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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. I just finished 1952 in the Complete Peanuts. Now to start on 1953 (just 48 more years of strips to go!)

    1. TCP


      How long does it take to get through a year?

    2. Battra92


      At my pace, it's been a few days. I mean, it's reading 365 Comic strips. Some I get more reflective on than others.

  2. A friend of mine is buying a Popeye arcade machine. I am totes jelly.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Connorrrr


      You're just jelly of my totes awesome abreeves.

    3. Cyber Rat
    4. Battra92


      I'm so mainstream, I'm the friggen Mississippi. :P

  3. Whoops, got that one backwards. ;; Railway in UK, Railroad in US. LRV also means Light Rail vehicle. Add and Cut might be antiquated terms but back when I was a rail nut I was really into steam so things may have changed since then.
  4. You guys get super fancy cases. I tend to get cheap boxes and add a good PSU and some fans to them.
  5. The Railway series was one of my favorite book series and TV shows as a kid. My wife's 3 year old cousin is really into Thomas and on Christmas I helped him set up his new Thomas trains. I can still watch the old Ringo Star episodes but the new ones seem more infantile than the original (maybe it's the lack of railway terms or maybe it's nostalgia, I don't know ...) What surprises me a bit as I get older is how British children's literature could be rather dark at times. For example in the books (never was made into a TV version) an engine called Godred was "put in the back of the shed and got smaller and smaller" (they took his parts to mend the other engines) This all segues into more English vs English American -------------British Railway----------------Railroad RR Switch-------------Points Tie---------------------Sleeper (the wooden things under the rails) Caboose--------------Brake Van Conductor------------Guard Add/Cut---------------Couple / Uncouple Dispatcher------------Controller Freight car------------Truck / Goods Wagon Subway----------------Underground Trolley / Streetcar---Tram or LRV and for fun ... Quay (pronounced key) Wharf. I think this was the first British word I came across that neither I nor my parents knew and I had to look it up in the dictionary.
  6. That reminds me, I almost bought a DVD set of Trumpton once. I don't know why but it looked groovy.
  7. I didn't even realize Gundemonium was on the PSN but I bought it on Steam. Oh well, it's all good. And yes, it does seem to come at you fast. I have yet to beat it, even with continues. I still need to get the Touhou games. What's a good place to start with them?
  8. Bumping this old topic with some more info: Lately I've been in a bit of a SHMUP mood. I picked up the Gundemonium collection from Steam and have been hooked on it. Here's a question for you PC Shmup players: What's your preferred control method? Personally I prefer a Game Pad but none that I have tried have ever been perfect. I've tried a PS3 controller and it's alright but not great. Ditto on the SNES controller (crappy D-Pad) What do you use to get your shmup on?
  9. No it's HUUUUUGGGGGGGGG-JUH! (living in Upstate NY, you'll learn the reference soon enough) Seriously though, that's just begging for decals or an Star Wars style paint job.
  10. That could be. Target calls its customers "guests."
  11. Yeah I have never once in my life heard that. It sounds so ... formal. When I was a kid we had a mailman. Then we had a mail-lady. I find it interesting that Amazon US says "Shipped within 24 hours" Where Amazon UK would say "Dispatched within 24 hours"
  12. Ours is the Post Office (heck it's the United States Postal Service) but the guy who brings the letter to your mailbox is the mailman (or letter carrier if you're PC)
  13. I'm amazed that I've lasted so long on a 750GB drive. Of course I still actually play CDs and own DVDs and Blu Rays and don't download music and I'm not installing everything under the sun too. I know a lot of people who have opted to put Windows on a separate SSD drive for stability and data integrity. I understand and can appreciate it but I'm not quite ready to fork over the money for one yet. This thread is also making me have the itch to build a new computer or upgrade mine soon.
  14. This is perhaps the most annoying thing ever. I just tend to assume that they don't and I end up with extra cables. Worst case scenario I'm driving out to the local tech shop (which are a rarity around me) and grabbing an extra one. Your Mobo might come with SATA cables as well.
  15. Well, what type of book is it? I think many colleges get new books just to make the kids buy more books and spend more money.
  16. Wow, 6 weeks?! I know mine was a little long but not that long. Of course, when I wasn't in school, I was working full time. :-/ Of course, when I was a kid I used to love the two month long summer vacations. I really miss those.
  17. Mystery Science Theater: Perhaps the greatest show in TV history.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Ain't no perhaps about it.

    2. Battra92


      Can you tell I got the newest MST3K set for Christmas? Time of the Apes, Mighty Jack, Violent Years and The Brute Man. Yessir, I am one happy man. :D

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      That is an excellent set of episodes! I am, as the kids say, totes jelly.

  18. Damn tree branch ... AT least the damage was only an $8 piece of glass that Amazon will deliver to my house tomorrow.
  19. I hear ya. I'm recovering from a food allergy at the moment and will go in to work late (with more work to do in less time) Whee!
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. deanb


      in the future? :P

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      If there was ever an appropriate time to use the phrase "first world problems," this is definitely it.

    4. Battra92


      I find it amusing that the internet is calling them out on their dickery.


  20. Father in Law wasn't sure whether open and use or return his 32GB iPad for the 64GB version. If there's ever an event that required the tag FirstWorldProblems that is it.

    1. TheRevanchist


      Did anyone suggest iCloud as a possible idea? I do not have an opinion on it, but the app seems to be a viable option, just from what I vaguely know.

    2. Battra92


      That's what he ended up doing. Even if one decides to make the decision to return it you shouldn't say immediately ponder it aloud after receiving the gift.

  21. I'm not really sure which I say. When I try to just say either aloud they both sound wrong. My brain is full of fuck!
  22. Merry Day After Christmas everyone! I hope you all had a great day. Mine was about 65% good and 35% awkward.

    1. deanb


      (A quicker way of saying that would be "Merry Boxing Day" btw)

    2. Battra92


      I know, the "Merry Day after Christmas" I picked up from this Peanuts strip: http://www.gocomics.com/peanuts/1954/12/26

  23. For some reason I turn all gay whenever I watch "Meet Me in St. Louis"

    1. TheRevanchist


      As a Judy Garland fan, I second that. Plus I watch Fashion Police. And I watch reality dating shows. And the Real Housewives series' on Bravo. I cry and laugh and talk about them the next day at work. I feel your pain.

    2. Battra92


      I don't do any of that besides watch Judy Garland (pre-pills) movies. When my wife told my mother-in-law about how much I liked these movies my MIL told my wife that she might want to make sure I'm not a closeted homosexual. :-/

    3. TheRevanchist




      My wife, during the dating phase, said I had a gay alter ego named 'Steve'. She would often ask me if I was sure I wasn't, even after the wedding and subsequent birth of our kids.


      My boss, a metrosexual man who is married, often goes to dance at the gay bars. He is questioned way more often than me.

  24. Merry Christmas to all! To show my appreciate I give you this little ... umm present. I used to think that was the worst Christmas movie but believe me, I've seen worse. Oh and here's the first known version of A Christmas Carol for good measure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2t20DQiNho
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