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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. I actually prefer the local channels thanks to OTA HD. Regular old PBS, ABC etc stink but channels like Create, RetroTV etc. are fantastic!
  2. Yeah, still not seeing the relevance especially if we're not supposed to bring up the whole 57 states or dead soldiers in attendance.
  3. Actual brass or like a foil coating thing? At least the former has some value but the latter ... not even worth painting! At least replacements are only about a quarter or so each.
  4. Obvious typo is obvious. The man got a 3.97 GPA in English from BYU and graduated cum laude from Harvard Business school. This is grasping at straws at best.
  5. Plus some polyurethane and more rollers. Also lots of light switch and outlet covers ... I swear those things shatter if you just look at them wrong. I've also bought those wonderful necessities of life like garbage cans, paper towels etc.
  6. My wife painted our living room in "Manhattan Mist" (a gray color.) I wonder how long it will be before grey looks as ugly as those fake gold colored housings on ceiling fans.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Battra92


      Oddly enough the magazines and stuff are touting gray as the new "in" color. I know contractors love to paint everything beige (that's what my landlord painted our apartment) but that's apparently out now too. It just makes me wonder why trends happen and what makes something stylish one year and ugly the next and then cool ten years later ...

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      I think it's ubiquity mostly. It applies to everything from clothes to music to video games. A "new" (but probably old) thing appears. One or two people have it. It's seen as weird, then niche, then cult, then popular, mainstream, tired, old, unfashionable, dead, then it becomes new again. You could probably fit it into a bell curve of popularity over time if you had the data, time and inclination.


      tl;dr People are fickle sheep.

    4. Battra92


      I wouldn't call people sheep. I think a big part of retro is people want to buy back their childhoods. I mean, it's one reason the N64 is the console du jour at the moment. Because the kids who played it as their first console are now in college (God, that's scary as I was of the NES generation ...)

  7. Owning a house == Buying yourself a job.

    1. TheRevanchist


      I spent today putting together a big swingset and tomorrow I need to clean out the gutters. You don't get this kinda work with apartment living.

    2. Battra92


      I got lucky yesterday in that my entire family except my sister swarmed on the place like and army and we were able to finish all painting, repaired a few things that needed repairing and gave the whole house a good cleaning. On top of that I assembled our new grill (and cooked on it!) and made carpet treads out of our old carpet (not cutting from the stained parts, of course) Yeah, it was a full day. Flooring people come in this week. Whee!

  8. Okay that's just too British ...
  9. Why do people associate American food with bland and crappy? I just don't get it. :-/
  10. Exit to DOS, My Lord?

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Man, I will forever associate exit to DOS with playing SimCity 2000.

    2. Baconrath


      No, to the Safe Mode with ye!

    3. Battra92


      Half the time I just shut my computer off when I was done with a big toggle switch.


  11. http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/guilty_gear_x2_reload Gog has Guilty Gear X2 Reload for $3. It also comes with the soundtrack. Sure, I'll bite at that price (though I'm a bit occupied with Lords of the Realm at the moment)
  12. I'm pretty much a Frank's Red Hot kind of guy (which reminds me, the next time I'm in Buffalo I need to go to the Anchor Bar for some wings) Anyway, I've been meaning to try Sriracha (Rooster Sauce.) Cooks Illustrated said it was even good to use in Buffalo wings.
  13. Two hours of butchering a whole chicken, brining and battering it and then frying it. It was worth it!
  14. Got on my PC thinking I'd play an hour of Lords of the Realm. 3 hours pass. Son of a Democrat!

    1. Eleven


      what happens to me is that i glance up and see the hour is up, but it went by so fast i tell myself maybe another hour more.


      then repeat.

    2. Battra92


      Yeah, I'm guilty of that as well. The problem is I'm *supposed* to be packing for the eventual move later this month. :-/

  15. GREAT movie! I can't give you anything but love ... Baby! Not you. - It. My mother just had me replace her phone and her requirement was that it HAD to be a flip phone. There are quite a few still out there but they just aren't in big demand. I got this as well today. Store didn't order that many copies, and I know there had to have been other buyers today as I got one of four Blu-ray copies. Yeah, I got mine from Amazon. The film was fantastic but Disney seemed not to want to market it for whatever reason. :-/
  16. So if The Pinball Arcade meets its Kickstarter goal on Twilight Zone, the next table would be Star Trek:TNG. I wonder what the odds of getting the Dr. Who pin are.

  17. I know no one believes me but I wasn't even talking about him. I stopped reading his posts a long time ago.
  18. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow. Yet I assume you cross the street. Life is a journey full of risk and reward. If you try to eliminate the risk you lessen the reward. When government encroaches into people's lives to such an extent that there is no gain to be found they will either move elsewhere or live mediocre lives.
  19. Chocolate is not the rightful heil to its "Food of the gods" title. That moniker should go to Molasses.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Battra92


      Chocolate cake is almost always gross to my taste. It's almost always too heavy and fudgie. Don't get me started on brownies.

    3. fuchikoma


      Not much dark chocolate variety in N.America, but it is improving... for cheap bars, I like Kit-Kat Dark. Lindt has some interesting stuff too. Molasses... I know the smell. I never see it used though.

    4. Battra92


      I made homemade Cracker Jack using it.

  20. There are such things as private roads. There are plenty of them in your parts: http://en.wikipedia....ki/Private_road I know you're not a fan of the Founding Fathers but I'm going to use the words of Thomas Jefferson from the Declaration of Independence: I agree with Jefferson's notion here on the purpose of government: to secure our sacred and undeniable rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit (not the guarantee) of Happiness. Protecting life, liberty and property is something very basic to us as humans. Whether you are the richest of the rich, or the poorest of the poor: you receive adequate protection by the police. Police are normally paid through local property taxes (which even renters pay, although indirectly) so all are covered. In the end, we all surrender a certain level of sovereignty towards our government in return for some basic mutual protections. The issue comes down to the fact that many of us do not feel it is the government's right to intrude upon our Liberty in order to provide for someone else's comfort. The safety net is no longer a net, it's really a hammock to many people. I'm immune to the "sad sack" stories about people who are sick and dying in the street. What then of the man and wife who worked hard and saved. They paid their way through school and made risks on the future and would forgo luxuries to save for a rainy day. Why is it fair that the people who make the right choices should see a third or more of their income taken away by the government (Federal, State, possibly County and Local) when you have 47% of the country not contributing a dime and always demanding more. You get really annoyed when you hear some politician saying that you can afford to cut out a little more for your budget or work a little more overtime to pay for the student loans of some snot-nosed ironic kid who got themselves $50,000 in college debt by studying Nineteenth Century Feminist Literature. Really, at what point does it stop? From each according to his ability, to each according to his need? I feel very assured that the line should be closer to Liberty than to that of oppressive and prohibitive taxation.
  21. Hmm, I'll have to look more into them. My parents were early adopters (paid off in their electric bill) but their kitchen just always looks weird. One positive thing is my house was designed that it has plenty of windows so while my wife and I have been working on the place we haven't had to turn one light on (except in the basement, of course) Which brings me back to the topic at hand. I've bought lots and lots of paint and painting supplies lately.
  22. They get a delivery charge that's set in the rates. There's actually a lot of crap built into the rates (to pay for people who don't pay their bill for instance) but basically what happens is the states say to the electric companies, "HEY YOU GUYS!!!!" and then they go on to mandate that if certain energy efficiency goals are met, the rates can be adjusted to achieve a level of profit. The customer still pays less (though at a higher rate) but overall profits are maintained. The thing is, and this should be obvious to anyone but the most staunch environmentalist, that you can't grow by conserving. However, if a gas company can hook up 10% more customers using the same amount of gas, they will see an increase (or at least less of a drop) in profits due to the way rates work. You'd have to check with your state to see how they are regulated there. Your gas or electric bill should outline some of the rates but not all will be clear as there are a lot of hidden taxes. I dunno, I'm going to do some research before I switch over. I'm not a fan of CFLs at all (I think they flicker a bit and give off an ugly green light.) Basically I want something with perfect light as the incandescent but with a fraction of the energy cost.
  23. Just found out an Ice Cream stand in the town I am moving to has Dole Whip. FOODGASM here I come!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Battra92


      FDS: Have you ever had Dole Whip? It's really good stuff! A dole Whip float is awesome too. :) Besides, I love summer! Hot chicks in less clothes, roadtrips to fun locations, outdoor picnics and ice cream stands. Life is pretty fucking good. :)

    3. SomTervo


      Jealous. In Scotland our summer usually amounts to two hot days in a row between April and August, and overcast humid wetness for the rest of the time. We even get snow in April/ May now. Fuck global warming.

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      But the ice cream in Scotland is amazing, and it doesn't melt while you're eating it :)

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