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    New England / New York

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  1. Did some cleaning and organizing tonight. My 360 is now on an old TV where there is no Ethernet around and my Wii is proudly on the HDTV. Somewhere a fanboy is weeping.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Battra92


      Well I've been playing Bonk's Adventure and Skyward Sword on my Wii. I have a couple games in my Wii backlog (Sonic Colors, replay a bit more of Ultimate Shooting etc.) and the PS3 gets near daily use as a BD/DVD/Netflix player but I've been playing Castlevania:LOS on it. One nice thing about being cheap is that I can buy games for $20 after everyone else bought them full price at launch.

    3. Battra92


      My PSP is actually the only console that doesn't get ANY playtime. It gets time as a video player but that's it. The DS has Starfy and once I finish that, the new Professor Layton game!

    4. TheMightyEthan


      My PS3 gets quite a bit of use as a BD player (I use the TV's built-in app for Netflix), but I was just talking about games.

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