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Commander Shepard

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Everything posted by Commander Shepard

  1. Any way the wind blows, Doesn't really matter to me, to me~
  2. Oh the misery of retail. Call ahead of time to find out if they have a product in stock and to reserve one for you, only to arrive and realize they either never received the item or sold out long before you called. Even if you find what you wanted, the item may be in poor condition, you can hear the CD rattle around inside the box, or it looks like Fat Albert himself sat on the box. Though, as a blessing and a curse, I currently live three hours driving time from any kind of retail store, and have to take my risks online. I do miss being able to peruse shelves and bargain bins for discounts and the latest releases, but at the same time, I don't miss the hassle, the lines, and whatnot. Cue music of your choice... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nftxDrStny8
  3. You think...correctly. Good job, Mister Jack.
  4. I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
  5. First thought was History of the World, Part One, but then I thought about it and remembered it lacked the F word, so then I thought some more... Death at a Funeral, when he's up on the roof.
  6. As a certain video game character once said, "Blow it out your ass." I'll let you interpret that as you will.
  7. If you enjoy platformers that have you leap amazing distances, weaving in-between saw blades, enemies, lasers, missiles, spikes, and the such, where the precision of the game is purely dependent upon the player's input (No input or reaction lag at all), and with humor that will have you chuckle and grin throughout the game, as you conquer levels to unlock their Dark version to present the player with sometimes nigh-impossible challenges, then this may be the game for you.
  8. I. drink. your. MILKSHAKE! > You drink your milkshake. I drink it alllllllll up.
  9. The Half-Life series: Uplink: Trust is a Weakness
  10. Only an M+ rating? (Do they even use the AO rating anymore, or is it just taboo to use anymore.) (Also, I know giving the game an M+ rating allows the game to be sold to a larger audience, I just had high hopes and wishes )
  11. Glad to see Mileena shops at the same store where Ivy from Soul Calibur gets her outfits. At least it seems like they are getting back to the classic 2D gory fighting roots of MK, instead of either trying that 3D fighting space or toning down brutality to fight superheroes.
  12. I'm okay with this. (As well as Schrute Farms Beets) Snow on a day off > Snow on a working day > Snow on a working day outside with 35mph gusts.
  13. Quote Time Never rub another man's rhubarb.
  14. Swordquest for Atari. Was supposed to feature four adventure/puzzle games which came bundled with a comic. Through conquering puzzles in the respective games, the game gave you a clue of where to look into the comic. Upon gathering all the clues from the game, the player had to decipher a message from the clues to form a phrase, to which the player would mail in an entry with their solution to each game. Winners would then meet up and race to complete the respective game, and the winner would receive one of the "magical" items from the game, except it would actually be made from gold, silver, and platinum while encrusted with jewels. The prices ranged from a Chalice, a Philosopher's Stone, a Crown, a Medallion (each valuing in 1980 dollars to $25,000) and the winners from these competitions would then meet and battle it out for the grand prize, being the sword (which was valued at $50,000). Unfortunately, do to the Game Crash, the contest was never completed, the fourth game was never released, and the Philosopher's stone and sword prize were never claimed. To make matters worse, nowadays, playing the game without the comic or any knowledge of the Swordquest story prevents new players from being able to pick up and play the game. While it was a success for the first three games, the game was incomplete without the fourth edition, and I would have to say that these would be great games, as even though they are Atari games, it involves the player into solving a puzzle to compete against other players for chances to win valuable prizes. A shame we do not have more contests like this these days...
  15. Hot Fuzz? (The most popular movie I can think of with that line)
  17. Majority of Superhero movies: The Expendables 2012 War of the Worlds (Remake) Alternate War of the Worlds spoiler:
  18. Because you're British, I'll accept that response on a technicality. Dean's choice.
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