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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. But he's on the left so we should all like his hate posts.
  2. I am so jealous of that green grass. We don't have snow but the lawns are all mud now.
  3. ZOMG! Wish I had some money right about now ... http://www.ebay.com/itm/180824578764

    1. Strangelove


      Ive seen this stick everywhere, but its really not a big deal. Most sticks are easy enough to mod. Especially the madcatz ones. You can put that "art" there yourself easily.

    2. Battra92


      I think it's just one of those "So stupid it's awesome" sort of things. I mean, who would even think of putting him as Ryu?

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Agreed with Strangelove. Custom art on a stick is really easy to do. In terms of people you wouldn't expect to see on a stick: My friend did a David Lynch design once.

  4. Castlevania LOS 360 Version for $12 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16874149032 I paid about that (maybe a little less) for the PS3 version in the Target clearance bin a while ago. It's not a bad game at all, though not really Castlevania to me.
  5. So closing a state budget deficit without raising taxes, put a 2% property tax cap in place, took significant first steps (raising the retirement age and requiring more to be paid in by state workers) toward rectifying the insane pension system that NJ State workers had is doing worse. Sorry that he said that Gay marriage required a state constitutional amendment and suggested it be put up for referendum. You wished death on him. Why should I hate on gay people? I merely joke about you being gay because that's the one thing you can't fix with your seedy practices. See where this goes? *snort* I didn't know you had a uterus. I can understand men being pro-life but not pro-abortion. It just doesn't compute with me. You care about bankrupting the country and having health care rates going up even higher. Seriously, look at Massachusetts health care after they instituted Romneycare. It's horrible and you're better off going to a neighboring state. I'm assuming that you're talking about illegal immigration. Asking one to obey the law is hardly being treated like a second class citizen. I have a coworker who is a legal immigrant from Hungary and he seems to be enjoying all the rights of a natural born (except he can't run for president but that's about it) Really? This is some major issue? Your answer seems to be moving to a much more controlled economy than we have now. How's that worked out for Greece? See now this is just ignorance, plain and simple. I assume you also want every charity and non-profit to have to pay considerable amount of taxes, right? Whatever dude. It's 9am here. I guess you can't tell time. You first. How much did you pay last year? What have you done for the poor? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Well it's nice you can read off Democrat talking points. I'm sure someone appreciates that. Russia does have one advantage ... (or two)
  6. We get it; you're a one issue voter. So what's this whole thing about stopping hate. You sure seem to hate on overweight people. Have fun with your hate. Probably but I got to the second page and the test is pretty much "which talking points do you agree with" and I gave up. I mean, asking questions if you're racist? There are plenty of racists and bigots in all four quadrants.
  7. As Ronaldus Magnus said in his 1981 SOTU address "The taxing power of government must be used to provide revenues for legitimate government purposes. It must not be used to regulate the economy or bring about social change." I do not agree at all that taxes or government should be used to change social status. Or as Chris Christie said to Warren Buffet (and I'm paraphrasing) "Cut a damn check if you don't think you're paying enough!"
  8. To a point. I have no issue taking care of those who are unable to take care of themselves. Those who refuse or by lifestyle choice should have to live with their own bad decisions. Yeah, how well has that War on Poverty worked out? Where I have an issue is that the government's goal is to get as many people dependent on the government for its services. They are not looking to alleviate the issue, they simply want to manage it. It is a very great thing to reach into one's pocket to give to others. It is an evil thing to hold a man at gunpoint and force him (through taxes) to give to others. The Federal Government's job is not to protect or to redistribute wealth. Its job is the very basics like maintaining an army, regulating trade between the states, establishing postal roads etc. Most schools, at least in Massachusetts, tend to have two sources of funding: local and state taxes. Many states fund their schools using the lottery (another evil, but whatever) or other taxes. New York splits their property taxes into straight property and school taxes and you pay by county. You're assuming that charities don't move money around. My wife's church has gone to some poverty stricken areas that are quite a distance away from them. This is strictly a congregation funded effort and it isn't like the Catholics who have money channeled through a higher organization.
  9. The terms Liberal and Conservative are so incredibly incorrect as is the line that is the political spectrum. If anything it should either be a 4 quadrant chart or some sort of circular model or even a three dimensional chart. It's really too hard to pin a person down on every major issue. Still, the Right tends to be the ones (in my observation) who believe that people should more or less be left to their own devices and government should have as little to do with the lives of the public as possible (outside of the obvious and necessary like police, roads, post office etc.) while the Left tends to believe that the answer to every problem can be solved by the government and that people are quite incapable of ever taking care of themselves and should not be allowed to have to take responsibility of their actions. Me, I'm on the Right, though more Libertarian than anything else. You want to go have unprotected sex with 50 different people? Have at it! I'm not paying for your AIDS or Hep treatments though, nor will I pay for your condoms.
  10. I know the feeling right now. The wife and I are saving all our pennies for a house and its associated costs. Hey, at least there's backlog gaming and hey, you could always sell/trade some stuff. Good luck and have fun with the Wii.
  11. Most Christians believe that no man is ever truly good. Calvin referred to this as Total Depravity (the T in TULIP) but it derives from the Augustinian concept of Original Sin in that man is incapable of living a life without sin. As we are incapable of living a life without sin, God has provided a way through Christ to be saved. The honest Christian understands that he is not perfect and that he is not able by his own acts or works to be saved and must instead turn to Christ and be saved through Grace alone (Sola gratia.)
  12. Today in America it's Washington's Birthday. Monday was Washington's Birthday (Observed) but many refer to it as President's Day due to the fact that Lincoln's Birthday was also a legal holiday in many states and is on the 12th of January. This has fallen out of favor with most states opting to only celebrate Washington's birthday. Of course in a few southern states Robert E. Lee day is still remembered. Oh and here's this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdyNaQCzr5k
  13. I saw a documentary about Pinball called "Special When Lit." Man, I thought some of YOU guys were weird. :P Seriously, it's on Netflix and worth checking out.

    1. fuchikoma


      I found this game used a year or two ago. It's crazy.

    2. Battra92


      Pinball HOF Williams on the PS3 is the pinball game that I rate all others by. It's a fantastic representation of pinball on modern systems. Visual Pinball is pretty cool too.

    3. TheRevanchist


      But, have you seen Tommy? It's about a dumb, deaf, and blind kid who sure plays a mean pinball.

  14. Since I'm feeling like crap today, tonight I'm going to relax with some Skyward Sword and/or Tales of Vesperia

    1. FMW


      Those sound like excellent comfort food games. If you're into it, Ratchet and Clank also makes for great feeling-like-crap gaming.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I recommend an uplifting session of Heavy Rain. Especially the early hours.

  15. Today is Mardis Gras or Fat Tuesday if you're Catholic or Orthodox. As for pancakes, the only thing to eat on pancakes is this: Grade B (the dark stuff) if you can get it.
  16. The major issue Christians have with those outside the mainstream (Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses etc.) is usually due to the fact that they reject Christ as the sole source of salvation. In Mormonism one is required to be baptized (even posthumously) and that Joseph Smith is part of a godhead who judges you. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is inferior to the father and is really just Michael the Archangel. That's hardly arbitrary criteria; those are major differences. I remember reading something Billy Graham wrote that stated: In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, love. Not quite sure who those people are. Chris Christie was actively sought to be the Republican nominee and he's a practicing Catholic.
  17. Too bad there wasn't a real Rifftrax of this turd of a film but this is close enough:

  18. So thanks to a free 360 controller emulator I found (x360ce) I was able to test the Power A Pro EX controller completely. I'm not sure if it's my new favorite third party controller due to the 360 layout but it's not bad.

  19. I don't get what you're missing. Ethan has spelled it out quite a bit but I'll try one more time. By paying for it, they are enabling it. If I gave a drunken bum $10 he'll go buy a bottle of booze with it. That makes me an enabler into something I personally believe is wrong. Many people may turn the other way when someone DOES something they disagree with, but to encourage that by paying for it is quite another thing.
  20. You know, I totally forgot all about this game. It doesn't look horrible or anything but nothing I'm in a huge hurry to pick up, either. Maybe I'll pick it up at $20. :-/
  21. C.S. Lewis I think put it best in "The Problem of Pain." "Finally, it is objected that the ultimate loss of a single soul means the defeat of omnipotence. And so it does. In creating beings with free will, omnipotence from the outset submits to the possibility of such defeat. What you call defeat, I call miracle: for to make things which are not Itself, and thus to become, in a sense, capable of being resisted by its own handiwork, is the most astonishing and unimaginable of all the feats we attribute to the Deity. I willingly believe that the damned are, in one sense, successful, rebels to the end; that the doors of hell are locked on the inside."
  22. Just tested the Power A Pro EX controller (aka the PS3 controller that looks like a 360 controller) SO far not bad. Review to follow?

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I considered that controller, but read that id has a large deadzone on the sticks, which is my main problem with the DS3. Is that your experience?

    2. Battra92


      So far it's not bad. I'm not really sure what dead zone they are talking about.

  23. You know, Eff current gen and next gen! I'm enjoying catching up on all these older games for cheap. I would enjoy them more if Gamestop wasn't tossing out their cases and manuals and I could buy them locally.
  24. Blast Works $2.86 + $3.99 Shipping Seriously, this is one VERY underrated Wii game.
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