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    New England / New York

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  1. Thanks for the PSP games, Sony. Now I have to buy a larger Memory Card. *goes to check Newegg and Amazon for deals*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Upgrading my PS3's HDD is something I've been putting off for far too long. I've been struggling with about 10 GBs of space for the past year. I basically had to delete something whenever I installed something larger than 1GB. Now with Wipeout HD, Dead Nation and LBP, I'm down to less than 5GB free and I'm running out of stuff I can delete :(


      I need to get me a 300+ GBs and I need it yesterday

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I just upgraded my PS3 HDD. Word of advice. DO NOT USE A SCREWDRIVER ON THE HDD CASING. Get yourself a pair of needle nose pliers.

    4. madbassman39


      Mister Jack. I wish I read this three weeks ago... I stripped my screws and tried to go to geek squad to remove them. They couldn't even understand my question, so I went home tried the pliers and miraculously got it out

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