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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Epic Yarn is great and all (and I'm glad I only paid $20 for it) but I may have to preorder this one. Supposedly it's the canned Gamecube game which I guess can be a good thing or a bad thing. It looks hella fun, though especially the 4-player NSMBWii style multiplayer.
  2. I think I'm going to save up all the money from selling other games and stuff for a 3DS. I will then only spend it when there are three games that I feel are worth buying. In other words, I'm in no hurry.

  3. Or in my case, I update BIOS, change video cards, tweak drivers and run installs / patch updates from 8-5 every day. When I get home I'd like to just put in the disc and have Mario come on the screen. My brother has a 4GB Sansa Clip he got on Woot for $25. I actually find that easier to use than an iPod but I get your point. :-) I think Madden not being on PC also shows that there are certain demographics to gaming. Certain types of people will play console games and others will play PC games. On a side note, I'm still looking at a budget on upgrading my PC so I'm certainly not anti-PC, I just lean more console for my personal choice.
  4. This is the numero-uno reason I prefer console gaming over PC gaming. PC Gaming: vs sitting on the comfy couch or in a recliner, or cuddling with the fiancee while I play some games. The keyboard/mouse combo doesn't work for either of those and for games that I can play with a controller on, I'd rather skip the hassle and play on the PS3/360. Also, the best Wii titles are exclusively on the Wii so I have to play them there.
  5. Battra92


    There are no CD keys on Snow Leopard so I'd try someone else's disc (or get it through other methods) I find OS X to be a great operating system (it is Unix/BSD after all) but most of the super new features have been available in Linux for years. I wish some of the people who clean up OSX so well I also highly doubt Mac will give up on the market for things like Final Cut Pro. Professionals are chained to Macs for a reason. Of course, with Hackintoshes becoming more and more common I have to wonder when the Apple Tax will erode.
  6. Does anyone here know what a DS Lite gets in TIV? I'm debating on trading in vs selling the DS I picked up cheap at a garage sale a couple weeks ago.

    1. BrainHurtBoy...2


      It's selling used for about 100-120, so maybe as much as 40 or 50?

    2. Baconrath


      Give it to Baconrath?


      I keed I keed...

    3. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      I think it's around $25 at Gamestop

  7. So new Kirby on Wii, more Layton on the DS and a few games to look forward to for when I do get a 3DS in a year or two. I'm happy, Nintendo.

  8. I think Ubisoft is just trolling fans. If they really wanted Beyond Good & Evil 2 it'd be out by now.

  9. Thanks for the PSP games, Sony. Now I have to buy a larger Memory Card. *goes to check Newegg and Amazon for deals*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Upgrading my PS3's HDD is something I've been putting off for far too long. I've been struggling with about 10 GBs of space for the past year. I basically had to delete something whenever I installed something larger than 1GB. Now with Wipeout HD, Dead Nation and LBP, I'm down to less than 5GB free and I'm running out of stuff I can delete :(


      I need to get me a 300+ GBs and I need it yesterday

    3. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I just upgraded my PS3 HDD. Word of advice. DO NOT USE A SCREWDRIVER ON THE HDD CASING. Get yourself a pair of needle nose pliers.

    4. madbassman39


      Mister Jack. I wish I read this three weeks ago... I stripped my screws and tried to go to geek squad to remove them. They couldn't even understand my question, so I went home tried the pliers and miraculously got it out

  10. Quite frankly I didn't know what I wanted when I played Wind Waker. What I played was a masterpiece. Haters will always hate it but that doesn't stop me from loving it.
  11. So Canadian Postal Workers are on strike. Good thing I haven't ordered anything from Canadia lately.,

    1. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      It only covers one city a day.

    2. Battra92


      Enough for Amazon to give me an alert about it (I sell stuff on there)

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I'm sure some ass would have complained and attempted to sue them if they hadn't.

  12. I watched The Eternal Diva tonight and while I know it's not saying much but it's probably the best video game movie I've ever seen. Though Mewtwo Strikes Back (the Japanese version) was totally radical as well. My fiancee didn't care for it as much as I did but then she didn't finish all three games like I did. It kind of makes me want to go back and replay the original trilogy. On a side note, I'm a bit pissed that The Last Specter hasn't been released in America and yet the 3DS game is already said to be coming out at the end of the year.
  13. Dee has Retro consoles out and on display, therefore Dee wins the thread. On a side note I really need to get my gaming area(s) sorted out and cleaned up and then take some pictures. Maybe I'll do that this weekend.
  14. I really want to upgrade my PC. I should be able to get something decent for $500 using some of the parts I have, right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Battra92


      You got a PM. :-) Basically I think I can salvage my DVD Burner, multi-card reader and 500W PSU.

    3. deanb


      Never salvage a PSU.

    4. Battra92


      I should add, I don't need a super gaming system. My primary way of beating up my PC is encoding video. Having a Hackintosh would be nice too. :D

  15. I suppose I should download the demo sometime. $7 isn't bad but knowing me I'd want to burn it to a disc with a nice LightScribe Label and have a DVD case for it. Yep, I'm one of those guys. I like a lot of different genres so it's hard to say. In the last year or so I've been playing a few platformers a few JRPGs and a couple of action type games (Bayonetta, Metroid Other M, Mario Galaxy 2 etc) I'm not against PC gaming per se, just that the games I want to play tend to come out on consoles. Either way, I do need to upgrade my PC. I just wish there was a reason beyond video encoding to do it.
  16. It should be obvious but it's just my opinion. I've looked at a lot of the hyped PC games and just wasn't interested. EDIT: Okay, I take it back. I sort of want to play Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale but I have a hard time forking over a Jackson for a game with no disc, manual or box.
  17. Just the other day I came across my receipt for my current PC. I spent almost $800 three years ago. In order to play any new PC games (outside of the obvious flash based stuff.) pretty much nil. I'd have to drop another couple hundred just to play some games. Emulation is pretty good on it, though. When I do upgrade my PC, the inevitable upgrade will be more at encoding video and maybe for playing BDs over games. I have a PS3/360 and Wii. There is literally nothing on the PC that I have missed out on in the last five years. I saw the cutscenes to Starcraft 2 and quite frankly, that was enough. It's not 1999 and I'm not 17. I just don't have that kind of free time to sink into a game where matches can go on for hours.
  18. I just picked up the film from Amazon.co.uk (sadly the BD is region locked so I got the DVD) so I can't really let you know until after I watch it. It looks fun, though.
  19. So Otomedius has an LE set now, eh? Yeah, I don't need to spend $20 on a pillowcase, CD and artbook. Still can't wait for a reason to use my 360 again, though.

    1. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I'd like to know what the pillowcase looks like.

    2. Battra92


      I'm guessing the blue haired chick with the big knockers.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      It looks like they spent ten minutes on her body and five seconds on her face.

  20. I say that people need to watch Hartnel but you don't have to start there. I still think the original Dalek serial is the best. It's so creepy/cool in Black and White. My mom claims I watched the Tom Baker episodes on PBS as a kid but I don't remember it. Jon Pertwee is excellent to watch and is perhaps the most fun of all the Doctors. At least in my opinion.
  21. So my fiancee isn't the only one who played 13 more than once.
  22. That was me. Supposedly this is the game started on the Gamecube and then ported to the Wii. I'll definitely buy the new Kirby game. Hopefully it doesn't have gimmicky shake controls and will let you use the Classic Controller. Yarn would be a lot more comfortable to play if I could use the CC.
  23. The portable games were pretty good (the ones I played anyway) but I was disappointed that the first GBA one was just Kirby's Adventure. Supposedly Starfy is good if you like Kirby games but I've never played any of those.
  24. Pretty much every version of the Doctor has had a run-in with the Daleks so it might be time to give them a rest. There are plenty of classic Who villains that could be brought back. I know I'm in the EXTREME minority but I'd like to simply see the Doctor visit various times and meet famous people without monsters, ghosts or aliens. I mean, the first voyage was to some Cavemen for crying out loud.
  25. So I just started in on Kirby: Epic Yarn (thank you $20 sale at Target) and while it's not the classic Kirby I was expecting, I'm really liking the game. It's not the classic Kirby but it's fun and new. So what are your favorite Kirby games? Any Kirby memories to share? My favorite Kirby game was Kirby's Adventure for the NES. It was one of the very few NES games I am the only owner of (Kay-Bee had it on clearance when the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation were out and in vogue.) I list it in my top five NES games of all time and it's a shame that programmers weren't able to pull that kind of power on more NES games.
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