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  1. Why can't more JPOP be like this? http://youtu.be/6Xh5I6MGIow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. fuchikoma


      I guess it just changes over time. Kyu Sakamoto's fascinating because you can kinda hear the divergence between enka and Western pop. I used to listen to a lot of stuff like Judy and Mary, Pocket/Black Biscuits, Namie Amuro, hitomi, Ryouko Hirosue, Zard, or early Ayu, but now there's not a lot of mainstream I'm into. Mostly doujin groups. SYNC.ART'S has awesome vocals. Some great artists work on SOUND HOLIC, Syrufit/Poplica, and Alstroemeria Records.

    3. fuchikoma


      Going mainstream, Halcali's a cute modern duo... Chatmonchy's good too. She's not pop, but Shiina Ringo is awesome.

    4. Battra92


      Love Kyu Sakamoto! I tried to have the DJ play Ue o Muite Arukō at my wedding but I wasn't the only one who knew it was a sad song. I'm not into any mainstream American pop either. The only recent mainstream artist I really can dig is Adele (probably because she reminds me of Dusty Springfield)

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