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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Raul Julia was good in just about everything he did. His real masterpiece was the obscure "Overdrawn at the Memory Bank."
  2. DUH! Of course I know Fred and Ginger. It's from the 1937 film "Shall We Dance" and the song is a George and Ira Gershwin number: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7sYNptYjsE It's not my favorite Fred and Ginger film (that would be Top Hat) or dance duet (that would be Cheek to Cheek from Top Hat) but it's a classic.
  3. Ron Paul doesn't stand up for the Constitution; he stands up for the Articles of Confederation.
  4. It's not common, it's semi-detached!
  5. I owned Jamestown already but bought this just for the Mac version. Shit, it runs great on my 1st Gen Core 2 Duo Macbook (that's 5 years and 3 months old!)
  6. Yeah, I hope you got some sort of student or work discount. I could buy a copy of Office 2010 through work for $20 but my copy of 2003 does everything I need to do and my wife was more than satisfied with Lotus Symphony so her PC is office free. Then again, for basic home use, Full MSOffice is overkill.
  7. You bought a pretzel for your flower? /EnglishVsEnglish Also, Ethan, your link ... it does not work!
  8. Sub $30 cans and people are reporting they sound like headphones that cost 5 times more. On a side note, they also have a detachable (and thus replaceable) 3.5mm plug. Why don't all headphones have this feature??
  9. Laos bought the bundle. I now have the Mac and Linux versions of Jamestown so that's worth what I paid.
  10. New Humble Bundle has Jamestown. Man, it almost makes me regret paying full price for it ... almost.

  11. Empire Earth was free so I downloaded it. If this was 2000, I'd enjoy it a lot more. Funny how tastes change.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Luftwaffles


      The gameplay seems different than AOE. Like a Civilization/AOE bastard child that seems a little clunky at first.


      Rise of Nations is still my favorite RTS of all time, though, so I'm a little biased against it from the start.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I love Empire Earth when it came out, but then came Rise of Nations to steal my heart.


      IIRC they didn't do a good job of balancing different eras' units. I distinctly remember sail frigates sinking my destroyers on more than one occasion.

    4. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      EE wasn't really a good game, but it was still fun

  12. Zen is a good Pinball engine but it doesn't quite feel like a true pinball machine. I haven't played the 3DS version but I assume it's the same as the PS3 version. Have you tried the Pinball Hall of Fame series? Those are very good pinball sims and in my opinion, the closest to the real thing. Although nothing ever really comes close to real pinball.
  13. Well it seems to have worked for Jumpin' Jim Jeffords but then, the Republican base never particuarly liked him. Arlen Spector was despised by practically everyone in Washington so when he jumped parties it was more of a good excuse to just get rid of him.
  14. Nachos were first served to a group of wives of American servicemen at a border Cafe when the chef had nothing else to give them. The first printed recipe for them came from a church cookbook printed for The Church of the Redeemer in Eagle Pass, Texas.
  15. There's different kinds of American cheese and many many kinds of American Cheddar. If you're talking Kraft... well that is ABSOLUTE crap. Something from a more local farm (these usually distribute to surrounding states or sometimes even more than that) you can find some great cheese. Some American cheddar is excellent. In fact, I've had farmhouse cheddar and real English cheddar and for my money, the best cheese comes from Vermont. Wisconsin may produce more but Vermont and upstate New York have much sharper and smokier flavored cheddars. Real cheese is white. Orange cheese is dyed (there are differing theories as to why) but to me orange cheese reminds me of Velveta which is most assuredly NOT cheese (nor is it edible.)
  16. I watched The Pumaman yesterday. It's an incredibly horrid film and yet still a million times more entertaining than Scott Pilgrim.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chewblaha


      I enjoyed Scott Pilgrim because I won the free pre-screening tickets.


      Had I paid, I would not have.

    3. excel_excel


      That's it both Chewy and Batt are going on the list.

    4. Battra92


      I'm telling you, Pumaman is the most fun you'll ever have watching a movie:


  17. Have a show where two people make similar recipes side by side. Both are totally inedible. That is every Bobby Flay TV show. If we're talking TV chefs I really like Alton Brown because you learn quite a bit of history and food science in every episode of Good Eats. Plus he's just really funny and apparently a genuinely nice guy. Sadly, he has retired GE. America's Test Kitchen is good despite the fact that I can't eat 99% of their recipes (they all include onions, shallots or scallions and/or wine.) Their sister show, "Cook's Country" has more recipes that are compatible with my palate.
  18. I dunno, I don't think it would be that hard. I mean, if you had some small strips of say foam or something you could put them on either side of the potato and use them as a guard from cutting all the way through. If your chef's knife (or a santoku if you're like my wife) is sharp it should be easy peasy cutting up the tater. I tend to follow the Alton Brown theory. This is the only unitasker I would allow in my kitchen My wife likes going to Pampered Chef parties and buying stuff that litters our closet and I do own a knife sharpener.
  19. He comes from a culture that eats rotten fish so what can you expect? You know what potatoes are great? Yukon golds. They don't even need butter most of the time. Speaking of taters and such, I've learned a good tip for when making mashed potatoes. Instead of pouring in cold milk (or cream) and butter, melt the butter and heat the dairy. This allows for more flavor and a better texture. Browning the butter helps too. I'd like to experiment with some European butters for my mashed potatoes (most American butters aren't as good as the higher butterfat European ones but LOL and Cabot I find to be excellent.)
  20. Have you ever known anyone to get pissed off when someone says "Merry Christmas"? The only anger I've ever seen wrt the greeting is when Christians flip the fuck out because someone says "Happy Holidays". My wife worked retail. Yep, some people get pissed when you wish them Merry Christmas. Those are the people whom I hope can never have children. I fear for my "nephew." His mother is a Catholic but his father is the most absolutely ignorant and self-righteous atheist out there. I just hope his son doesn't grow up to be so arrogant and intollerant as his dad.
  21. On the one hand it's a rediculous and supurfluous gesture to attract attention and eye rolls; on the other if you are both non-Christians then at least it's being somewhat honest with yourself. Still, I don't know how an atheist can ever celebrate a true holiday. They do stand for Holy Day after all.
  22. Happy Holidays is something that people say when they are afraid of offending someone. No one ever opens their door to a friend for a holiday gathering and says "Happy Holidays" because they are so afraid that some asshole might get offended by their celebration of Christmas. I always thought Ben Stein had the best way of putting it: Too Long to Post
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