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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. If it has a number pad, it sucks by default. Okay, so I forgot about it and I ended up running out of options anyway. For games designed for it, I think the Gamecube is the best "analog" controller. Its D-pad might as well be one button, though. :/ Interestingly enough the Chinese have made a pirated version of the Classic Controller with a Gamecube plug. It is a must have for the Gameboy Player if you can't find the old Hori pad. Didn't think about the tethering since it never really bothered me much. The cable placement is awkward but never enough to really bother me. At least having the CC tethered keeps it from having a battery bump.
  2. I am very "Eww icons" when it comes to my desktop. I can't understand how people work with desktops covered in icons. Spotlight on Mac FTW (though the Win7 start menu is a runner up, I'm on XP so I can't use it)
  3. Set it and forget it? Unfortunately this is one advantage of consoles that they are losing ground on as they become more media-center driven and more like PCs. Gone are the days when you popped in your cart, turned it on and played some SMB1. Now I boot my PS3 up, choose the correct account and wait for it to boot up and then pop in the game and wait for it to start and load. They do at least have the advantage of knowing that every Wii game will work on every Wii. Of course, on a PC I have to turn my PC on, select my OS, get into Windows, go to Start -> Programs whatever. I used to have to edit custom autoexec.bat files just to play Red Baron. While I learned a lot about DOS and PC hardware trying to get games to run it wasn't my first choice of entertainment. Now I run an install, and select it from the Start Menu. On the other side of things, I think Devs have always seen the PC as a double edged sword. On the one hand there are no console rights to have to pay but on the other, the PC is the most piracy driven platform out there and your competition is a plethora of free or cheap as free games.
  4. I think the big issue is that grippy winged controllers are really made for analog sticks and not for D-Pads. Honestly, I have no idea how people can actually use the PS3 D-Pad for extended periods of time. I find it stiff and annoying. The Nyko PS3 controller I use (the Core Controller) is great for most games but its D-Pad also sucks. Granted, most games today don't use a D-Pad as the primary control so I think game companies look at the D-Pad as an afterthought.
  5. So without a controller you can't play games. What controller in your opinion is the greatest controller of all time? I'm torn on this between the Super Nintendo controller, the Classic Controller (not the pro version with the grips; I haven't used that version) and the Saturn gamepad (not the big one for NiGHTS.) If there can be only one, I'd go with the Classic Controller. Nintendo makes the best D-Pads, hands down. I never liked the Playstation D-Pads despite people insisting they were great. In many ways the grips get in the way of actually using the D-Pad.
  6. You can try and be nice and start a conversation but some people will remain dicks forever.

    1. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      You can take the person out of the conversation but you can't take the dick out of the person.

    2. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      I'm kind of an asshole by default, often dropping some sarcasm, but is it so bad when the person makes it oh so easy?

  7. Weird, we've had rotaries in Albany for decades. Wikipedia shows that one major one in the Capital District going back to 1938. I don't particularly like rotaries as I find most people don't know what to do with them.
  8. People from Canada tend to say Pop. It sounds ridiculous if you ask me. Pop is something a balloon does, or it's your dad. To make matters worse, in Boston it is (was?) tonic. On a sad, related note since Pepsi used to cost the same price as Coke but with double the oz per bottle (12 vs 6) the lower classes would drink it and Coke became a sort of snob item. They would refer to Pepsi as N****r-Cola.
  9. The major deterrent for me is that I rarely boot into Windows. When I'm on my Desktop I'm in Linux 80% of the time. It's one reason that PC gaming doesn't appeal to me as much: Because I'm in Linux all the time.
  10. I just bought Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale and Jamestown via the Steam Sale. Yes, I downloaded Steam. No, I don't expect to buy anything else. Not with this crappy computer anyway. :-P
  11. So we don't have our old PMs anymore? Dang.

    1. deanb


      I'm going to say "We have no idea". You seem to be the only one missing them up to now.

  12. That sounds awkward in American English.
  13. Too bad it didn't come with the previous occupant. And battra just destroys that warm fuzzy feeling of a new home I had going.
  14. Too bad it didn't come with the previous occupant.
  15. Amazon will give you $17 in trade or you can sell it directly through them. There's also eBay and Craigslist. If you really want to get rid of it at all costs, Goodwill, the Salvation Army or your local Library would be glad to gave it.
  16. I'd say then that most PC gamers live in the now as well. Either that or they are digital hoarders. Roms are fine and all but it's not the same. Yep, I'm a nerd who needs to own old systems. And P4, what I meant was that I enjoyed having an NES, SNES, Genesis, Atari 2600, Dreamcast, Saturn, Gamecube, PS2 and PS3 all hooked up to the same TV back when I was living at my parents' house (the Wii was in the living room) That takes up a lot less room than having a 286 around just to play Tank Wars or a 486 around to play Jazz Jackrabbit. I still can't get King's Quest 6 to install with the good graphics version that I used to play on my old version. So sure I could build a HTPC and torrent every ROM out there, get USB adapters to hook up all the appropriate controllers (playing a platformer with a PS3 or 360 controller is masochism at best) and maybe I'd have something but the fun is just not there. Just like I still have shelves of Vinyl instead of gigabytes of pirated music; I'm sentimental for the real original things.
  17. For those who don't get the joke (either being too young or not an American) And yes, I'm old enough to remember this. Not as a new commercial but they played it for years. You know what bugs me about PC gaming? When I need an emulator to run a game on a new system. I can dig out my old NES and pop in a cart from the 80s and it will still work. I have Ataris that still play fine but I don't have the room or desire to keep a 286 around just so I can play an old disc game. I'm sure this is becoming less and less an issue but it's something about PC gaming (and I guess in many ways gaming itself) that is an issue. It's also one of the reasons that online DRM pisses me off so much as someday games could be totally unplayable after the companies stop supporting them.
  18. Favorite Abandonware - GO! Tank Wars for me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AgamemnonV2


      Castle of the Winds

    3. Baconrath


      Machines: Wired for War

    4. Bizzenya


      Castle of the Winds was classic, being able to name your gear was too much fun.

  19. I guess it didn't copy over from the old forum or I never posted it but whatever ... To get my French silent film groove on: and then, just because I need to own every film Buster Keaton was in ... and these movies are actually pretty funny and enjoyable as fluff entertainment. Then for my groomsmen as gifts, I got them each one of these: Yes, I know it's an inexpensive pen but I am supplementing it with another gift.
  20. Let's see this is what I did: Got DOSBox configured under Ubuntu and after some tinkering got Jazz Jackrabbit to work. Unfortunately the controls on my SNES style controller are a bit awkward for Jazz and I can't figure out how to move the buttons around. Then I went out with my groomsmen and got their tuxes measured and ready. We then went to the Asian food market (which sells live frogs in a bucket!) and then to the mall to meet up with my fiancee. Afterward we went out for BBQ and I went back online and my TAY was gone (well moved.)
  21. In the time TAY was gone I played Jazz Jackrabbit in DOSBox. It was much more difficult than it should be.

  22. Well, I'm on the VERY LAST episode of Rose of Versailles and what an anime it's been! I've never had an anime make me want to go read a history book but this one does. Great show, I recommend it.
  23. So the honeymoon spot has been more or less decided. We're looking at London. :D

    1. WTF


      Congratulations :). and cool so you'll be coming down to my homecity. It is a nice city to be a tourist though it's been raining quite a bit lately and it seems like the seasons sped up this year and summer feels like Autumn. But it is a lovely place to visit.

  24. I'm now officially over 1/3rd complete of Kirby: Epic Yarn. Other than the game being extraordinarily easy, it's a lot of fun. I'm sure my sisters will like it when I loan it to them. Oh and my fiancee has been playing Lego Harry Potter like mad lately.
  25. A USB SNES style controller is actually perfect for Recettear. I might have to put more time into the demo.

    1. Connorrrr


      fuck the demo, buy the damn game, it's awesome.

    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      If I could only finish the game. CANNOT PASS THIS WEEK.

    3. Battra92


      When it's not $20 I may buy it.


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