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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. But Jenny McCarthy said ... I don't think we can *force* them, though. I mean, the Amish get a pass on this.
  2. Looks like I got the OK from the woman to get a new PC in either March or April. First step: budgetting what I want to spend on individual items.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      When you say "got the OK from the woman" you mean you made a compromise, a decision between both of you, rather than she is letting you do this... right?

    3. Battra92


      Actually her answer was first "Why are you asking me?" but it's partly from our joint account so I feel it's common courtesy to make sure both are on board. She does the same before using it for something. The PC will technically be for both of us but she uses her laptop most of the time.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens
  3. Oh that one. Yeah, I never had an issue with it. It also spawned the greatest controller of all time: Accept no substitutes.
  4. Yeah, mine goes from the keyboard tray down under the desk. I suppose I could get some cable clips to neaten it up but why bother? Until someone makes a wireless IBM Model M, I have no interest in a wireless keyboard. As for wireless in my living room, at least USB extension cords are dirt cheap ...
  5. I hate buying digital downloads but it was $5 and included FLAC files. There's a 15% off sale at Rifftrax and decided to splurge And finally, a masterpiece of filmmaking ... Really, the preview says it all:
  6. I've looked into those before. They look cool but I figure I've got a whole bunch of Rayovacs so as long as these still charge, I'm good. Any new purchases will probably be the Sanyos. Much like keyboards and mice, I hate that I have to buy more and more batteries just for the convenience of wireless. I'm sure the accessory makers love it as they can make battery packs and chargers to sell us. I can understand the NES controller (the dogbone was a masterpiece of design, though) even though I never had an issue with it but the Genesis controller was fantastic! What particularly was wrong with it? I still love the GCN controller but the Xbox 1 controller (both the deflated basketball and the Japanese S controller) were total shit.
  7. Well, that can have its downsides too. Last night during Skyward Sword my batteries died and so I had to pull out the batteries from my Wavebird to continue playing. All my Wiimote batteries were dead :/
  8. I don't get the Play n Charge kits mostly because my 360 controller (along with my Wiimotes and Wavebird) are all powered by NiMh AA batteries. I'd rather have something I can continue using. The decision for me to go with the Nyko was monetary ($15 vs $45) but I can state that it was a worthy gamble (just don't drop it a few times.) Saving $5 isn't worth it to me.
  9. That's something I hadn't thought of and it surely makes sense. With the most recent data I can find, Sony is still losing money per console. Factor in HDD prices and the number could be higher. I don't mind wired controllers. An added benefit is that they usually work on PCs.
  10. This might be a little long and a bit of a rant but it's something annoying me lately. Recently, my favorite third party controller, the Nyko Core PS3 controller, suffered a nasty fall and has sustained some trigger damage. I've yet to pop the thing apart and attempt a repair and instead I opted to give the Power A Pro EX PS3 controller a shot. It's designed like an XBox 360 controller and I've heard some good things about it. The total cost for the controller: approx $15 on Amazon.com. When I told my wife about it, she remarked that she very much prefers the DS3 due to it being a wireless controller and that it's shape is one that she's used to. She didn't mind the Nyko but preferred the original. If I hunt around, I can get a DS3 for $40 but the MSRP is $55! The Sixaxis cost $50 and the wireless 360 controller retails for $50 (can be had for $40) and the wired retails for $40 and can be found for as low as $30 on Amazon.com. First party controllers weren't always this expensive, though. I was going through the Internet Archive recently to read some reviews on old third party PS2 controllers and found that at launch, the PS2 controller was $34.95 going down to $24.95. While Sony has apparently recently discontinued the PS2 controller, it can still be found at some retailers for as low as $15. What really is inside these new controllers that demand such a higher price? While I can understand the Wiimote requiring extra technology due to the nature of the games requiring them, why would the MSRP of a controller practically double? Is it simply the Wireless aspect or is it that gamers have over time grown a distaste for third party accessories and will pay the premiums for the first party controllers? For me, I will buy third party controllers when there is a significant savings (as seen with the PS3) but will pass on them when either the cost difference is too small (wired 360 pads) or I am suspect of third party compatibility (with Wii Remotes.) What's your take on the cost of controllers? Is it a big deal to you? Do you save money with third party? Post your favorite third party controllers too if you have them.
  11. Bought both on eBay cheap but not as cheap as I could have at Gamestop but I like having games with covers. I need to hook up the wife's PS2 in my office when they come in.
  12. I think the problem is there's so much cronyism and big government inbreeding in the system that it would take quite a bit to unravel it all. The real issue is that healthcare should be on the level of the individual. The other big government program, Social Security, has been shown to be an absolute failure. I highly doubt anything I pay in will be around in the future. However, on the individual level my work offers a 401K and I can opt for a traditional IRA or a ROTH IRA. I've seen the idea of Health Savings Accounts tossed around and I think it is an idea worth looking into. I also believe many people out there don't really have the right insurance. Most live and die by the copay amount but instead we should probably pay for routine stuff out of pocket and carry insurance for the serious medical issues. I'm confident there is a solution out there but I doubt we'll see it from Washington.
  13. What specifically are Catholics not allowed to do that is part of their doctrine? I'm a Methodist so I can't speak for Catholics. I'd like some facts to back this statement up as its claims are dubious at best. Umm what? What we have people who are chosing out of their own free will and conscience to work for a Catholic institution (a hospital, university etc.) and the employer is not providing their birth control pills for free. For the love of Mike, how is that destroying someone's health and well being? The people are obviously employed. Why is it the responsibility of the Church/employer to provide Birth Control? Really, at its core why is this such a huge issue for the left? This isn't about denying birth control pills to needy women; this is about forcing an ideology onto the Catholic church. For people who talk about prejudice, hate and one not forcing opinions on others, you guys can be pretty complacent in others being forced to do things they find morally wrong. There is no law preventing them from purchasing it on their own (paying a mere $8 a month as I mentioned earlier in the thread - I spent that on Rifftrax downloads tonight!) so where is the great health issue? There isn't! Or let's take this into another argument and remove the birth control, I'm morally opposed to drinking alcohol. I will not purchase alcohol for myself or others nor will I allow my wife to use our joint checking account to purchase alcohol as a gift for someone else. Now say you came to me and demanded that I buy a bottle of Jack for someone, I would certainly be outraged and would refuse. There's of course the Constitutional issue here in that where the Fuck does the POTUS get the authority to tell people what products and services they must buy?
  14. I think the chances of that are about nil unless you decide to move to the Muslim world.
  15. Saw him in concert last year. I'm considering buying the album. I hate buying digital tracks but the only other option is a $20 Vinyl EP. http://danielromano.bandcamp.com/album/songs-for-misha
  16. Yeah, good for others but nothing I'm interested in. If you want to import there's always ZAVVI.com and a softmodded Wii.
  17. According to internet reports, if a game drops below $5 at Gamestop, they throw out the manual and case. >_

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chewblaha


      Only PS2 games have that stuff thrown out. At least 200+ titles that you save space from.

    3. FMW


      Nooo! Now I'll NEVER get good copies of the PS2 games I missed. Games like Sly, Devil May Cry, Shadow Hearts, and Wild Arms.


      This policy has been bothering me with DS games too.

    4. Battra92


      Yeah, I ended up paying a few bucks more from eBay because, damn it, I want my cases and manuals!

  18. Wow, that's effing GORGEOUS! Not gorgeous enough for me to pay 41GBP (or $65USD) for it but still ...
  19. Can't wait to mess around with my USB Saturn controller tonight. Supposedly it works on the PS3 so I may have to bust out the PS3 Genesis collection!

  20. I really think people don't understand those of us are religious. When someone asks me about my religion and I explain what Christians believe it comes from the joy that we as believers have every day in knowing God. I don't get where Atheists can post this sort of stuff and be genuinely befuddled that people think they are jerks.
  21. Strange how their joysticks are supposedly fantastic now. I think they're trying to move out of the shitty controller market and move to the "decent niche controller" market.
  22. Yeah, Rolling Stone is so horrible it isn't even worth using as toilet paper. Still, it can be used to start your chimney starter for your grill.
  23. As of right now, your employer does not have to provide insurance. That changes under Obamacare but there will be plenty of waivers given out to crony capitalists. Besides, employers in the US sometimes offer multiple plans for the employees to choose from based on what they are able to pay for. In the US, unless you are part of a collective bargaining contract or have an individual contract you are an "At-Will" employee and can quit or be discharged at any time for any reason except on the cases of discrimination (e.g. firing a woman simply for being pregnant, because of race etc.) It's not that way at all. The employers (in this case, Catholic based employers) would purchase a plan from a health insurance provider with no coverage for birth control.
  24. That's where the question of Liberty comes up. Just as I would not expect a Jehovah's Witness organization to pay for a blood transfusion or a Christian Scientist organization to pay for anything! I'm not Catholic and I'm not opposed to BC pills but I am opposed to the government telling a church what to do. To me, that's an infringement on one's Liberty! Also, I really think the whole ZOMG! People NEED Birth Control is a rather annoying argument to me because BC generics are quite cheap. Walmart, Target, Walgreens, various grocery stores etc. in the name of Capitalism and competition have these wonderful $4 generics programs that include Birth Control pills (some are $8-$9 apparently) which is less than the copay on most insurance plans. http://i.walmart.com/i/if/hmp/fusion/genericdruglist.pdf http://sites.target.com/site/en/spot/page.jsp?title=pharmacy_generic_drugs_condition Seriously, this is a great program for more than just BC. A local NY/NE chain of grocery stores (Price Chopper) is even giving away free Diabetes meds and antibiotics! When someone I know had Lyme disease all their meds were free! The catch is of course that while waiting the half hour for them to fill your prescription you'll most likely do your grocery shopping there. Sounds like a good deal to me.
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