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About Kovach_

  • Birthday 11/26/1987

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  • Location
    Serbia, fuck yeah.

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Yotsubato! and Gintama are the best thing ever. THE END, OK?
  2. Ahahah, i gotta try that. Great find xD
  3. Well, there's no problem with him believing it to be so as long as it's not actively bothering anyone.
  4. This is one of my main problems with religion. So many sects that argue about the silliest differences, yet they all agree on hating a few things that really shouldn't be hated (disliked, deemed wrong, wrap it however you like it's the same.) Not that i know of, but it's been a while since i last read it. Still good enough for me to not understand gay Christians.
  5. I fucking hate Bethesda now. I want my spears damnit. And the giant mudcrab.
  6. Ok, i worded that wrong. As i see it, a sin is something that is wrong. Something that you can, but should not do. And since gays don't choose to be gay, they just are, that means their whole existence is wrong. So unless they repent and say that they were wrong for being gay, it's eternal damnation. Or did i miss something while reading the Bible?
  7. Ok, i think i yelled enough at my ISP since my net is working properly again. I'm up for sunday and early friday (+1 CET).
  8. See, i never understood gay Christians. I mean, sure, one is free to believe in whatever he/she wants to, but how can one believe in something that explicitly says you're a curse on this world, a mistake and what not?
  9. This all made me wonder... are religious marriages legally binding in the US?
  10. My internet is being a dick and all this snow isn't helping one bit
  11. Kovach_


    http://playhawken.com/?ref=o9yatmmh Here's mine. If anyone wants to use it i'd be grateful since i need 2 more hits to reserve a name >_<
  12. These campaign videos are getting sillier by the hour it seems...
  13. whynothavebothgirl.jpg since i'm lazy. But yes, that's what counts.
  14. Never play any kind of card game with my mom. She is Yugi incarnate. Bloody hell.

    1. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      My mom destroys me at Scrabble. Ruthlessly.

    2. CorgiShinobi


      I have the opposite: My mom takes forever during her turn, and more than likely will try to undo her move after she has made it.

  15. No game deserves to be played on a stick with a WWE background. And no sticks deserve to have WWE art.
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