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  1. I go back to Kotaku for a minute and find an article about a guy bragging he had sex on Sonic the Hedgehog sheets. And they wonder why so many people left ...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. fuchikoma


      Ah, for the era when new commenters were approved by mods and the banhammer swung freely... It's weird to think that as a fledgling site they would ban someone at the drop of a hat for being out of line, but now that they're massive they'll let someone stay if they do anything except question their integrity.

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I stayed for the community, I left on the day of the Kotakulypse never to return. Fortunately I was already part of Kotakuites, so I got to keep the community I love and ditch the editors I had come to dislike. :D

    4. Battra92


      I find it hilarious that the guy's response was "I was trying to be funny" and even Tostitos had to apologize for it being so misogynistic.

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