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    New England / New York

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  1. I don't know if it's because I'm older or if it's because I'm getting married or what but these forever alone types are starting to bug me. Funk; if I was single I'd be playing some video games or watching a movie or whatever.

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    2. TheForgetfulBrain


      I think it's kind of easy to forget what it's like to be single and to romanticize it a bit, when you've been dating someone for a long time. That said, V-Day is a bunch of crap. Lends unnecessary pressure whether you're single or not - regardless of its origins, it's been highjacked like every other holiday to be a blatant consumer holiday.

    3. Battra92


      Good point, Brain. I know when I was an awkward teenager it was an issue for me but eventually you just learn to ignore it. Now who's up for some Presidents' Day Celebrations on Monday?

    4. floppymcwiggle


      wat, didyou straight up tweet that earlier?

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