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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Mine are by genre and in some cases, by lead actor (e.g. alll of my Buster Keaton movies are together, same with Harold Lloyd etc.)
  2. No, the very vocal political left gave their response to stop supporting Komen. Others have opted to donate to Komen and their fundraising went through the roof. I also find it sad that Komen ever gave money to Planned Parenthood in the first place. It is not some righteous organization by any means. Instead it's an organization radically outside Mainstream America in its views that was founded on the basis of eugenics.
  3. Good article over at National Review that shows the whole Komen backlash to be ridiculous and unfounded. You Should Find the Anti-Komen Backlash Disgusting, Even If You’re Pro-Choice
  4. So I have some Amazon credit and I'm debating on getting a few things. Should I get a wired PS3 controller to replace my Nyko that's acting wonky or a wired 360 one. The PS3 one is $15 and the 360 one is $30. I never play the 360 multiplayer and the PS3 I very rarely do.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      They're equally compatible on PC. Motion In Joy has a 360 controller emulator.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Yeah, it just requires you set it up, and I've heard people who don't use a PS3 controller simply because of that.

    4. fuchikoma


      Whatever fits your hand better, I suppose. On their native systems, the PS3 seems to have more deadzone on the sticks, where I've had 360 controllers flip out from having a little play in the stick. But I'd say whatever fits your hands best. For me, it'd be PS3, no question. (I have Logitech Rumblepad IIs and an F310 for this.)

  5. So, I finally got a chance to play this game (I downloaded the Demo from Steam) and quite frankly it played like crap until I turned down all the settings. That's really more my crappy video card and 4 year old processor than anything else but still annoying. I did enjoy it and plan on picking it up at some point (I should actually play through Sonic Colors first) but it proved my Nyko PS3 controller was a bit off so I need to now buy a new PC controller as well (perhaps a wired Xbox one this time) I'm also tempted to pick up the PC version of Sonic CD but again, I need a good controller for that. Perhaps one of these ...
  6. Fuck that, I'm going to Madagascar.
  7. Sorry, but the "I'm right and you're talking bullshit" is not exactly proving your point. How can you authoritatively prove that at conception one does not have a soul. It is not something that can be proved or disproved by scientific methods. You are making a leap of faith in saying that it has no soul. Yante is making a leap of faith saying it does. Again, can science prove that the fetus is not alive? It's not a question of science but a question of morals and ethics. You've been very open about your faith and it does not give you the right to be an ass and refer to Yant's faith as "bullcrap."
  8. Exactly! It's the exact same reason I am opposed to assisted suicide. Perhaps this comes more from being a Christian and believing in the divine spark that all of us created in His image possess. Life is precious and whether you live 10 years or 100 years, you must never, ever squander it.
  9. I just downloaded the demo of Sonic Generations on Steam. After turning the settings down to crap to run on my ATI Radeon HD 3400 (hey, it was free!) and having my Nyko PS3 controller have a spaz attack I realize I really need a new video card and a new PS3 controller and possibly a better PC controller. This was one expensive demo!

    1. Enervation


      Yea, I was really surprised. It ran like molasses going uphill on my computer, I had to set everything to the lowest and the resolution to 800x600!

    2. Battra92


      I also had a sort of a spaz attack when I tried to play it at first. I backed up from the monitor a few feet and was able to play. Another reason I am not a huge PC gamer, I guess. Though, I do regret not picking up SG during the Steam Holiday sale. I didn't think it would run on my crappy PC.

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      In my experience, the game is not very well optimised for PC. Particularly ATI cards.

  10. No home is prepared and waiting just like it will always be difficult to raise a child. My nephew was a surprise baby and his parents weren't yet married. I find it sickening to think this kid whom we all love so much could've been taken away before we ever met him. I'm in no way anxious to have a kid (my wife is another story) but I can't see every just getting rid of it because it's inconveinent.
  11. The wife has given an official okay to building a home theater into our proverbial new house.

    1. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      I dream that one day I will have a media room separate from my living room. Ideally I'd even have a movie room and a game room but that's really dreaming.

    2. Mal


      Man cave time. Battra-Style.

  12. I agree 100%! That's also why I am in favor of shifting taxes away from income and more to consumption.
  13. I'm a big proponent of the flat tax. I say tax everyone (whether capital gains, income or what have you) at a certain rate and exclude say those making 20K or less. H&R Block might not like the idea but it'd be nice to not spend hours and hours doing my taxes (seriously, getting married and living in one state and working in another leads to piles and piles of paperwork)
  14. I think capital gains and the highest income rate should be capped at 15%. Problem solved!
  15. The thing about paying "their fair share" is such an idiotic approach in politics. Class Warfare is really the lowest common denominator and does nothing but feed the sin of Envy. It does absolutely NOTHING to solve the problem except make people equally miserable. It's much better to foster an environment where jobs are numerous and the economy is booming. Instead of having that so-called laser-like focus on jobs, we've just heard that it's "the rich people's fault." Seriously, the State of the Union was more like something from Huey Long than Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln.
  16. I tossed a buck in just as a donation. I won't ever download or play these but maybe I'll gift them.
  17. DeathSmiles for $9.99!!! Seriously, just buy this game! It's worth it!!!
  18. I know this has been beaten to death but I have a recent personal example. I thought about picking up Taito Legends 2 on the PC (mostly for Rayforce) and found that the PC version has this shitty piece of DRM bundled with it called StarForce. I can live without Rayforce or I can just get out my Saturn and buy the Saturn version if I must have it. The rest of the games I can enjoy on the $5 PS2 version. DRM , in my opinion equals more lost sales than piracy (at least for little old me) I understand others will pirate but either way, it's a lost sale. It's also a BIG reason why I would choose a console version over a PC version. At least Steam's DRM is unobtrusive and I don't have a fear of it crushing my hard drive and corrupting all my data.
  19. Once, just once I would like to see Charle Brown kick that football. I think it's a reminder that life just isn't fair and that there are some battles that no matter how many times you try, you'll always fail.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      I found it! It was a 1979 storyline where after Charlie Brown recovers from the hospital, Lucy keeps her promise not to pull the ball away. She does, but Charlie Brown kicks her hand.


      Interestingly, I also found out that there was a time Charlie Brown did kick the ball. It was in "It's Magic, Charlie Brown," but Schulz didn't consider it canon because that didn't happen in the strip.

    3. Battra92


      Atom, yeah I was aware of the latter. I don't remember the 1979 strip, though.

      Rocky, I LOVE "A Boy Named Charlie Brown." My favorite part is right near the end when Charlie Brown is deep in despair and can't bring himself to get out of bed and Linus comes to him and reminds him that the word didn't come to an end.

    4. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      I consider Curb Your Enthusiasm to be the natural sequel to Peanuts. Larry David resembles a Charlie Brown that has become absolutely fed up with getting the shit end of the stick.

  20. I know they were going for humor here but there is some element of truth here. Not just in piracy but in terms of software itself. I won't buy a CD burning application when I can download CDBurnerXP for example.
  21. Might be buying a house in the future. If so, no new games (or movies!) for a while. :-/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      Just start a family and it won't matter as you won't have time to play games anyway.

    3. Battra92


      Yante, that's what I'm afraid of at this point. :P At least the good news is that even going through the list of upcoming games I'm not really wanting anything. The new PC will probably get pushed back a bit, though.

    4. Yantelope V2

      Yantelope V2

      I just finally finished Zelda and only now am I getting to Batman AC and I can't play them with my two year old around so I don't really get much time in these days.

  22. FIrst game beat of 2012 ... Bonk's Adventure. Yep, I'm 22 years behind on this one but hey, I never had a TG16 and I bought this on the Virtual Console ages ago and just got around to playing it. It's a great game and I recommend everyone with a Wii spend the $6 and get it! It's well worth it. Just play it with a Classic Controller, though.
  23. Yeah, I'm cool with my current setup. I'd have to buy a DVI switch as well and well, it's just not worth it to me. Thanks, though. Region Free Blu Ray is a priority over the XBox.
  24. I thought of that but ... what about audio?
  25. I just have to change the firmware and push a few buttons and I will have one slick region free Blu Ray and DVD player. This is the reason I moved the XBox into my office and hooked it to an old CRT TV. In retrospect I suppose I could've just bought some Component cables but I've been in shmup heaven lately during American Idol ...
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