknown?!), there's no official confirmation of episode length. What in the hell, Square Enix? Is Nomura taking us on another ride?!
  4. Maybe, but I'm not sure what little I have left. My fiancée and I have been trading so we're both really close. What's unfortunate is that there's no way to trade bugs or fish. She gets an extra marlin and I get 3 additional oarfish in the span of two days, but nothing else to do but sell them. At least CJ was around. FYI, visitors can't sell to CJ (and I imagine Flick as well).
  5. I'm okay with it, though I could see the implications. I'm liking what I'm seeing, yet I'd like for some color options at launch. White and black isn't bad, I just would like to have white as the accent color and not black. Looking at the PSVR I can see why the controller is mostly white. At the end of the day, if it feels good, then I'm good.
  6. Speaking of eShop, I got Drawful 2 for all of $0.09 on the Switch! Then my fiancée got stuck home as a coworkers was in contact with someone with COVID-19. So I got Drawful 2 for FREE on Steam so I can screen share on Discord. And rather than just one game, I went ahead and got Jackbox Party Pack 6 for $20.99! I don't know why, of all places, the Party Packs aren't on sale directly on Steam. GMG has them on discount, but not for much. However, if you go directly to Jackbox Games, they're selling Steam codes for all the Party Packs for cheap. If things go well on Discord, I'll look into 5 and then 4. I don't know if I would dip into the older packs, and if anything, I might bite the bullet and buy Quiplash 2 individually if people want to play it. EDIT: I see it's not available yet until "Spring 2020," so whenever that is...
  7. I got called back in, but I'm hoping to be gone in the next 30 minutes.
  8. Is it going down today? I should be available tonight. My island is fairly serviceable, though Mabel didn't give me the Able Sisters tent until yesterday. No clothing options on my island until tomorrow! ?
  9. I got Residential Services upgraded finally. Isabelle is back! Sorry I didn't see you guys yesterday. My fiancee and I have been trying to get the Stringfish and Sturgeon before they leave this month. Granted, they're both very rare fish, so it has been a lot of time and effort... with nothing to show. At least we traded fossils and clothing and etc. But I really hope a Quantity function gets added to DIY. Having to make 1 Fish Bait over and over got old.
  10. With not having to go into work and having light remote work responsibilities, I've found myself with a little more time. So... Doom Eternal! I got it from Green Man Gaming for 18% off on the Deluxe version. Downside is it's a Bethesda product key, but from what I've heard you still need a Bethesda account no matter the platform, so I guess I skipped a step by using it directly through them. Just another account to add to the pile, right? Either way, I'm playing Doom Eternal when I'm not living it up on my island in New Horizons. The gameplay is similar but also different from the prior game. I've had to use the chainsaw far more often than in Doom 2016. Not to mention all the Glory Kills (name?) where I can get health back. I feel like once you get the hang of it, it has some crazy vertical movement to it. I've only done the first level, but I know I'll rip and tear until it is done!
  11. Yes, but I'm waiting for the tree to grow. You got peaches? Only fruit I don't have.
  12. Yeah, not much else I can add about Animal Crossing that hasn't been said. I'm definitely more goal oriented, so I can get caught up in the Nook Miles that were introduced in New Horizons. But to me the intent has always been a chill, if not therapeutic, experience where you build an environment of your own design. It gives you control in a situation where you normally have very little. Granted, with people in self-quarantine, players have been antsy and "time traveling" to speed up the process. What would normally be a relaxed experience has become people's obsession as they find they have nothing else to do. (I mean, read a book, watch a movie, play another game...) Though who am I to dictate how others enjoy the game. I just don't want people to get burned out with a game that isn't even a full week old yet.
  13. Onward Well it's a good thing I saw this yesterday as a bunch of theaters closed today. Went to the Giant Screen Dolby Atmos showing and there was a whopping dozen people in the theater. The Simpsons short at the beginning is forgettable. Didn't care for it, though it's really not terrible. The actual movie is great. I don't think it'll be many people's favorite Pixar film, but it's a strong story with a great mix of adventure and drama. You'll have to, as a logical thinking adult, suspend your disbelief on the concept that magical fantasy characters fully abandoned magic because technology was more convenient. Otherwise, this is such a strong family film given both its central conflict and the two main characters, Ian and Barley Lightfoot(Tom Holland and Chris Pratt). In some aspects you'll probably be able to see what's coming, but the film does a good job throwing some curveballs too. You don't need a strong grasp on fantasy movies or games to enjoy this one as Barley explains to Ian the rules and concepts of the world's magic and quests. If anything, the final act of this film is where it shines. I would be willing to see it again: it's that good!
  14. So I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I work at a college. At the end of the day today it was announced all our courses were going online. There's literally a line in the official announcement that says for students not to return after Spring Break. There is no word on when on-campus classes or activities will resume... And then not too long after that my church announced all meetings would be suspended until further notice.
  15. So everything is getting cancelled over COVID-19 now. Can't get toilet paper easily in my state where there hasn't even been a confirmed case of COVID-19. The coworker I was joking about before? He hasn't been in the last 10 days, so there's this assumption he's "self-confining." I recently got sick over the past weekend (probably from coworker) and I was getting over my sickness on Monday I could feel the paranoia around me when I would cough. Yeah, normally that's true for any illness, and I would have loved to stay home, but I'm hourly with no sick leave available to me. Ergo, I have to suck it up unless I know I'd be useless or possibly get myself physically hurt. We've had talks about it being okay to stay home, but most employees still get paid while they cough and sneeze in bed. During this whole week, we've received dozens of emails about COVID-19 and as more and more places shut down or events get canceled, the more people have been freaking out and clean everything they touch. I saw someone give the soda vending machine a full wipe down the other day. I know viruses like this can be very harmful as my sister suffered from a terrible infection due to H1N1 back then. I just can't help but scoff at how overblown some of this is from the domino effect of constant emails and news articles on closures, cancelations, or whatever else just isn't happening anymore.
  16. Combo status: You think getting the Season Pass for Borderlands 3 on Steam is worth it? Each "edition" is 50% off until Mar 20.

  17. I could see the strategy of "Arrives on PC" for a last push on sales working for a good while. However, I think consumers would get wise to it like how gamers got wise to Rockstar milking GTA V and then RDR2 eventually coming to PC. A kind of it'll happen factor where people just wait for the PC release since, well, it has been happening! Of course, I think Sony would only do this for games that have proven highly successful and helped reach a zenith on hardware sales. If one isn't selling as intended, then knowing Sony, they won't want to bother. So don't expect Knack 3 coming to PS5 and PC!
  18. Saw it a few days ago... My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising There's hardly a bad thing about this movie. I like it more than the first and every student has a part in this film. Great antagonists, great humor, great action, wonderful animation, excellent premise and story. And honestly it compliments both the anime and manga very well. That's the thing, if I was to think of something negative, it might be that the movie will slightly spoil a plot point that's been developing in the manga for a while. I've seen some anime-only viewers get confused by it and criticize the movie for "breaking the rules." I am really looking forward to the Blu-ray so that I can show friends and family who didn't get the chance to see it in theaters. The final fight... dear lord... the final fight is just everything I love about animation.
  19. Sonic Forces Because it's free with PS+ and that's a fair price for this game. It's not exactly terrible, but there's not a lot that wows me. Your custom character is alright, though it's hard not to make something either laughably goofy or middle school edgy. There is solid gameplay for most of the stages, but the story and dialogue are either ho-hum or awkward. Like if you injected furries into an apocalypse film, but it was adapted into a Saturday morning cartoon series.
  20. If you have PS+ and haven't played Shadow of the Colossus, it's free and now you have no excuse!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      @Mister Jack Yes, there's a "modern" control option, or you can play with classic controls, whichever you prefer.

    3. TCP


      I have it downloaded but this would require stop playing Stardew Valley. ?‍♂️

    4. deanb


      I resemble this status.

  21. I swear one of my coworkers caught something while he was in Chicago. There was breaking news that coronavrius had been discovered there the same day when he flew back. He was really sick at first, but now he seems to have low energy. The latter is probably due to poor sleeping habits, but the department went from teasing to concern once he acted like he was on death's door a little while ago. Like, just our luck our neck of the woods could be ground zero for something. ?
  22. I'm no longer paying for antivirus! Windows Security is so good now that antivirus suites try to offer other services to keep you paying. Said services I don't need or at least would like to do independently.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I've exclusively used Windows Defender for probably 10-12 years now, and never had a problem.

    3. deanb


      Yeah I've never paid, only time using 'paid' AV was when I was at uni and installing their AV supplier was a requirement of hooking to their LAN.

      Otherwise just being a bit smart on not clicking random shit. Really there's not as much point in dropping viruses on individual PCs these days compared to hacking servers directly.

    4. deanb


      Quick. Start paying for Anti-Virus again!

  23. Viewers will need to acquire more Insight first. ? Speaking of Bloodborne, I'll be playing the board game for the first time this coming Monday! I've had it for almost a whole year, but you need at least three people to play and I don't always have the time to get something together.
  24. Sonic Adventure DX is janky, and has Big the Cat, but it's still oddly fun. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle was fun as hell back in the day. Now I can see the design flaws, mainly with Tails and Eggman's stages, but I still love it. Sonic Heroes can burn in hell. Not that it's absolutely terrible, but the gameplay is frustrating and the rail grinding is awful. I broke my Wavebird over that game because Team Chaotix had a stage where it was a lot of rail grinding. Sometimes your characters just wouldn't latch on, so there goes your fastest time! ?
  25. I hadn't considered he was being intentionally obtuse. Kinda like a kid proving they can't do something by attempting said thing.
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