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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Frosted I'm calling his opinion bullshit because he's flat-out blaming the player for the controls not working well for them. I felt that was disrespectful towards Slagathorian and everyone else who dislikes the controls. It's the job of the game developers to make the game enjoyable, not the people playing the game. But it's all right now I learned my lesson well You see you can't please ev'ryone so You got to please yourself Garden Party - Ricky Nelson I had no issues with the controls on Spirit Tracks and I assume PH were similar controls. It's different but different isn't bad. I think the biggest issue is that people look at different and try to do the old style and have a hard time adjusting to the new scheme as well as unlearning old skills. There's also no crime in liking or disliking something. Nintendo tried something and it worked for a great number of people but not everyone. Them's the brakes.
  2. I really don't know why Nintendo is getting really crappy with the names. I guess they always have been (SNES sequels were all Super this or that and N64 games were all 64 this or that. ) On a side note, I'm 33% of the way through Epic Yarn (I'm going back and replaying levels to get all items) so I'm pretty happy with the game so far. My only complaint is it's a little on the easy side but then the whole thing has the feel of a "kids' game."
  3. In-Laws' definition of compromise: They get everything they want and you get nothing you want.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Battra92


      Yant: My compromise is I only have to put up with them for a couple more years before they "retire" at the old age of 55 and move south. Goh: Good point although I'm sure they are glad to be rid of her (they are the two most selfish human beings on the planet)

    3. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Have angry sex while picturing the mother in law... Work out that frustration... Just don't get the names mixed up your missus won't appreciate it. :D

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      You're marrying their daughter, not them. \ :

  4. I've owned a PSP since September and this morning was the first time I put videos on it. You know, it's really not all that bad. I think I've found a new lunchtime activity.

    1. Slagathorian


      I just hate converting them, but other than that, its a pretty wicked thing.

    2. Battra92


      WinFF on Ubuntu made it pretty easy as it was a preset. I wonder why Sony didn't just have plain old Divx/Xvid.

  5. I think that peanut butter should be eaten straight without the contaminating jelly or jam.
  6. Bought this for my fiancee to replace her 3 year old horrifyingly bad Acer. Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E520 11433BU Intel Core i3-2310M 4GB RAM 320GB (7200rpm) HDD DVD Super Multi Drive Windows 7 Pro 64-bit FedEx says it should be at my parents' house today. I'll most likely pick it up Saturday.
  7. I broke down and picked up one of these: For $10 it can't be that bad. I almost bought an adapter but my SNES pads are almost all trashed and replaced with new Chinese crap ones anyway. SNES pads just weren't as durable as their NES counterparts, I guess. I'm thinking, besides the obvious emulation options, of playing through the Reccetear demo using it. Besides, it's probably the closest I'll get to my old favorite PC controller: the Gravis Gamepad. Any game suggestions that can be played with this?
  8. I'm not sure a recent purchase goes under gaming or OT. What do?

    1. deanb


      Battra, trust your feelings. (Just post it in either, if it's wrong a mod will move it)

    2. Battra92


      I did a barrel roll and everything turned out fine.

  9. Not to be confused with Preserves or Marmalade. Preserves: Fruit cooked with sugar to protect against decay or fermentation. Marmalade: Fruit preserve made from the juice and peel of citrus fruits, boiled with sugar and water. And to add to it: A Fruit Butter refers to a process where the whole fruit is forced through a sieve or blended after the heating process (i.e. apple butter)
  10. Irony: Buying from Amazon while working for one of their competitors. Its hard NOT to buy from Amazon when their prices are so fantastic, yet its extremely hard to buy from Borders when at least a 30% coupon is necessary to get an average price. Well Borders Customer Service trashed my online account (I haven't been able to login for weeks and they claim everything is hunky dory) so I haven't bought anything from them since. Too bad as they've had some nice coupons. I think they are having website issues and they can't afford to hire a developer to fix it so they just pretend it doesn't exist.
  11. Might have to check it out when my backlog is smaller and its price goes below $30.
  12. Irony: Buying from Amazon while working for one of their competitors.
  13. <3 I'm assuming Ar Tonelico is good. I have considered picking it up but I have Neptunia to finish and Atelier Rorona to start. o_O
  14. I love how my in-laws to be don't seem to think I know what I'm doing when it comes to computers. Yeah, the IT guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Okay.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Battra92


      I wouldn't wish an Acer on my worst enemy. I think their parts supplier is the dumpster out behind Dell.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Acer blows monkey chunks.

    4. Enervation


      Buy them a $50 netbook.


      That's what I do for my relatives when they mock me. And then they have the gall to ask me for help with their iWhatevers...


      Well. Not my things. :D

  15. Blu Ray sales aplenty this week. $15 on Amazon or at Target stores. Yeah, like I'm saying no to that! :-P I feel bad for those who paid $70 ... Best Buy had this for $17.99 and there's a printable coupon floating around that gave me another $5 off.
  16. Tempted to get this for the woman of the house: http://tinyurl.com/5sfvyug

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why not go for a netbook? To me netbooks have killed any want I could have for a laptop. It does all the same things but it doesn't make poor attempts at gaming like some laptops do, they're more portable, have great battery life, and they're cheaper.

    3. Battra92


      I'm not a big fan of netbooks for all situations. Besides, this needs to be a desktop replacement for her and a netbook just won't cut it.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      What does it do that a netbook cannot?

  17. I can add Gunstar Super Heroes. The game got super cheap at the end but with enough continues I finally beat it today. What's sad is I have a half dozen games on my "almost complete" list but I never seem to get around to finishing.
  18. $1 at a yard sale. I was actually thinking of buying this from the PSN if it went on sale to play it on the PSP but I guess with the disc now I may as well play it on the PS3 or PS2. All the other games they had were some variation of Madden or other EA sports games. BO-Ring!
  19. Today's garage sale find: PS1 version of Grandia. Cost: $1. Win or no win?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VicariousShaner
    3. Battra92


      I almost bought Age of Empires 3 for $3 but it was missing a disc. I suppose I could've torrented the disc since I had a legit code but still...

    4. CrowKnow


      Wasn't Aoe3 like 10 cents? when gfwl updated or something?

  20. Newegg has an LG BD Burner for $85 with 5 free BD-Rs. Tempting but I really want to wait until they hit $50 or less

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Do you really need to burn blu-rays? I don't see the point really. HDDs are cheap as fuck.

  21. I don't want to have to make a special bootdisk with a custom written autoexec.bat and config.sys JUST to play Red Baron for corn's sake! This message brought to you by the year 1993.
  22. The DS shell replacement and repair project is a half success. I wasn't able to fix the bottom LCD issues (changes color when you touch the screen) or get the right speaker to work but I did fix the hinge and the case is now complete. I'm only out $15 so if you want a semi-working DS, PM me. :D

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why didn't you just replace the screen?

    2. Battra92


      I thought it was the ribbon cable as the screen appeared fine at first glance. Plus I didn't want to buy more parts. It's just buying myself a job.

  23. Damn, my local Target clearance this week had nothing good. Guess I'll just keep looking.
  24. And well, Last Specter got a showing at E3 but not date (just by the end of the year) Here's hoping that they are working on the 3DS one as well. Getting the Phoenix Wright crossover would be a little tricky I'm sure as outside of Japan Nintendo is thrown into the mix and whatever contract they have with Level 5 for Layton would have to fit in there with Capcom.
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