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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. The arguments and especially their "solutions" to the problem. I don't even subscribe to the notion that the temperature 100 years ago was the best temperature and climate ever. They had horrible hurricanes and floods and typhoons the same as we do. The Earth is constantly in flux. Also, P4, that Jackko image is effing creepy.
  2. I believe that the whole notion of "Global Warming" as described by Al Gore, Greenpeace, Communists and others is a complete load of crap. Doomsayers may raise a lot of money from well-meaning idiots but as for any debate they just make things more annoying. That said, I work for a utility company and one of our big goals in the last few years has been to increase conservation and reduce usage. It seems odd but we're so regulated by the states that it makes sense to plead to the State for an increase in rates when we encourage less use. This also allows us to then expand to more customers with less added total usage. I'm trying to find the article I read this morning but it was how American residential energy usage actually dropped for the first time ever. They gave CFLs (a horrid invention btw) most of the credit but I'd say the big part has been devices and appliances just simply becoming more energy efficient over time. Quite frankly I think the solution to tomorrow's energy problems will require a lot of different solutions (call it an all of the above approach, if you will) that will still see uses for coal, natural gas and petroleum but additional sources such as geothermal and perhaps even more localized energy generation. Quite frankly I think it would be great if more office buildings and homes could supply say half of their energy usage which would require less to be sent down the pipes. The tech isn't really there yet.
  3. Not mine but I want to brag for my woman: My fiancee beat Final Fantasy 13. After it was all over (corny dialogue and all) she said something to the tune of "Eff the haters! I enjoyed playing this!"
  4. Time to clean out the wallet and start over. Goodbye two year old homemade Space Invaders duct tape wallet.

  5. That reminds me ... I actually need to play Rorona. Curse you backlog of games!
  6. Let's hope it will be worth the wait. The controller is pretty awesome in and of itself, though.
  7. If it was one of those tables that they had the new releases of paperbacks and stuff or the table with all the little kiosks I'd be insanely jealous. Still, $5 for that table is pretty nice. I'm going to miss Borders.
  8. Great Blu! Fantasia 2000 is highly underrated. On a side note, what's the table you got?
  9. I actually have it on the Gamecube but I wanted the Wii version as well because I'm like that.
  10. And the Professor Layton movie gets an official US release at last. I already have the UK DVD and paid almost nothing so I'm not too upset it took this long.

    1. excel_excel


      Its a decent film alright, but I like the game's storys better

  11. I still find it odd to import from the UK but whatever.
  12. A lot of world history suddenly makes sense. http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE7832KL20110904

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      So, we can safely say that 40% of the population can be on The Jerry Springer Show? I'm okay with that. JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      "so the remaining 60% haven't been diagnosed yet?"

    4. Battra92
  13. Hey, no one's judging you. Also, if I had the money and space I'd buy up a shit-ton of the Borders shelves.
  14. Not bad. They look like they have more padding than the usual Chuck Taylors.
  15. Oh I already own the Japanese DVD and the US DVD. If I could find the Japanese LD I'd get that too for the music video. However, the best Gamera film (in my opinion) is Gamera vs Barugon. I much prefer the original Gamera films.
  16. More retail therapy for me ... I'm going to be too busy to watch most of these but hopefully I'll find time soon.
  17. I'm sure all the ladies will be wearing the latest fashion in footwear ...
  18. My sister's first Zelda game was Wind Waker. She's been a fan ever since. She bought the Skyward Sword bundle as well.
  19. More than likely they will. There will always be some who will never come back, though. Never piss off your main customers - always go after new ones or get your customers to buy two items instead of one.
  20. There's an urban legend that New Coke was a marketing ploy to boost sales of Coca-Cola Classic (which was getting destroyed by Pepsi) because after Coca-Cola Classic was re-introduced it sold in huge numbers. It wasn't a ploy. COKE FUCKED UP BIG TIME! Had Coke kept up the New Coke thing indefinitely the company could very well have gone under.
  21. My very bad taste joke was in relation to bad parents who would give their kids Dimetapp to put them to sleep so they wouldn't have to deal with them. On topic: OH FUCK YEAH!
  22. I'd normally congratulate you but after seeing some horribly behaved kids in Staples playing tag yesterday ... :-P Oh and here's the answer to your trouble:
  23. Thanks. I would've added a good pocketknife but schools are pretty strict about no weapons. I almost got expelled in the 5th grade (we're talking 1990) for having something smaller than the Victorinox on my keychain. As for the Moleskine, even though mine has Pac Man and Space Invaders on it, people seem to like that I take notes at meetings. It makes it look like I'm paying more attention and I'm being a team player or something.
  24. That needs to go on a shirt with an RF modulator. Whomever does that, all I ask is a free shirt.
  25. Son, you're going to need a couple of things: 1.) A Moleskine or other pocket notebook. Seriously, when some chick gives you her number you can write it down in your "little black book." I used to use those made by PIcadilly but with Borders closed, I have no source of them. Staples sells a variant called Markings by C. R. Gibson and they are on sale for $3 this week. It's obvious but the customizations are endless on these things. I recently drew on mine with a silver Sharpie. One word of warning, if you do that seal it with clear nail polish or (like I did) clear Scotch tape. 2.) A good pen. This goes without saying. If you're still using cheap BICs or freebies that will die on you in an hour, it's time to grow up. Real men have good pens. I have a bunch that I could recommend (fountain, gel and ballpoint) but this is personal. 3.) A good backpack that you can make your own. Paratrooper bags or other Army surplus bags work great: 4.) Don't waste your money on a new set of speakers, You get more mileage from a cheap pair of sneakers. That's all I can think about for now. You should be good from there. Obviously you'll also need stuff like general notebooks and pens and protractors but quite frankly you should have that stuff by now.
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